

2024-09-10 来源:步旅网




CALVO, Pablo Alberto


摘要:An internet device (ID), which has at least one or more build-in proprietarydynamic line assignment (PDLA), and with at least one or more user accessible inputinterfaces, more commonly referred to as an internet protocol (IP) address or web-siteaddress or uniform resource locator (URL), whereas the PDLA is capable of detecting anysingle or simultaneously with any multiple inbound communications request andcommunicate with any single or simultaneously with any such multiple device(s), whereassuch device(s) is/are capable of accessing the PDLA internet web pages referred to asproprietary dynamic line assignment web pages (PDLAWP), be it a fixed device (FD),desktop or portable computer (PC), wireless device (WD), voice over internet protocoldevice (VoIPD) or any such other device capable of communicating through or connectedto an internet service provider (ISP) or to an internet device (ID) or to a public accessnetwork (PAN) or to a wireless network (WN) or to a public/private switchingexchange/centre (SWITCH), The PDLA is also capable of identifying any such previousmentioned individual device user and capable of rejecting such communications request ifit is not authorised or recognised as an authorised user of the PDLA functions. Once a

device user is authenticated by the PDLA as an authorised user, then the PDLA will detectthe inbound communications protocol and communicate with it, through its at least oneor more input & output interfaces, and also the PDLA will convert the device user PDLAinbound communications protocol requests, commands and parameters settings to thePDLA outbound communications protocol(s) as to allow the PDLA to interface andcommunicate with each the corresponding user account(s), be such user account(s)residing in a ID, ISP, SWITCH or any such other device connected to the internet or publicaccess network. Such previous mentioned ID or ISP or SWITCH has a call forwardingand/or call divert function that includes forwarding any of the: - SWITCH specific andindividual call-in telephone line(s) to any other telephone number and capable ofdetecting and the PDLA and/or SWITCH identifying any free and occupied SWITCH call-intelephone line number or alternatively such SWITCH with one or more build-in

proprietary dynamic line assignment (PDLA) function accessible by the build-in or remotePDLAWP. - ISP specific and individual call-in telephone line(s), associated to a specific ISPuser account/name, to any other ISP user account/name and capable of detecting andthe PDLA and/or ISP identifying any free and occupied ISP call-in telephone line numberor alternatively such ISP with one or more build-in proprietary dynamic line assignment(PDLA) function accessible by the build-in or remote PDLAWP.

申请人:Ghost Telecom Limited

地址:Lodge Farm, Village Road, Dorney Berkshire SL4 6QJ GB


代理机构:Langley, Peter James

