
All Souls Unitarian Church

2021-03-01 来源:步旅网

All Souls Unitarian Church

Operations Manual

Revised January 2010


Love is the spirit of this church,

and service is its law. To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another. This is our covenant.


Table of Contents

Foreword (with document Change Notes).......................................5

Operations Manual

I. Sunday Services...................................................................7 II. Democratic Functions of the Church...................................7

A. The Congregation......................................................7 B. Congregational Meetings...........................................7 C. Board of Trustees......................................................8 D. Officers of the Church...............................................9 E. Church Council.........................................................9 F. Minister...................................................................10 G. Church School........................................................11 H. Director of Religious Education...............................11 I. Nominating Committee.............................................12

III. Standing Committees.......................................................13

A. Membership Committee..........................................13 B. Religious Education (RE) Committee.......................14 C. Administrative Committees.....................................15

1. Auditing Committee.......................................15 2. Budget Committee.........................................15 3. Endowment, Memorial and Special

Funds Committee.........................................15 4. Memorial Garden Committee.........................15 5. Property Management Committee..................17

D. Sunday Services Committees..................................18

1. Flower Committee.........................................18 2. Summer Services Committee........................18 3. Sunday Services Committee..........................18 4. Tellers Committee.........................................18 5. Ushering Committee.....................................18

E. Communications Committees..................................18

1. Audio-Visual Committee...............................18 2. E. Burdett Backus Library Committee..........19 3. Bookshop Committee....................................19 4. Historical Records Committee.......................19 5. Sermon Tapes Committee.............................19 6. Touchstone Committee.................................20

F. General Program Committees..................................20

1. Lifespan Education Committee.....................20 2. Adult Forum Committee...............................20 3. Berentes-Tripp Memorial Fund Committee....20 4. Caring Committee.........................................20 5. Central Indiana Blood Draw Committee…….. 21


Articles of Procedure of the Church Council of

All Souls Unitarian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana...............31

By-laws of All Souls Unitarian Church..........................................33


A. UUA Principles and Purposes...........................................43 B. Use of Church Facilities...................................................44 C. Organizational Charts...................................following Index


6. Child Care Committee....................................21 7. Community Outreach Committee...................21 8. Denominational Affairs Committee.................21 9. Fine Arts Committee......................................22 10. Social Hour Committee................................22

IV. Board-appointed Committees and Individuals..................22

A. Stewardship Committee Chair................................22 B. Frontiers of Knowledge Committee..........................23 C. Fund Raising Committee........................................23 D. Ministerial Advisory & Performance Appraisal.........23 E. Personnel Committee..............................................24 F. Technology Committee............................................24

V. Autonomous Groups.........................................................26

A. Channing Club.......................................................26 B. Choir......................................................................26

VI. Special Committees of Council.........................................26

A. Memorial Service Reception Committee...................26 B. Partner Church Committee.....................................27

VII. General Procedures.........................................................27

A. Committee Relationships to the Board....................27 B. Annual Reports......................................................27 C. Committee Expenditures........................................27 D. Ex-officio Members.................................................28 E. Terms of Service.....................................................28 F. Special Duties of the President...............................28 G. Duties of the Council Chair....................................29 H. Duties of the Church Treasurer..............................30



The congregation at All Souls Unitarian Church (hereafter, the Church) follows democratic principles and shares religious and cultural ideas through

programs that are interrelated and based upon past experience and Church By-laws. Although focused on the Sunday service, the Church is quite

substantial in additional ways and is comprised of a complex organization in a constant state of flux.

This manual reflects the Church's operations in January 2010.

The charts following the Index graphically summarize the functional

organization of the Church, albeit only the most important interrelations among people and groups. It does, however, indicate the opportunities for service and leadership and the need for full and generous participation on the part of each friend and member.


June 2007: Gender-neutral language added (By-laws Article II) Sept. 2009: Addition of Technology Committee text Jan. 2010:

“Adult Education Committee” changed to “Lifespan Education Committee”

Deleted references to Minister being on vacation during summer months. Deleted references to Parents Day Out

Deleted references to the Hospitality Committee

References to “Canvass/Pledge Drive” changed to “Stewardship Committee” Deleted references to the Dinner/Discussion Group

Deleted references to the Jessy Wallin Haywood Alliance

Deleted section on Independent Groups (all groups are inactive)

References to “Office Administrator” changed to “Financial Secretary” or “Office Secretary” where appropriate

Name of Children’s Library changed to the Sylvia Morris Children’s Library Removed “Office Administrator” as an ex-officio member of Council in

“Articles of Procedure of the Church Council” (approved on Jan. 20, 2010).



