第一节 英语短文的结构及段落的组织
(1) 引言段:向读者介绍此篇文章的主题及背景资料。
(2) 主体段:也叫正文,是文章的主体部分,也是情节发展,是事实说明或者层层递进的部分,要把
(3) 结尾段:也叫结束语,是由通篇文章所得出的简短结论,或者是事情发展到了最后一个情节,即
1. 引言段
概括---主题型:先写概括性导言句,以引起读者的兴趣和注意,然后,逐渐进入主题; 主题---承启型:首先点出主题,再通过承上启下的句子进行概括性阐述,自然过渡到正文。
例1 (导言句)Nowadays more and more people care about the shortage of natural resources of this
planet. (主题句) With the rapid growth of population and industry, the more resources we make use of, the less there will be left for the future.
例2 (主题句) After years of enthusiasm for more children, childbearing is losing its appeal to many
young couples, especially in big cities. (承启句1) Many newly-weds put off having children or decide not to have any at all. (承启句2) The reasons are as follows.
2. 主体段
解释说明主题。主题论证包括若干个方面,主体段中的每个段落只围绕自己的主题句从一个方面阐明文章的主题,各段落都从不同的方面对文章的主题展开论证,即文章的每一观点或每一层次意思,在主体部分都分别有相应的一个发展段来阐述,不能出现纰漏,因此主题包括几层意思或观点,就有几个发展段落。各段的内容通过其主题句紧扣引言部分阐述的中心思想。 3. 结尾段
以Why I Attend College?为题目写篇作文。不少于120 词
1. 为什么上大学,上大学值得吗? 2. 陈述上大学的理由(自身喜欢学习,大学不仅提供知识还是展示不同观点的场所,
大学毕业后更容易找工作等) 3. 上大学不是浪费时间和金钱。
Why I Attend College?
Why did I choose to attend college? Is it worthwhile? I had put these questions to myself many times in
the past two years, and now I have reached the conclusion that college education is something that I truly want and it is worthwhile.
I chose to attend college because I enjoy learning. I chose to attend college also because I feel college is
more than a place which offers knowledge. It also exposes one to a rich varity of ideas. Finally, I feel that in today’s world, a college education has becaome almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market. Attending college is a practical and necessary step to ensure a secure future for myself.
For these reasons, I never think attending college is a waste of time and money.
正确使用段落启始语和过渡性词语 (1)表示“启”的过渡词语
用于引导主题句或用于主题句的后面,引发第一个发展句: firstly, at first, first of all, in the beginning, at present, to begin with, currently, to start with, lately, for one thing, now, recently, on the one hand, in general, generally speaking, in recent years, comparatively speaking, nowadays, in my opinion, obviously, undoubtedly,
(2) 表示“承)的过渡词语
用于承接主题句或前一个发展句:secondly, thirdly, also, too, besides, in addition, furthermore, moreover, what is more, for another, for example, for instance, as an example, as another example, namely, then, in other words, in the same way, after that, from now on, later, meanwhile, at the same time, soon, of course, for this purpose, equally, surely, obviously, especially, in fact, no doubt, etc. (3)表示“转”的过渡词语
用于表示不同或相反的情况:after all, but, yet, however, conversely, though, although, in spite of, on the contrary, in contrast, unlike, on the other hand, all the same, unfortunately, still, in fact, as a matter of fact, in any case, at any rate, otherwise, instead, etc. (4) 表示“合”的过渡词语
hence, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, therefore, thus, to sum up, to conclude, to summarize, briefly, above all, as a consequence, as a result, for this reason, as has been noted, as I have said, at last, consequently, so, after all, in general, in a word, on the whole, etc.
一. 写作要领 1. 审题
例 Directions: For this part, you’re required to write a composition on the topic “My view on examinations”. You should write at least 100 words, and your composition should be based on the outline given in Chinese below and write your composition on the answer sheet. My view on examinations Outline:
(1.) 考试的必要性 (2) 考试的弊端 (3)你对考试的看法。 2. 确定段落结构
专接本作文结构比较固定,通常为三段。列出三段式提纲,确定隔断主题 例 Money
( 1. )有人认为金钱是万能的(2.) 有人认为金钱是万恶之源(the source of all crimes)(3.)我对金钱的看法 3. 确定主题句
主题句应具有以下特点:1.结构完整 2.表述清楚 3.具有概括性。 例 Environmental Pollution
2. 环境污染治理情况。 3. 需进一步采取的措施。
第一段: 主要描述随着世界人口越来越多,环境污染也随之加重的现状 ,主题句确定为:Now
environmental pollution has become a very serious problem the world is facing today.
