专利名称:Drill for making a hole in the ground and
method applying this drill
发明人:Coelus, Gaspar Jozef申请号:EP97202837.7申请日:19970916公开号:EP0831180A1公开日:19980325
摘要:Drill for making a pole in the ground, whereby this drill (9) is provided with apassage (15) and whereby this drill has at the bottom a screw-shaped displacement part(11) of which the outside increases in radius upwardly, up to a diameter larger than that
of the drill tube (8), characterised in that the displacement part (11) passes with its upperextremity into a cylindrical part (12) which is provided on its mantle with at least a screwblade (13) which runs in the shape of a screw in the same direction as the displacementpart (11), but of which the pitch (S2) is larger than the pitch (S1) of the displacement part(11).
申请人:Coelus, Gaspar Jozef,Poorteman, Frank
地址:Astridlaan 53 B-8450 Nieuwpoort BE,Eikenlaan 9 9150 Bazel BE
代理机构:Donné, Eddy