


  good morning ladies and gentlemen. today i’m very glad to be here with you to share my stories and opinions about reading. i love reading from the bottom of my heart. and i do learn a lot from books. i know the wonderful stories of great heroes in history, secrets of nature, mysteries of ufo and our universe. to me , books are like a faithful friend, always around me , giving me enjoyment and wisdom. i remember when i was in primary school, ten or eleven years old, my father borrowed some books from the library in his school. those were among the greatest works of the world, including abrabian nights、the legend of deification, journey to the west, and the romance of the three kingdoms. these books were all written in

  ancient chinese characters but i tried to read the heavy books and were deeply attracted. from then on, i spared every minute to read whatever i could get. whenever i got a new book, i kept reading until i finished it despite time and place. i read books even in class or just a few minutes before the exams. in my mind, there is always an unforgettable scene: lying in bed, nervous but excited, my friend and i read a book together in the weak light of a flashlight , with a quilt on us, in order not to be blamed by parents. all my classmates thought i was crazy and gave me a nickname “bookworm”. so you can understand why i got my eyes shortsighted.

  till now, i still like reading as i used to. and i’m very

  today we live in a world of prosperity. never before have we

  faced so many temptation from the outside world. never before have we had so many chances to enjoy our lives. we drive rather than walking; we go online to chat with people we’ve never met before instead of talking to friends around us. but there’s always something that cannot be replaced and forgotten., such as books. so i will allow myself to continue the journey in the ocean of books until the very end of my life.

  finally, i’d like to end my speech with a great philosopher, writer and thinker, francis bacon’s famous saying: reading makes a full man. studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.thank you very much.


  我记得当我在小学,10或11岁的时候,我父亲在他借用了学校图书馆的书籍。这些都是在世界最伟大的作品,包括abrabian夜,在神化,传说西方之旅,和三国演义。这些书都是写在古老的汉字,但我试图读出沉重的书籍,被深深吸引。从此,我每分钟的时间读完不遗余力我能得到什么。每当我得到一本新书,我一直在读书,直到我完成了,尽管它的时间和地点。甚至在课堂上我读到或只是在考试前几分钟的书籍。在我心目中,始终有一个令人难忘的一幕:在床上,紧张而兴奋,我的朋友说谎,我读了书一起在手电筒微弱的光与我们的被子上,为了不被父母责备。我所有的同学以为我疯了,给了我一个绰号“书呆子”。所以你可以理解为什么我得到了我的眼睛近视。直到现在,我仍然喜欢读书,因为我习惯了。 ,我很高兴地看到,我十年岁的儿子和我一样喜欢阅读。我给他买了很多书。每当你走进我家来,你可以找到的每一个角落的书籍。但我儿子的地方,我最喜欢阅读的厕所。因此,它常常发




