


翻译硕士英语阅读理解专项强化真题试卷37 (题后含答案及解析)


Classify the following as typical of the skyscrapers builtA. before the Second World WarB. after the Second World WarC. both before and after the Second World WarThen mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. intense visual pleasure


2. lots of horizontal space


解析:F段中“office tenants today want lots of horizontal space”,从这句话可以看出应该选B。

3. stocky and inelegant towers


解析:F段中“office tenants today want lots of horizontal space,which means huge,open floorsand stocky,inelegant towers.”从这句话可以看出应该选B。

4. towers are skinny


解析:F段中的“The defining towers of the New York sky line.at least before the Second WordWar,were skinny compared with today’s skyscrapers.and their vertical lines gave intensevisual pleasure.”从这句话可以看出选A。

5. intense allure of height

正确答案:C 解析:A段中“Someone will always build a bigger one.but that doesn’t diminish the intense allureof height,”这句话中并没有给出明确的时间,所以选C。

For each question below, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

6. According to the author, Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Mile High Illinois most probably because ___________.

A.he wanted to try a new architectural style he had always liked B.he could make the building a famous landmark

C.he appreciated the boxy office buildings in American cities D.he was in command of seemingly unbuildible skyscrapers


解析:从A段中可知建造一座高楼可以使这座建筑闻名,而且Frank Lloyd Wright的设想就比其他存在的建筑得到更多的关注,所以B选项符合题意。

7. The tallest building among the following ones is______. A.Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers B.Chicago’s Willis Tower

C.The Shanghai World Financial Center D.Taipei 101


解析:B段中“Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers are thirty.two-feet taller than Chicago’s Sears Tower”;“the Shanghai World Financial Center is about a hundred and thirty feet taller thanthe Petronas Towers”;“Taipei 101,in Taiwan,is fifty feet taller than the Shanghai tower”,从上可以得出Taiei101最高。

8. The Burj Dubai was renamed as the Burj Khalifa because______. A.Abu Dhabi rescued Dubai from its financial difficulties

B.Khalifa successfully led the architect-engineer team of the world’s tallest building

C.the new name is a tribute to the architect of the super-tall building D.Khalifa is the name of the ruler of Dubai


解析:从C段中可以看出由于“Abu Dhabi”帮助迪拜还清一部分的债务,所以“At thebuilding’s opening. Dubai announced that the skyscraper would bear the name of AbuDhabi’s ruler,Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan.”A选项符合题意。

9. The design of the Burj Khalifa______.

A.conforms to the revolutionized “bundled tube” structure B.uses variously sized metal rods to reduce the stress of wind C.features a variety in shape at each level of the building

D.has an aesthetic discredit for its closeness to old-fashioned skyscrapers

正确答案:C 解析:从F段的第一句话“One advantage of this configuration is that,because the building’sshape varies at each level,wind cannot create an organized vortex around it,”可以看出迪拜塔最突出的特点就是塔的每一个水平上都有不同的形状。

10. According to the author, the Burj Khalifa______.

A.is a loathsome building for the terrible living conditions of its construction workers

B.is an office building with a luxurious hotel at the bottom

C.boasts of its use of the most advanced engineering quite unusual toda

D.relies on the most advanced engineering but doesn’t indulge in the showy tricks


解析: D选项与文章的最后一句话“There is something appealing about a building that relies onthe most,advanced,engineering but doesn’t flaunt it.”相符。

[A] After a long break, online bookseller Amazon is back trying to encourage us to read in a new way. Its Web site now features this description of its Kindle reading device: “ Availability; In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com. Gift-wrap available. “ This good news for consumers comes after the first batch of the devices sold out in just six hours late last year.[B] This seems like a fitting time to ask: If the Internet is the most powerful communications advance : ever—and it is—then how do this medium and its new devices affect how and what we read?[C] Aristotle lived during the era when the written word displaced the oral tradition, becoming the first to explain that how we communicate alters what we communicate. That’s for sure. It’s still early in the process of a digital rhetoric replacing the more traditionally written word. It’s already an open question whether constant email and multitasking leaves us overloaded humans with the capability to handle longer-form writing.[D] Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos dedicated his most recent shareholder letter to explaining his cultural ambitions for the Kindle. Laptops, BlackBerrys and mobile phones have “shifted us more toward information snacking, and I would argue toward shorter attention spans. “ He hopes that “Kindle and its successors may gradually and incrementally move us over years into a world with longer spans of attention, providing a counterbalance to the recent proliferation of info-snacking tools. “[E]To an info-snacker of many years, the prospect of a gourmet meal sounds pretty good. Perhaps a new digital device like the Kindle can help us regain the attention spans earlier devices helped us lose. If so, this could become a great era for books, or more accurately for the future of words that for centuries could be delivered only in book form.[F] Digitized words can be spread at low cost in newly interactive ways. As the marketing for the Kindle puts it, over 100, 000 books can be delivered wirelessly in less than a minute, “whether you’re in the back of a taxi, at the airport, or in bed. “[G] In Print Is Dead: Books in Our Digital Age—published in hardcover last November, and now available for the