第二段:说明环境污染的治理情况。主题句确定为:People are working hard to find ways to keep the earth
clean .
第三段:说明如何进一步采取措施解决环境污染问题。主题句确定为:However, in future, more efforts will be needed to win the battle against pollution. 三. 文章套路 1. 作文类型
(1) 现象阐释型 典型题目如:
Why College students have difficulty finding jobs? Why College students take a part-time job?
Chattng on line?
(2) 问题解决型 典型题目如:
How to solve the problem of heavy traffic? How to succeed in a job interview? (3) 对比选择型 典型题目如.
Choose a famous university or a favorite major? (1) 观点论证型 典型题目如 Harmfulness of fake commodities Why I attend college?
The benefits of making friends of different kinds (2) 利弊评述型 典型题目如 The development of a private car
Do “Lucky numbers” really bring good luck? College life in internet era My view on examination
2. 作文类型与段落组织模式 作文类型 段落组织模式 现象阐释描述段(描述现象)---说明段(阐述原因)----议论段(表明观点) 型 问题解描述段(描述问题)---说明段(分析原因或危害)----说明段(说明决型 解决问题的方法或措施) 对比选择议论段(提出一种观点并进行阐述)---议论段(提出另一种观点并进型 行阐述)----议论段(做出选择并总结观点) 观点论证议论段(提出观点)---议论段(论证或反驳观点)----议论段(总结型 观点/新观点) 利弊评述议论段(分析评论某事物的利/正面)----议论段(分析评论某事物的型 弊/反面)----议论段(提出希望或设想) 应用文 根据具体文体而定
依据历年专接本作文测试试题,总结出以下模板,只需根据题目和提纲,判断出写作所需的模板,并套用模板结构,写出十个左右合乎语法规范的英文句子,便能成就一篇高分作文。 1) 现象阐释型
(1)Nowadays, there exists a social / economic/environmental phenomenon, which has aroused great concern among people around us. /总体现象 has increasingly become a common concern of the public./总体现象 is commonly accepted by the people from all walks of life. (2)
According to a survey , 调查内容说明这种现象的情况(或者是一个例子)。(3) This problem/phenomenon has a great effect on …影响的主要对象。
(4)Firstly /Above all/First of all, 原因一/影响一(5)Secondly/What’s more/Furthermore, 原因二/影响二 (6)Besides/Finally, 原因三/影响三 (7)As a result/Therefore/Consequently, 结果 (8) As far as I am concerned/As to me/ In my opinion, 我的观点/态度/做法(9) Furthermore, 进一步说明(10)Therefore/Based on the above discussion, I can conclude/it can be concluded that….. 总结全文
例 Cards
1. 现代城市中持卡的人愈来愈多 2. 原因在于。。。。 3. 我的看法 (1)Nowadays, holding cards has become a common phenomenon. (2) According to a survey, over 80%of people in big cities hold various kinds of cards issued by banks, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. (描述段) (3)There are a number of reasons for it.
(4) First of all, it is convenient to consume by cards. (5) What’s more, it is safer to carry cards than cash. For example, if one’s cards are lost, the owner needn’t worry too much because no one else can get the money out without the password. (6) In addition, cards can give card holders certain privilege or discount in service. (7) Therefore, holding cards, especially among the youth, becomes fashionable recently.(说明段)
(8)As for me, cards have a bright future. (9)With the development of science and technology, cards will become much safer and easier to use. (10) Therefore, it can be concluded that more people will use cards. (议论段,表明观点) 2)问题解决型 (1)In recent years, increasing numbers of people 关注/牵涉/参与不良现象或某一问题(2)It is obvious that 危害一/作用一(3)Additionally, 危害二/作用二(4)Therefore, special/considerable attention should be paid to 该问题(5)On the one hand/Firstly, 方法一(6)On the other hand/Secondly, 方法二(7)In addition/Thirdly, 方法三 (8)Of course, following these suggestions/methods may not surely solve the problem, but it is worth of trying. (9) As for me/In my opinion, 我的思考或看法(10)Only in this way…..倒装句总结全文/Undoubtedly, it is necessary/essential…..根本途径
例 How to treat the parent-child relatonship
1. 父母与孩子之间的代沟越来越大 2. 代沟会带来哪些影响 3. 如何消除代沟,并改善父母与孩子之间的关系
(1)More and more peole are paying attention to the generation gap between parents and their children.(2) Obviously, the generation gap is a source of family disharmony. (3)Additionally, it may lead to a number of social problems.(4) Therefore, measures should be taken to deal with the issue.
