Internship Certificate
This is to certify that , a student from University, Grade with his major in , has been interning in Co., Ltd. as the Market Investigator from January 15th to February 23rd . His main responsibility was to take charge in the marketing investigation, assist in analyzing the information and write the final report for the market investigation.
During his internship period, was conscientious with his work. When he met with questions, he would consult with the senior staff modestly and accept their advice with an open mind. Moreover, he could apply the knowledge that he has learned at school to his specific work, managing to complete the tasks with high quality. Meanwhile, he complied with the rules and regulations of our company, showed high respect to our staff and got along well with his colleagues, thus won favorable appraisals from them.
Hereby certified!
Co., Ltd. March 4th,
兹有 卍卍卍卍大学 x级卍卍卍专业 卍卍卍卍 同学于X年01月15日至X年2月23日在卍卍卍卍有限公司卍卍卍营业部实习。该同学的实习职位是市场调研员,主要参与和负责我公司市场调研工作,以及协助分析撰写分析报告评语。
(实习单位盖章) X年3月4日