
Fluorescent Lamp, Backlight Unit and Liquid Crysta

2023-02-14 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Fluorescent Lamp, Backlight Unit and Liquid

Crystal Television

发明人:Kenji Yamada,Taizou Ono,Hiroyuki

Arata,Hideki Wada,Kazuhiro

Matsuo,Tomokazu Matsuura,ToshihiroTerada




摘要:The present invention relates to a fluorescent lamp, and in particular to a

fluorescent lamp with an improved in-dark starting characteristic. A fluorescent lampincludes: a glass bulb () having a discharge space therein; two external electrodes ( and )provided at both ends of the glass bulb; and a phosphor layer () provided on an innersurface of the glass bulb. The glass bulb is made of glass that contains 3% to 20%inclusive of sodium oxide. The phosphor layer includes phosphor particles (R and G)containing no alumina and phosphor particles (B) containing alumina. A metal oxide () isattached to surfaces of the phosphor particles containing alumina. Sodium oxideprecipitated on the inner surface of the glass bulb improves the in-dark startingcharacteristic. The phosphor particles containing alumina are protected by the metaloxide for being susceptible to deterioration due to reaction thereof with sodium oxide.

申请人:Kenji Yamada,Taizou Ono,Hiroyuki Arata,Hideki Wada,KazuhiroMatsuo,Tomokazu Matsuura,Toshihiro Terada

地址:Kyoto JP,Osaka JP,Hyogo JP,Osaka JP,Osaka JP,Osaka JP,Hyogo JP


