课程名称:姓 名:系:专 业:年 级:学 号:指导教师:职 称:实验报告
数字图像处理(双语) (Digital Image Processing)
计算机科学与技术 2012级 3126010032 王长缨 副教授 2014~2015学年下学期
系: 计算机科学与技术 专业:计算机科学与技术 年级:2012级 姓名: 王智勇 学号: 3126010032 实验室号 田家炳510 计算机号 33 实验时间:2015年5月 20 日 指导教师签字: 成绩:
Experiment III Implement convolution filter to obtain image smoothing as well as
edge enhancement (validated)(2 periods)
Get fully understand of the notion of the convolution and its applications on image smoothing and enhancement
Convolute an image with different dedicated designed function to get image smoothing and image edge enhancement by means of MATLAB.
Hardware: General PC
Operating system: Windows XP
Calculating platform: MATLAB 6.5 or higher version
Experiment in detail:
1.Image smoothing with different size of spatial masks
A. Image smoothing with arithmetic averaging filter (spatial convolution).
function [r]=avgfilter(gray,n) a(1:n,1:n)=1;
[row,col]=size(gray); gray1=double(gray); gray2=gray1; for i=1:row-n+1 for j=1:col-n+1
c=gray1(i:i+(n-1),j:j+(n-1)).*a; s=sum(sum(c));
gray2(i+(n-1)/2,j+(n-1)/2)=s/(n*n); end end
B. Make a comparison of noise reduction by both median filter and averaging filter.
function [r]=midfilter(gray,n) [row,col]=size(gray); gray1=double(gray); gray2=gray1; for i=1:row-n+1 for j=1:col-n+1
c=gray1(i:i+(n-1),j:j+(n-1)); e=c(1,:); for u=2:n
e=[e,c(u,:)]; end
gray2(i+(n-1)/2,j+(n-1)/2)=mm; end end
2.Edge enhancement by means of spatial filtering.
A. Develop a program to implement a Gradient Mask to obtain edge of an object (in compare with the function provided by Matlab)
>> subplot(231);imshow(xx);title('原图'); >> eSoble=edge(xx,'sobel');
>> subplot(232);imshow(eSoble);title('Soble图'); >> ePrewitt=edge(xx,'prewitt');
>> subplot(233);imshow(ePrewitt);title('Prewitt图'); >> eRobert=edge(xx,'roberts');
>> subplot(234);imshow(eRobert);title('Robert图'); >> eLog=edge(xx,'log');
>> subplot(235);imshow(eLog);title('Log图'); >> eCanny=edge(xx,'canny');
>> subplot(236);imshow(eCanny);title('Canny图');
B. Image enhancement with High-Boost Filtering Mask and compare with the result of the operation defined by equation 2f(x,y)f(x,y) g(x,y)2 f(x,y)f(x,y)
>> subplot(131);imshow(xx);title('原图'); >> H=[-1 -1 -1;-1 -9 -1;-1 -1 -1]; >> xhigh=filter2(H,xx);
>> subplot(132);imshow(xhigh,[]);title('高通滤波'); >> xxdouble=double(xx); >> M=[1 1 1;1 1 1;1 1 1]/9; >> xmask=double(xhigh); >> xmask2=filter2(M,xmask); >> xm=xmask-xmask2;
>> subplot(133);imshow(xm,[]);title('掩膜处理');
Experimental result
Data in whatever chart, image and other form is required with explanations in English respectively.
Questions and discussions
A theoretical and experimental discussion in English for each question is required.