
文学翻译unit 4《翻译方法:英汉习语的翻译技巧》

2021-01-19 来源:步旅网
第二部分 翻译方法



习语是语言中的精华,是人们在日积月累的社会生活中提炼出来的表达思想的方式,是一种文化沉淀。从广义上说它包括成语(idioms)、短语(set phrases)、谚语(proverbs)、格言(sayings)、警句(epigrams)、名言录(quotations)、典故(allusions)、俚语(slangs)、歇后语(two-part sayings)、俗语(colloquialisms)。英汉习语所反映的文化差异体现在自然环境的差异、风俗习惯的差异、宗教信仰的差异和历史文化背景的差异四个方面: 1、自然环境的差异

英国是一岛国,航海捕鱼是英国人生活中非常重要的组成部分,因此,英语中有很大一部分习语源于航海事业或与水有关。比如:to fish in troubled waters‖(浑水摸鱼);―to sink or swim‖(不论成败);―still waters run deep‖(大智若愚);―to keep one‘s head above water‖(奋力图存)。中国在亚洲大陆上,自古以来以农业为主,因此,习语中有很大一部分是农谚。 比如:揠苗助长、瓜熟蒂落、五九六九河边看柳,七九八九耕牛遍地走 、瑞雪兆丰年 2、风俗习惯的差异

英汉两个民族在社会风俗、生活习惯等方面存在着很大差异,表现在人们对同一事物的理解也是天壤之别。众所周知,西方人尤其是英美人对狗偏爱有加,把它视做人的伴侣和爱物,习语中含有―狗‖的褒义用法比比皆是。 比如,英文里有―top dog‖(重要人物);―lucky dog‖(幸运儿);―Every dog has its day‖(凡人皆有得意日) ;中文里却是狗仗人势、狗急跳墙、狗嘴吐不出象牙、狗腿子等等。 3、宗教信仰的差异

中国信仰佛教和道教,所以有借花献佛、菩萨心肠、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚,等与佛教有关的习语;英美等过信仰基督教,所以有―as poor as the church mouse‖, ―God helps those who help themselves‖(自助者,天助之), ―Every man for himself, and God for us all‖(人人为自己,上帝为大家)之说。 4、历史文化背景的差异

语言在历史发展的过程中产生和发展,而中国和英国的社会历史文化背景差异很大,这就决定了在不同的历史发展过程中形成的习语中的词语的不同的文化意蕴。例如,诸葛亮是三国时期著名的军师,后人将之看成智慧的化身,所以汉语有―三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮‖,―只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯‖等说法。同样在英语习语中也有许多在历史发展过程中形成的文化意蕴鲜明的习语,比如―meet one‘s Waterloo‖, ― Homer sometimes nods‖,―the heel of Achilles (希腊神话故事),talk of the devil and he is sure to appear(源于《圣经》),What‘s done is done. 事情干了就算了(源于Shakespeare),A dog in the manger(源于《伊索寓言》)。 二、习语翻译中如何保证文化信息传递的有效度 1.保留原形象,以直译和异化为主

1)Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. 俗话说,衣柜里面藏骷髅,见不得人的事家家有。


Man proposes, heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know.


We will pay them back for the trick they played on us. 4)―君子动口不动手!‖阿Q歪着头说。(《阿Q正传》)

―A gentleman uses his tongue but not his hands!‖ protested Ah Q, his head on one side. (杨宪益译)



No one knew of these transactions apart from his youngest son and the few people who had

handled them, nor was he going to mention the matter to anyone else. He was like the dumb eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.


As the old Chinese sayings go, ―When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem,‖ and ―when water flows, a channel is formed.‖

7)宝玉笑道:―我就是个‗多愁多病的身‘,你就是那 ‗倾国倾城的貌‘。‖(《红楼梦》)

―I‘m the one ‗sick with longing‘‖ he joked. ―And yours is the beauty which caused ‗cities and kingdoms to fall.‘‖ 2.转换形象,使之归化


1)这时委员忽然打发人来叫他,他觉得这正是个一举两得的机会,一来能给李如珍赔个人情,二来能高攀一下委员。 (赵树理,《李家庄的变迁》)

Now this unexpected summons seemed an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: first he could apologize to Li, and secondly he could see the official. (杨宪益译) 2)―木已成舟罢!好在这个弟子会读书。‖ (李六如,《六十年变迁》)

―What‘s been done can‘t be undone! It‘s a good thing though, this boy studies well.‖

3)今既入了这园,再遇湘云,香菱、芳、蕊一干女子,所谓―人以类聚,物以群分 ‖,二语不

错。 (《红楼梦》)

Coming here now and meeting Hsiang-yun, Hsiang-ling, Fang-kuan, Jui-kuan and the other girls, it was a genuine case ―like attracts like‖ or ―birds of a feather flock together.‖


He had become so used to setting traps for peasants all these years that it came as rather a shock to him to find he had walked into a snare himself. 3.放弃原形象意译,达到功能对等



His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight. 2)方案一公布,大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了。

Publication of the draft plan touched off a lively discussion, with everybody eager to put in a word.


And these rules, unlike those we have today, do not change all the time 4)…….后来出嫁了,两个人还藕断丝连,这只能怪包办婚姻,不能怪她。(周立波,《山乡巨变》)

…and after she was married they still kept it up. The arranged marriage was the cause of this; she can‘t be blamed.