All Souls Unitarian Church Operations Manual

I. Sunday Services: Regular Sunday services begin on the first Sunday

after Labor Day and end after the second Sunday in June. Summer services, planned by the Summer Services Committee (see page 18), are scheduled for the remaining Sundays of the summer. A social hour, coordinated by the Social Hour Committee, is held each Sunday after the service.

II. Democratic Functions of the Church

A. The Congregation: The Church is autonomous and controls its own affairs. The active, legal members of the Church (hereafter, the

Congregation) make programming and other decisions as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws and as subject to the legal requirements of the Indiana State Charter.

The Congregation chooses

• the Minister(s),

• the members of the Board of Trustees,

• the elected members of the Church Council, and • five members of the Nominating Committee, and

it delegates specific responsibilities to these elected representatives.

The Board of Trustees and the Church Council carry out the day-to-day operations.

Several autonomous groups affiliated with the Church serve the special needs and interests of their members (see page 26, \"Autonomous Groups\").

The Constitution of the Church (also known as the Articles of

Association, which are part of the Church’s historical records archive) is a brief legal document that is supplemented by the By-laws.

B. Congregational Meetings: Basic congregational decisions are made and certain officials are elected at congregational meetings held in May and November. Special meetings may be held at other times as provided in the By-laws (see page 33). Non-member friends of the Church are invited to attend congregational meetings as guests.

To vote at congregational meetings one must: • be 18 years of age or older,

• have signed the membership book, and

• have been in active status for a minimum of three months.


1. The regular business at the May congregational meeting includes:

a. Distribution of the Annual Report, which includes a report by the Auditing Committee.

b. The report of the Nominating Committee.

c. The nomination by the Congregation of the slate of

officers of the Board and the Congregation (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) submitted by the Nominating Committee, and any additional nominations from the floor.

d. The election of four (4) full-term (3-year) trustees and any short-term trustees who are needed to fill vacancies. e. The election of three (3) elected Members-at-large of the Church Council. f. The election of officers of the Council (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary). g. A report by the Minister.

b. Election of five (5) nominees to the Nominating Committee. c. A report by the Minister.

2. The regular business at the November congregational

meeting consists of: a. A Treasurer’s Report and congregational approval of the annual budget for the coming fiscal year, which begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

C. Board of Trustees

The Board consists of twelve (12) members plus four (4) voting officers elected by the Congregation at its May meeting and as outlined in the By-laws (Article 7). The Board of Trustees has legal responsibility as required by the Indiana State Charter for general supervision and management of the Church’s affairs and property, except for certain financial limitations that must be referred to the Congregation.

According to the By-laws the chairs of vital committees need not be


members of the Board; the Board acts with more speed and decision, however, when some of the vital committees are regularly represented within the Board’s membership.

The Board delegates some of its responsibilities to the chairs of certain standing and special committees. Two of these:

• the Stewardship Chair, and • the Financial Advisor

are concerned with Church finances. They are appointed by the

President and approved by the Board. The Board itself, however, acts in lieu of a single, year-round Finance Committee.

The following Committees:

• Administrative committees,

• Board-appointed committees, and • the Membership Committee

report directly to the Board. When their business is related to Church programs, they report also to the Church Council.

The chairs of the following standing committees: • Sunday Services committees

• Communications committees, and • General Program committees

report to the Church Council, through the appropriate member-at-large when necessary. The Church Council has the responsibility of forwarding to the Board appropriate information.

Standing committee chairs are appointed by the Nominating

Committee. After each appointment is accepted, the Committee reports the results to the Board. The President then writes letters of

appreciation to each appointee and summarizes the committee’s responsibilities as outlined in the Manual of Operations.

D. The Officers of the Church are:

• the President,

• the Vice President, • the Treasurer, and • the Secretary.

Officers are confirmed by the Board after nomination by the Nominating Committee and election by the Congregation at the May congregational meeting. Their duties are in general, those outlined in the By-laws.

E. Church Council: As delegated by the Board, the Church Council coordinates and promotes programs of committees and autonomous

groups and, through discussions at Council meetings and the use of the


church calendar, prevents duplication and program conflicts. The Council also helps determine Church policy, and any ideas, problems, or complaints about the Church should be first aired by the Council.

The members of the Council include an Executive Committee:

• the three (3) officers (Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary), and • the three (3) Members-at-large,

all nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Congregation at the May congregational meeting.

Other Council members are

• the President of the Congregation,

• one current trustee appointed by the President, • the Minister,

• the Director of Religious Education,

• an authorized representative of each autonomous group, and • the chairs of all Standing Committees of the Church.