(5)On the other hand, parents should be more tolerant to their children, remembering that a child is a
child and there is always such a stage in one’s growth. (6)On the other hand, children should also understand that without parents’ proper guidance, they won’t be able to grow up healthily. (7) Finally, parents should spend more time with their children.
(8) Of course, following these questions may not surely solve the problem, but it is worth the effort.
(9) As for me, mutual understanding is the key solution. (10)Undoubtedly, it is essential for both parents and
children to understand each other for a good parent-child relationship. 3)对比选择型
(1)When asked about/When it comes to 事物/问题,different people will offer different opinions. (2) Some people take it for granted that 观点一(3) In their opinion, 选择观点一的理由一 (4)Besides, 选择观点一的理由二
(5)However, others hold that 观点二(6)They maintain that 观点二/选择观点二的理由(7)And 观点二/选择观点二的理由 (8)Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the former/later viewpoint/choice. (9)我的理由(10)Therefore, as stated above, 重申观点/选择
例 To be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond? 1. 在打企业工作的特点 2. 在小企业工作的特点 3. 我的选择
(1)To the question whether to work in a large enterprise or in a small firm, different people may have
different answers. (2) Some may choose to be a small fish in a big pond. (3)They hold that tyey can derive a sense of pride from being a member of a famous organization such as General Motors. (4) Besides, they can work with people from different part sof the world.
(5)Still others may prefer to be a big fish in a small pond.(6)According to them, in a small company,
they may be given greater resposibilities without much restriction. (7)Consequently, they can show their talents fully and freely.
(8) Weighing up these two choices, I am for the latter. (9)I prefer to work in a small enterprise,
where I can get more chance of promotion.(10)I’d rather become an important figure within my own small pond.
4)观点论证型 模板一(驳论)
(1)Up to now, many people hold it true that 某观点 (2)They believe 进一步说明此观点 (3)However, recent survey /research shows that 与上述观点相反的论点 (4) The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.
5)Above all, 论据一 (6)For example, 支持论据一的事例 (7)Furthermore, 论据二及支持论据二的事例 (8)Most importantly, 论据三
(9) All that has been discusses above points to the fact that 重申本文论点(10) Terefore, 与该观点相符合的做法和态度
例 Wealtyh and happiness
1. 每个人都想获得财富,财富似乎就是幸福,其实不然 2. 世界上有许多东西是财富换不来的
(1) Up to niw, many people still hold that wealth can bring happiness. (2) They believe that with a
great amount of money, they must live a happier life. (3) However, recent survey shows that wealth is not necessarily associated with happiness. (4) The argument for this point of view can be listed as follows.
(5)Above all, good health plays an important role above wealth in a happy life. (6)For example,
people can buy medicine with money, but cannot buy health. (7) Furthermore, wealth may encourage those harmful habits which may ruin the wealth owner, such as addiction to drugs and gambling. (8) Most important, there is one thing essential to happiness which cannot be bought with wealth----love.
(9) All that has been discussed above shows that wealth is not equal to happiness. (10) Therefore,
we should not be crazy about money and earn it with honeat work. 模板二(立论)
(1) People are familiar with /It is widely accepted that 某观点(2)As wwe know,观点正确性的
表现 (3)Therefore, 小结观点
a) There are numerous examples supporting this argument. (5) A case in point is 例一 (6)
For another example,引出并说明例二 (7) Moreover, 阐述第三个例子
(8) From what has been discussed above, we should understand that 重申观点 (9) But/One thing we have to notice is that 提出个人建议 (10)Therefore, 总结全文
例 Blood Donation
1. 献血有益身体健康 2. 试举例说明
(1) In modern society, it is widely accepted that blood donation is good for health. (2) As we know, donating blood benefits both society nad people. (3) Therefore, people should be encouraged to donate blood regularly.
(4) Many remarkable facts can support this argument. (5) First of all, according to medical research findings, donating blood can effectively reuce the happening of certain disease. (6) What’s more, donating blood regularly could reduce the pace of aging. (7) Besides, donating blood regularly could help people keep good mood.
