

2024-02-16 来源:步旅网
元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSN74LS854-BitMagnitudeComparatorThe SN74LS85 is a 4-Bit Magnitude Camparator which comparestwo 4-bit words (A, B), each word having four Parallel Inputs(A0–A3, B0–B3); A3, B3 being the most significant inputs. Operationis not restricted to binary codes, the device will work with anymonotonic code. Three Outputs are provided: “A greater than B”(OA>B), “A less than B” (OAB, IAB = L,IA=B = H. For serial (ripple) expansion, the OA>B, OAB, IAB, OASN74LS85











The Flatpak version has the samepinouts (Connection Diagram) asthe Dual In-Line Package.









PIN NAMESA0 – A3, B0 – B3IA = B

IA < B, IA > BOA > BOA < BOA = B

Parallel Inputs

A = B Expander Inputs

A < B, A > B, Expander InputsA Greater than B OutputB Greater than A OutputA Equal to B Output

HIGH1.5 U.L.1.5 U.L.0.5 U.L.10 U.L.10 U.L.10 U.L.

LOW0.75 U.L.0.75 U.L.0.25 U.L.5 U.L.5 U.L.5 U.L.


a) 1 TTL Unit Load (U.L.) = 40 mA HIGH/1.6 mA LOW.








元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSN74LS85LOGIC DIAGRAM(15)(1)A3B3(5)(13)OA>B(14)(2)ABA1B1(12)(11)A2B2(6)OA=B(7)OAB3A3B2A2B1A1B0A0BXXXXXXXXHLXHLIABHLHLHLHLHLLLHOUTPUTSOA BOA < BOA = BBnB3OA > BOA < BOA = BA0A1A2A3B0B1B2IA > BIA < BIA = BLLHIA > BIA < BIA = BSN74LS85SN74LS85A > BA < BA = BL = LOW LEVELH = HIGH LEVELFigure 1. Comparing Two n-Bit WordsAPPLICATIONSFigure 2 shows a high speed method of comparing two24-bit words with only two levels of device delay. With thetechnique shown in Figure 1, six levels of device delay resultTable 1WORD LENGTH1–4 Bits5–24 Bits25–120 BitsNUMBER OF PKGS.12–68–31when comparing two 24-bit words. The parallel techniquecan be expanded to any number of bits, see Table 1.NOTE:The SN74LS85 can be used as a 5-bit comparator onlywhen the outputs are used to drive the A0–A3 and B0–B3inputs of another SN74LS85 as shown in Figure 2 in posi-tions #1, 2, 3, and 4.INPUTS(LSB)A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3IA > BOA > BIA < B#5OA < BIA = BOA = B(MSB)A20A21A22A23B20B21B22B23A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3IA > BOA > BIA < BIA = B#1OA < BOA = BNCLLHA19B19LINPUTSA5A6A7A8B5B6B7B8A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3OA > B#4IA < BOA < BIA > BIA = BOA = BNCA10A11A12A13B10B11B12B13A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3OA > B#3OA < BIA < BIA > BIA = BOA = BNCA15A16A17A18B15B16B17B18A0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3OA > B#2OA < BIA < BIA > BIA = BOA = BNCA4B4LA9B9LA14B14LA0A1A2A3B0B1B2B3IA > BOA > BIA < BIA = B#6OA < BOA = BOUTPUTSMSB = MOST SIGNIFICANT BITLSB = LEAST SIGNIFICANT BITL = LOW LEVELH = HIGH LEVELNC = NO CONNECTIONFigure 2. Comparison of Two 24-Bit Wordshttp://onsemi.com4元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSN74LS85DC CHARACTERISTICS OVER OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE (unless otherwise specified)LimitsSymbolVIHVILVIKVOHParameterInput HIGH VoltageInput LOW VoltageInput Clamp Diode VoltageOutput HIGH Voltage2.7–0.653.50.25VOLOOutputLOWVoltageOutput LOW VoltageInput HIGH CurrentA < B, A > BOther InputsA < B, A > BOther InputsIILIOSICCInput LOW CurrentA < B, A > BOther InputsOutput Short Circuit Current (Note 1)Power Supply Current–200.350.40.520600.10.3–0.4–1.2–10020Min2.00.8–1.5TypMaxUnitVVVVVVµATest ConditionsGuaranteed Input HIGH Voltage forAll InputsGuaranteed Input LOW Voltage forAll InputsVCC = MIN, IIN = –18 mAVCC = MIN, IOH = MAX, VIN = VIHor VIL per Truth TableIOL = 4.0 mAIOL = 8.0 mAVCC = VCC MIN,VIN = V=VIL or VorVIHper Truth TableVCC = MAX, VIN = 2.7 VIIHmAVCC = MAX, VIN = 7.0 VmAmAmAVCC = MAX, VIN = 0.4 VVCC = MAXVCC = MAXNote 1: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, nor for more than 1 second.AC CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, VCC = 5.0 V)LimitsSymboltPLHtPHLtPLHtPHLtPLHtPHLtPLHtPHLtPLHtPHLParameterAny A or B to A < B, A > BAny A or B to A = BA < B or A = B to A > BA = B to A = BA > B or A = B to A < BMinTyp24202723141113131411Max36304545221720262217UnitnsnsnsnsnsVCC = 5.0 VCL = 15 pFTest ConditionsAC WAVEFORMSVIN1.3 VtPHL1.3 VtPLH1.3 VVIN1.3 VtPHL1.3 VtPLH1.3 VVOUT1.3 VVOUT1.3 VFigure 3. Figure 4. http://onsemi.com5元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSN74LS85PACKAGE DIMENSIONSN SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 648–08ISSUE R–A–169NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHENFORMED PARALLEL.4.DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.5.ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL.DIMABCDFGHJKLMSINCHESMILLIMETERSMINMAXMINMAX0.7400.77018.8019.550.2500.2706.356.850.1450.1753.694.440.0150.0210.390.530.0400.701.021.770.100 BSC2.54 BSC0.050 BSC1.27 BSC0.0080.0150.210.380.1100.1302.803.300.2950.3057.507.740 10 0 10 ____0.0200.0400.511.01B18FSCL–T–HKGD16 PLSEATINGPLANEJTAMM0.25 (0.010)Mhttp://onsemi.com6元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSN74LS85PACKAGE DIMENSIONSD SUFFIXPLASTIC SOIC PACKAGECASE 751B–05ISSUE J–A–NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDEMOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006)PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBARPROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBARPROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTALIN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION ATMAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.MILLIMETERSINCHESMINMAXMINMAX9.8010.000.3860.3933.804.000.1500.1571.351.750.0540.0680.350.490.0140.0190.401.250.0160.0491.27 BSC0.050 BSC0.190.250.0080.0090.100.250.0040.0090 7 0 7 ____5.806.200.2290.2440.250.500.0100.019169–B–18P8 PL0.25 (0.010)MBSGFKC–T–SEATINGPLANERX 45_MD16 PLMJ0.25 (0.010)TBSASDIMABCDFGJKMPRhttp://onsemi.com7元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com


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