专利名称:Static analysis based on abstract program
发明人:Babita Sharma,Andrew Mak,Richard Myer
Goldberg,John Thomas Peyton, JR.,JeffreyCharles Turnham,Matthew FrancisMurphy,Hua Xiao
摘要:An application analysis platform enables automatic generation of abstractprogram representations (APRs) that are amenable to static analyses for finding securityvulnerabilities. The APR is generated automatically, preferably from an existing buildsystem or a source repository, and then encapsulated into a binary archival format forconsumption by a static analysis tool, which operates on-premises or in the cloud. Theabstract program representation is a highly compact version of the actual source code itrepresents. The archival format obfuscates the source code that is subjected to theanalysis, thus protecting it from being reverse-engineered when moved off-premises orotherwise shared with other users, teams and even organizations. Binary archive filesgenerated separately from different source code components may be readily mergedand analyzed together to provide more effective static data-flow analysis, even withrespect to components that are built on different machines by different teams and atdifferent times.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Armonk NY US