―And if we‘re now going to have a check spinning, it‘ll only mean that we‘ll be busier than ever for a spell and then after a few days things will be back to what they were before.‖ 三、英汉习语的翻译方法



1. 平铺直叙型:既无很深的含义,也无难解的典故,只是用词与搭配相对的固定。对这类习语,直接照字面意义翻译就是,因而困难不大。例如: lay sth to heart 把某事放在心上

last but not least 最后但不是最不重要的一点 laugh in sb‘s face 当面嘲笑

A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始才能善终。

2. 比喻典故型: 有相当的比喻意义,其中不少有着一定的历史或神话典故。这类习语中,有些习语的比喻意义是两种文化都能共同接受的。比如说,可以找到字面意义和形象意义相同或相似,隐含意义也相同的表达方法。也就是说,此类习语字面意义和形象意义传达出了相同的文化信息,因而可以相互转换。 比如as busy as bee();as black as crow();He who laughs last laughs best();汉语习语有:空中楼阁()、杀鸡取卵()、一箭双雕()、正中下怀()、开绿灯()等等。不过随着跨文化交际的深入发展,很多带有异族文化特征的比喻意义已广泛被人们所接受。比如:shed crocodile tears,armed to teeth,Pandora‘s box,a Judas kiss,New wine in old bottles,这些词的意思大家都已经相当熟悉了。

此外,有些即使是无法找到比喻相同和对等的习语,却可以找到许多形异却意同的对等习语,所以翻译时我们也可采用。比如:to spring up like mushroom(),to tread upon eggs(),as thin as a shadow(),to fish in the air(),小题大做(),洗心革面(),大发雷霆(),过河拆桥()等等。但是同义习语套用是有条件的,不能在任何情况下都使用,因为―一组对应的中文和英文成语即使意义相近或形式相似,二者的确切涵义和感情色彩也多有细微甚至是很大的差别,故而不可随便借用‖(徐式谷,1986)。比如―even a worm will turn‖就不能简单地翻译成―狗急跳墙‖它的原意本是―如被欺负过甚,即使最温顺的弱者也会反抗。‖,所以建议译为:逼人如绝境,虫子也拼命。这样的例子还有:Pull sb‘s leg 经常被误译为拉后腿,其实应译为“愚弄某人,开某人的玩笑”;“move heaven and earth‖经常被误译为翻天覆地,其实真正的意思是“想法设法,千方百计”;而“Dog-eat-dog”常被人认为是“狗咬狗”,其实应是“残酷争夺,人吃人的关系”。还比如,包含本民族具体人名、地名和历史神话典故的习语就不能随意拿来套译。比方说“Give somebody an inch and he will take an ell”就最好译为“得寸进尺”而不要译为“得陇望蜀”,不然国人一看,还译为国外人也有个“蜀国”呢!同样“a blessing in disguise”也应译为“福祸互为因果”而不是“塞翁失马焉知非福”,还有我国的成语“口蜜腹箭”最好译成“ with honey on one‘s lips and murder in one‘s heart”而不要译为“Judas‘ kiss”。还有以下这句“日本曹长心里像有十五个吊桶打水,七上八下地不安宁。”(冯志,《敌后武工队》)有的人把它译为“It was as if the sword of Damocles hung over the Japanese sergeant.”,用“the sword of Damocles”含有历史人名的习语来套译,显然不合适。

而有一些习语的比喻意义由于双方的文化差异使得双方都不能相互理解的。对于这部分习语的翻译,我们可以避开其字面意义,直接译出它们的比喻意义。比如英文里有句习语是这样的: ―to teach one‘s grandmother to suck eggs‖,如果直译为―教老祖母吮吸鸡蛋‖,中国人是怎么也想不明白的,所以最好译出其比喻意义:―居然敢教训你的老前辈‖。再比如,中国有句成语叫―望子成龙‖不能直译为―hope one‘s child will become a dragon‖,只能意译为― hope one‘s children will have a bright future have great ambitions for one‘s child。‖ 这样的例子还很多,比如“塞翁失马焉知非福”,如果直译为“when the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise?‖,势必让西方人难以明白,所以不如译为“A loss may turn out to be a gain.”反而更好。“庆父不死鲁难未已”也不宜译为“Until Qing Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over.‖,最好译为“There will always be trouble until the trouble-maker is removed”; “此地无银三百两”也不宜译为―No 300 taels of silver buried here‖,如果译为“A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence”显然更能够准确地传达原意。 四、翻译中汉语四字格和英语习语的使用




1)原文:The mayor of Toledo said in 1932: ―I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged, hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation.(W. Manchester, The Glory and the Dream)



2)原文:To Henry Kissinger, for whose wise counsel and dedicated services for beyond the call of

duty I shall always remain grateful.

From his friend, Richard Nixon




译文二: 赠言亨利·基辛格:

善进良策 献身尔职 逾于所司 永志不渝


但是翻译四字格时也要注意感情色彩和风格特色,比如― The girls were all smiles on hearing the good news.‖如果翻译成―姑娘们听到这个好消息都满脸堆笑。‖的话就破坏了原文的情感意义,满脸堆笑显然是个贬义词;如果译成―眉开眼笑‖呢,似乎也不妥,最好是译成―听到这个好消息,姑娘们各个笑逐颜开。‖让我们看看另外一个例子:―Louisa (a peasant girl): As you have come to my home, I feel greatly honoured.‖如果生硬的译为―大驾光临,不胜荣幸!‖显然不行,因为一个农村姑娘是说不出这种话的,所以应该译为: ―您来我家,我真是太高兴了!‖



Aging and a prey to poverty and ill health, he began to look like a man with one foot in the grave. 2)谁知这拐子又走不脱,两家拿住,打了个半死。(第四回)

Before he could get away with this, they nabbed him and beat him within an inch of his life. 3)鲁侍萍:就是他!他现在跟你完完全全是两样的人。(《雷雨》)

MA: He certainly is! Only he and you are poles apart.



My classmates and teachers thought there was something wrong with me, that I was off my head. They came to our place to talk me round, steer me back on to the ―right track‖ – get me to crack the standard textbooks. But I stuck to my guns.

