专利名称:Coupling element
发明人:REINES, WOLFGANG,SCHMID, JUERGEN申请号:EP06009108.9申请日:20060503公开号:EP1811187A3公开日:20100526
摘要:a verbindungszapfen (21) for the manufacture of a zapfenverbindung betweentwo workpieces, such as two rechtwinkelig to each other can plattenteile has in cross-section a oblong shape with parallel spaced edges (23, 24) and konturierten edges (2) 5,26) that he is in zapfenl\öcher the workpieces with an elongated,the parallel edges
and semicircular endabschnitte querschnittsgestalt einsteckbar is broken.theverbindungszapfen (21) has at least one of its two edges (25, 26), at least one in conelongitudinal (a) providing l\ängsrippe (27, 28), which in cross-section on ahypothetical, the two cones edges (23, 24). halbkreislinie (29) na ch radially outwardorder, such that the at least one l\ängsrippe (27,28) the recovery of theverbindungszapfens (21) in the respective zapfenloch (8 to 11, 13 and 16) underdeformation of the at least one l\ängsrippe (27, 28) in the respective semi-circularendabschnitt (19, 20) of the zapfenlochs impressed.
地址:Wertstrasse 20 73240 Wendlingen DE
代理机构:Bregenzer, Michael