专利名称:Apparatus for the separation of a gas
mixture by rectification
发明人:Rohde, Wilhelm申请号:EP80102953.9申请日:19800527公开号:EP0019905A1公开日:19801210
摘要:in a method for decomposition of a gas mixture by rectification is mired inrektifiziers\äule (1) of rektifizierfl\üssigkeit (4) is heated and partiallyvaporized.the rektifizierfl\üssigkeit is at the bottom of the fl\üssigkeitsbades
from the rektifiziers\äule from and above the outlet back to the bath.the withdrawnrektifizierfl\üssigkeit, before being returned to the swamp,
rektifizierfl\üssigkeit,a liquid bath of heat exchangers (11) at its lower end and ispartially vaporized and fed to the resulting liquid vapour mixture above thefl\üssigkeitsbades athe heat exchanger (11) from us.
申请人:Linde Aktiengesellschaft
地址:Abraham-Lincoln-Strasse 21 D-65189 Wiesbaden DE
代理机构:Schaefer, Gerhard, Dr.