专利名称:QoS-aware handover procedure for IP-based mobile ad-hoc network environments
发明人:Matthias Riedel,Yigang Xu申请号:US10795818申请日:20040308公开号:US07693093B2公开日:20100406
摘要:A handover method for a wireless mobile network including interconnectedmobile nodes having time varying connectivity includes determining Quality of Service(QoS) resources of each potential routing path between a mobile node and a
correspondent node. The method also includes pre-allocating the QoS resources alongat least one potential routing path in advance before initiating a handover of a data flowto be transmitted from the mobile node to the correspondent node via a selectedrouting path. In addition, the method includes redirecting the data flow to a routing pathwith best available QoS capabilities as the selected routing path and, in case of sufficientQoS capabilities, reserving the determined QoS resources for the data flow to betransmitted via the selected routing path.
申请人:Matthias Riedel,Yigang Xu
地址:Stuttgart DE,Shanghai CN
代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.