Kindle—author Jeff Gomez challenges authors and publishers to think creatively about the new medium; “It’s not about the page versus the screen in a technological grudge match. It’s about the screen doing a dozen things the page can’t do. “ Digitized words should count for more. “ What’s going to be transformed isn’t just the reading of one book, but the ability to read a passage from practically any book that exists, at any time that you want to, as well as the ability to click on hyperlinks, experience multimedia, and add notes and share passages with others.[H] The book introduced a disciplined way of thinking about topics, organized around contents pages, indexing, citation and bibliography. These are at the root of Web structure as well. One theme for the next annual conference on the book is that the digital experience could simply be an evolution : “ The information architecture of the book, embodying as it does thousands of years’ experience with recorded knowledge, provides a solid grounding for every adventure we might take in the new world of digital media. “[I] The not-so-positive case is that, at least so far , we’re not giving up on books for the same words on screens—we’re giving up on words. Pick your data point; A recent National Endowment for the Arts report, “To Read or Not to Read,” found that 15-to-24-year-olds spend an average of seven minutes reading on weekdays; people between 35 and 44 spend 12 minutes; and people 65 and older spend close to an hour.[J] Much is at stake, As Mr. Gomez concluded, “what’s really important is the culture of ideas and innovation” books represent. But “to expect future generations to be satisfied with printed books is like expecting the BlackBerry users of today to start communicating by writing letters, stuffing envelopes and licking stamps. “[K] Innovations to address our evolving expectations include combining traditional books with newer media. Scholastic plans a new series for kids called “39 Clues,” which will feature books, online games and collecting cards; the aim is to get kids “ excited about books in a whole new way. Leapfrog’s Leapster device for toddlers looks like a junior videogame device, but actually teaches key skills through titles like “Letters on the Loose” and “Numbers on the Run. “[L] Marshal McLuhan more than 40 years ago warned, “The electric technology is within the gates, and we are numb, deal blind and mute about its encounter with the Gutenberg technology on and through which the American way of life was formed. “ Maybe McLuhan was too pessimistic. With innovations like the Kindle, digital media can help return to us our attention spans and extend what makes books great; words and their meaning.Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in reading passage 3? In the parentheses your Answer Sheet, writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNOif the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this.

11. Emails and media multitasking distract young people from reading on weekdays.




解析:C段中提到了“constant email and multitasking leaves us overloaded humanswith the capability to handle longer-form writing.”,并没有说“distract youngpeople from reading on weekdays”。

12. Digitized words, though at a higher cost, can be accessed more easily and more quickly.



正确答案:B 解析:从F段中的第一句话“Digitized words can be spread at low cost in newly interactiveways.”可以看出数字化的语言是比较低成本的而不是题中的“at a higher cost”。

13. Kindle has made it possible for people to read any book that exists at any time they want.




解析:G段中讲到了电子阅读器可以让你”at any time that you want to”去阅读,而不是去阅读“any book that exists at any time”。

14. Kindle further motivates the evolution of words that have been delivered only in book form.




解析:E段中讲到“a new digital device like the Kindle”可以帮助我们重获我们注意力的持续时间也就是说Kindle可以进一步促使文字的变化。

15. The invention of Kindle will prove that McLuhan’s warning is well grounded.




解析:L段中讲到“Maybe McLuhan was too pessimistic”这是对McLuhan的提醒持否定的态度,而题中的意思是McLuhan的提醒是很有依据的与文中不符,所以不对。

For each question below, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. According to the passage, the information-snacking tools______. A.are the grounding of the evolution of digital books B.are invented to replace written words C.can free people from overloaded work D.may decrease people’s attention spans


解析:D段中提到Amazon CEO希望“Kindle and its successors”能够提高我们注意力的时间从而“providing a counterbalance to the recent proliferation of info—snacking tools”。也就是说the information—snacking tools会减少我们的注意力时间。

17. Jeff Bezos’s cultural ambition for the Kindle is that______. A.it will make a huge profit for him and his shareholders B.it will preclude the proliferation of info-snacking tools C.it will help solve the problem of recovering attention spans

D.it will assist people in reducing the cost of spreading recorded knowledge

正确答案:C 解析:文章在D段第三句提到Jeff Bezos希望“Kindle and its successors may…move us overyears into a world with longer spans of attention…”。因此选项C更符合题意。

18. The National Endowment for the Arts report indicates that______. A.more and more people are inclined to favor digital books

B.people, especially young people, tend to spend little time reading books C.he prospects of digital books are brightening D.the conventional book form will vanish

正确答案:B 解析:从I段提到的数据“15-to-24-year-olds spend an average of seven minutes reading on week—days;people between 35 and 44 spend 12 minutes;and people 65 and older spend close toan hour.”可以看出B项正确。

19. According to Mr. Gomez, the future generations will______.

A.finally comprehend the importance of culture and innovation B.possibly begin to write letters with paper and envelops C.surely get unsatisfied with printed books

D.incrementally expect to use BlackBerry to communicate

正确答案:C 解析:J段中Mr.Gomez总结到“to expect future generations to be satisfied with printed books islike expecting the BlackBerry users of today to start communicating by writing letters,stuffing envelopes and licking stamps.”,意思是让年轻一代对纸质书满意是不可能的。

20. The series “39 Clues” is designed for children to______. A.arouse kids’ interest in books

B.make kids get excited about computer technology C.introduce a new software to kids

D.help kids get familiar with the new media


解析:从K段可以得知“the aim is to get kids“excited about books in a whole new way.”,所以选项A正确。
