1. 有效护照。护照有效期必须比你计划在美停留时间至少长出六个月。 2. 旧护照:含有以前赴美签证的护照,包括已失效的护照。 3. 缴费收据
a) I-901 SEVIS缴费收据:
$200美元,网上用信用卡缴费,网址http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/(英文) 需要的信息:I-20表,护照等,填完表交完费后,打印出缴费收据,带去签证。 b) 中信银行缴纳签证费用的收据: 您可以在中信银行交纳签证申请费。
请注意此费用不退费,其收据原件的有效期为一年。签证时带上收据(两联都带上)。 4. 填写好的表
a) 在线填写160表并打印出来。
b) 学校寄来的I-20表(需要父母一方及学生本人签字) 5. 美国学校寄来的录取通知书 6. 现在中国学校盖过章的成绩单
7. 资金证明及在中国有牢固约束力的证明 a) 父母的年(或月)收入证明(英文): 父母的纳税单, 或者
单位开具的父母的月收入证明,加盖单位公章。 例如:特此证明XX同志为我单位正式职工,年收入为XX
b) 银行存款证明:
c) 银行存款证明相对应的存折或存单原件。 d)房产证明:
房产证原件及购房合同(最好显示购买金额)。如果房子漂亮可以附上房子的照片。 e) 汽车证明: 购车发票、行驶证等 f) 户口本:
列有父母子女姓名及关系的。 g) 全家福照片:
全家的近期照片,可以包括爷爷奶奶外公外婆等。如果房子漂亮还可以带上在房前的合影或个人照片。如果有出国旅游,也可以带上在国外的留念照片。如果家庭有企业的,也可以带上学生在公司的照片。 8. 本人身份证及复印件,注意核对身份证号码跟护照上的身份证号码相符。 9. 本人照片
于6个月内拍摄的2英寸X 2英寸见方白色背景的彩色正面照。带上两三张。 10. 美国学校的简介
11. 如果有相关的英语考试成绩,如托福、SSAT、SAT等,也可以带上。 12. 可以带上自己获得的重要奖状及其他荣誉证明。
13. 详细签证信息可以登陆美国住中国使馆的网站查询,查询赴美签证à非移民签证à学生签证: 10:你家族企业、幸福全家照、别墅、亲戚朋友等一切让你有回国的牵挂的照片
1. Valid Passport: If your passport will expire less than 6 months from your planned arrival in the United States, or is damaged, or you do not have a page for a visa, please get a new passport before your interview.
2. One Photograph: Two inches square color photograph, less than 6 months old, against a white background, full frontal view. The photo should be glued to the printed English DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application Form comfirmation page. Click for more information on photo requirements.
3. Original Bank Receipt for Application Fee: The 904 RMB (effective Thursday, July 24, 2008) application fee may be paid at any CITIC Bank branch in China. 4. Completed Visa Application Forms: DS-160.
5. Completed SEVIS Form: I-20A-B (for F1 students) or Form I-20M-N (for M-1 students) properly completed and signed by both the Designated School Official (DSO) and the applicant. Name on form must exactly match the name in your passport and has been entered into the SEVIS system by the U.S. academic institution. Click for more information on SEVIS.
6. SEVIS Fee Receipt: Most J, F, and M applicants must now pay a SEVIS fee. Please bring an electronic receipt or I-797 receipt to your interview. Click for information on how to pay the SEVIS fee.
7. Proof of Ties to China: Proof of economic, social, family, or other commitments that will help demonstrate your intent to return to China after a temporary stay in the U.S.
8. Proof of Finances: Proof that you can support yourself during your entire stay in the U.S. without working.
9. Research/Study Plan: Detailed information about your planned studies or research in the U.S. including the name and e-mail address of your advising professor and/or the head of your department in the U.S.
10. Resume/CV: Detailed information about your past academic and professional experience, including a complete list of all publications to which you have contributed.
11. Official Transcripts of Returning Students: Student visa applicants returning to schools in the U.S. should submit their official transcripts of their coursework with their applications. 12. Advisor Biography: Graduate students who have already been assigned an advising professor at their U.S. university should bring a copy of the advisor's biography, CV or webpage. The above items should not be considered an exhaustive list and presentation of these documents does not guarantee visa issuance. Be prepared to explain to the visa officer and present evidence regarding why you are going to the US and why you will return to China.
[英语能力]: 在面谈时,签证官会对您英语的听说能力进行评估,以确定与I-20表的描述是否一致。拒绝用英语陈述将会使签证官对您赴美学习这一目的的唯一性产生怀疑。如果您的I-20上注明您将在学校接受语言培训,您不需要讲得很流利。但总的来说,成功的学生在到达美国之前已经开始着手提高英语水平。