(8) All mentioned above tells us that blood donation does more good than harm to health.(9) We
should hold a positive attitude towards it. (10) Therefore, it can be concluded that blood donation should be encouraged under the scientific instruction. 5. 利弊评述型
(1) For the past few years, 某事物has been widely accepted by people /has come into people’s daily life. (2) No one can deny that 某事物的好处 (3) For one thing, 好处一 (4) For another, 好处二 (5) In addition, 好处三 (6) However, just as all coins hace two sides, there are also disadvantages about 某事物 (7) For example, 弊端一 (8) Moreover, 弊端二 (9) In my opinion, 我的建议 (10) Only in this way can we …. 总结全文
例 The positive and negative aspects of home computers
1. 家用电脑的普及 2. 家用电脑的好处 3. 家用电脑带来的问题
(1) Nowadays, computers have come into people’s homes as one of common household appliances.
(2) There is no doubt that like TV, home computers benefit people greatly. (3) With the computer, the home becomes a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. (4) All kinds of information can be close at one’s finger tips. (5) In addition, home computers make people far away become closer to us.
(6) Despite the convenience that home computers bring about, they have disadvantages. (7) For
example, people, especially the youth, may easily get addiced to computer games. (8) Besidea, since nearly everything can be done in front of the computer, we may become more isolated from people around us.
(9) In my opinion, we all should consider how to control home computers, so that they won’t control us. (10) Only in this way we can make full use of them, while avoiding the side effects.
第四节 历年考题及专项训练 2006年 Advertisements
1. Advertisements are getting their way into people’s lives.
2. There are many ways to advertis and advertisements come in different forms. 3. However, advertising does not always tell the truth
2007年 Traveling by Train
1. 乘火车旅行的优点是2.乘火车旅行也有许多不便利的地方3.我的选择是… 2008年 Plastic Shopping Bags in Superkarket
1. 自今年6月1日起,超市将不再为顾客免费提供塑料购物袋。 2. 有人认为,这能更好的节约能源,减少白色污染(white pollution);也有人认为,这会给顾客带来不便(inconvenience) 3.我的看法 2009年 My view on Job-hopping
1. 现在更换工作对许多人来说是司空见惯的事。 2. 为什么会出现这种现象。 3.你的看法。
Traveling by train
With the rapid development of science and technology, nowadays we have various means of transportation to choose from for traveling. Even so, most people still prefer to travel by train because traveling by train has a lot of advantages. For example, we can enjoy seeing beautiful scenery outside the window. We can enjoy talking with new friends on the train, sharing fresh ideas with each other and getting to know each other better. What’s more, traveling by train is comparatively cheap and convenient.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages for traveling by train. In most cases the crowded train makes us uncomfortable. Sometimes it is rather difficult to get a train ticket. Besides, the train is often late or behind schedule.
As far as I am concerned, I prefer to travel by train. The reason is that I can spend less money and get in close touch with ordinary people on the train.
1. Online shopping
a. 网上购物成为购物的一种新方式,它给人们带来了许多方便,同时也暴露出很多弊端。 b. 我们应该如何把握这一新兴的购物方式。 c. 我的看法。
2. Skipping Classes on College Campus a. 大学生逃课现象时有发生。
b. c. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. c.
分析学生逃课的原因。 如何减少逃课现象。
The Importance of Teamwork 概括合作的重要性。 社会发展的需要。
Social Practice of College Students
各大学在假期都会组织学生参加各种社会实践活动。 这些活动给大学生带来了哪些好处。 参加社会实践活动应该注意些什么。
Social Practice of College Students
Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be volunteers or part-time teachers or salespersons, etc. Obviously, social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education.
Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice.. Firstly, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. Secondly, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the practical problems, too. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Finally, Social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.
Considering the above mentioned, I think that it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems, too. For example, some students spend so much time on part-time jobs that they neglect their study. Therefore, we should make a balance between social practice and study. 2011热点
1. 食品安全问题令人担忧。 2. 对此,你有什么看法
The Safety of Food
Despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, problems remain serious in the market. Food born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality(死亡) in the general population, particularly for at risk groups, such as infants, young children, and the elderly.
In my personal opinion, I think the responsibility goes for the most part to the food producers especially those who fail to meet safety standards. In order to sell more products, some food producers may even intentionally use various chemicals, such as pesticides杀虫剂, animal drugs etc. They try to make food look or taste good without taking people’s life into consideration.
The supervision of food production should be stepped up. What’s more, it is important to increase penalties on those who neglect food safety statutes. The Food Safety Department in our country should educate consumers how to choose safe food.
The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent潜伏的risk of expanding the damage artificially人为地. Also people has been spoiling损坏 the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic有毒的
substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated聚积in environment. Therefore, We should take some countermeasures对抗措施to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve维持 and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.