

2020-10-27 来源:步旅网

Warranty ofnon-use of Environment-related Substances

立保證書人(以下稱「本公司」)茲此聲明及保證自下頁所載立本保證書日起所有交付予 : XXX有限公司(以下稱「XXX」)之產品,包括但不限於零元件或產品所使用到的所有原物料, 包裝材,設計、生產及重工過程中所使用的所有原物料(以下統稱「產品」),皆符合相關環保法 令規定及要求,包括但不限於下列(1)-(6)項規範及要求,且針對日本產品需要遵守第(7)項指 令,針對挪威產品需要遵守第(8)項指令,針對索尼產品需要遵守第 (9)、( 10)項等要求:

We, the un dersig ned corpa ny (here in after Compa ny ”)hereby represe nt and warra nt that starti ngfromtheDateasme ntio nedbelow,all productsdeliveredtoAver Visio n In (Co., Ltd.(herei nafter

AVI ” ),including buWithout limitation to components and all materials of the products, packaging materials, and all materials used in desig n, manu facturi ng and rework ing processes (here in after “ ProductmplyWcththeapplicablee nviro nmen tlaws, regulatio ns, rules, and requireme nts,i ncludi ngbutwithoutlimitatio ntothefollowi ngcriteriaa nd requireme nts(1)-

(6) ,a ndforJapa nproducts needtocomplywiththerequireme ntsofsubsectio n(7), forNorwayproducts needtocomplywithsubsectio n(8),fors ony products needtocomplywith subsect ion (9) and (10):

(1) 符合歐盟 2011/65/EURoHS2.°指令 Complywith 2011/65/EURoHS2.0directive

(2) 符合歐盟2002/96/EC廢棄電機電子設備指令 (WEEE)Complywith2002/96/EC directive


(3) 符合歐盟 94/62/EC 包裝材料指令 Comply with 94/62/EC directive (4) 符合歐盟 2006/122/EC 全氟辛硫磺酸指令 Comply with 2006/122/EC

Perfluoroocata ne sulfo nates (PFOS) directive

(5) 符合無鹵素要求 ComplywithHalogenfree,Concentrationlessthan900ppmin

Bromine or Chlorine, the sum less than 1500ppm

(6) 符合 REACH!新公告的高度關注物質要求 ComplywiththelatestSVHCannouneed by REACH (7) 符合日本 JGPSSI最新版要求 Comply with JGPSSI(the latest version) (8) 符合挪威 PoHS指令 Comply with Norway PoHS directive

(9) 符合 SONYSS-00259最新版本)ComplywithS0NYSS-00259(thelatestversion) (10) 符 合 SONY PQ-2027-OEI要求 Comply with SONY PQ-2027-OEM 本公司應提交勃昌所要求之環境管理物質不使用證明檔及



Company shall submit any document in relation to non-use of environment substances certificates an d/or en vir onment related in formatio n upon request by AVI. Compa ny further warra nts thatallco nten tsi n the ngtestreportsprovided

toAVIarecompletelyreala ndaccurate .In additio n, Compa nyassuresthereis no fakeoromissio n.

en viro nmen taldeclarati onsan dcorresp on di

本公司願接受並積極配合勃昌不定期稽核、抽檢,當產品之材料規格、零元件、設計、制 程技術、生產線、工廠廠址等變更時,本公司同意主動告知勃昌並立即提供新版符合勃昌之 要求相關證明檔。



Warranty ofnon-use of Environment-related Substances


Upon the request of AVI, Compa ny shall permit in depe ndent auditors or tech ni cal con sulta nts assig ned by AVI to exam ine and verifythecomplia nceofthisdocume ntfromtime

totime.Companypromisestoobtainwrittenapproval of AVI before changing the components oreleme ntsoftheproductsorderedbyAVI.AVImay immediately term in ate the related purchase con tracts or orders in the eve nt that theCompa nyv iolatesa ny ofitswarra ntydescribed here in.



成勃昌及其客戶無法彌補之嚴重損害。因此,本公司同意對其因違反本保證書所為承諾致勃 昌所遭受之任何索賠、損害、賠償或責任(包括但不限於合理之律師費),以本公司自己 之費用出面負責並解決。

Compa nyun dersta ndsa ndack no wledges that any non-conforming to the applicable en vir onment laws and regulations or misrepresentation of reports and/or documents will cause irreparable and serious damages to AVI an dits customers. Compa ny therefore agrees to indemni fy,defe nd and hold AVI harmless aga inst any and all actions, claims, dema nds,

damages,lossesandcosts,includingbutnotlimitedtoreasonableattoeys ' fees,arisingoutofCompany's infrin geme nt of its warra nty described above.

本保證書自本公司授權代表簽署後生效,非經 勃昌書面同意,本公司不得自行變更本 保證書。且本保證書之效力不因本公司內部變動而受影響。

ThisE nviro nmen tProtectio nWarra ntyhasbee n represe ntative on the tbe

effectivewithoutAVIpriorwrittenconsent.Andthelegality,enforceabilityofthisWarranty affected by any Compa nysintern alcha nge. 此致

Compa ny Name:

(立保證書公司) ________________________________________ AuthorizedReprese ntative:

(授權代表) ________________________________________


(職務) ________________________________________ Date:

(立保證書日期) ________________________________________




dulyexecutedbyCompa ny/sdulyauthorized

dateaslastsetforthherei n.Any ame ndme nttothisWarra ntyshall no