The Council occasionally creates special committees to achieve program needs of the Church. Chairs of special committees are also urged to use the Council to make, disseminate, and carry out programming plans.

Council meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month, September through May, except in December; interested Church

members are always welcome to attend. A joint Board/Council retreat is held in August.

Each of the three groups of standing committees is the particular concern of one of the Members-at-large, who help to report their activities.

Each committee represented on the Council submits an Annual Report at the May congregational meeting.

F. Minister: The Minister at All Souls: • conducts Sunday morning services,

• chairs other religious meetings (such as orientation meetings for new members and visitors),

• keeps in close touch with the entire Church program,

• cooperates with the Frontiers of Knowledge Committee and the Summer Services Committee;

• invites an occasional guest minister to the pulpit,

• maintains a close relationship with the Religious Education Committee and the Director of Religious Education,

• consults with the Director of Music regarding the music for


Sunday services and the use of the choir and organist.

The Minister, reports to the membership at the congregational meetings in May and November. He also reports to the Board of Trustees and the Church Council at their monthly meetings. He is a member of the Board, Council, and all standing committees, but without voting privileges.

The Minister is chosen by a vote of the membership of the Church at a regular or special meeting of the voting members as provided by the By-laws (See Ministerial Advisory and Performance Appraisal Committee, or MAPA Committee, page 23).

G. Church School: The Church School is operated every Sunday during the regular Church year, with a complete schedule of classes

and activities for children of all ages. During the summer months in the Religious Education wing, child care is provided for preschool-age

children, and crafts and outdoor activities for school-age children. The Religious Education Committee and the Director of Religious Education (DRE) operate the Church School, although the actual administration of the school rests with DRE, who is responsible to the Committee and who works in close cooperation with the Minister.

The Sylvia Morris Children’s Library, a lending library, is a memorial to long-time All Souls member, Sylvia Morris. It is maintained through gifts and allocations from the Church School budget.

H. Director of Religious Education (DRE): The Director of Religious Education (DRE):

• creates and administers policies and programs in consultation with the Religious Education Committee, including the selection of a summer child care director and an outdoor recreation

director, and meets regularly with and reports to that committee, provides professional leadership and maintains close contact with the volunteer staff of teachers,

• serves as liaison between the Church and the day school(s) renting religious education facilities,

• maintains close contact with the Minister,

• reports monthly to the Board of Trustees and the Church Council.

The DRE is an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee, the Denominational Affairs Committee, and the Berentes-Tripp Fund Committee. Selection of the DRE and the terms of employment are determined by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation from the Religious Education Committee and the Minister.


I. Nominating Committee: This committee is chosen in late November to serve for one year. All members must be voting members of the Church. The Committee is made up of:

• a representative from the Board,

• one person from each of the recognized autonomous groups, • five (5) members elected by the Congregation • the President of the Congregation (ex-officio), • the Chair of the Church Council (ex-officio),

• the Chair of the Membership Committee (ex-officio), • the DRE (ex-officio), and • the Minister (ex-officio).

The ex-officio members may not vote for • officers of the Church,

• members of the Board of Trustees, or

• officers and Members-at-large of the Council.

The Congregation elects five (5) members of this committee at the

November congregational meeting based upon a slate presented by the outgoing Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee is called together by the President of the Church in November; it then selects its own Chair and Secretary.

The first order of business is the selection of a Chair for, and members of the Summer Services Committee and the Religious Education Committee.

The Nominating Committee aids the standing committee chairs in the selection of committee members. A letter is written to each incumbent chair (except those appointed by the Board) with suggestions for

appointees to their committee based upon the “Helping Hands” survey forms recently completed, which furnish individual preferences for service to the Church in the coming year.

In January, the Committee reviews the Church membership for experience, interest, and usefulness of each individual, soliciting

suggestions from present committee members; it then selects a chair for each of the standing committees (except those selected by the Board) to serve from 1 June through 31 May.

At least thirty (30) days before the May congregational meeting, the Nominating Committee posts its nominations for leadership positions (see below) as required in Article VII of the By-laws. The Nominating


Committee also supplies a list of these nominations, as well as a complete list of standing committee chairs it has selected, to the

Bulletin Editor for publication. The President of the Church will supply the names of the Board-appointed committee chairs and of those individuals serving in special capacities.

At the May congregational meeting, the Nominating Committee formally presents its nominations to the Congregation for

• officers of the Church,

• four new members of the Board, • any trustee vacancies, and

• the officers and three Members-at-large of the Council.

During the year the committee fills vacancies as they occur.

Questions regarding changes in committee structure or function are referred to the Council for discussion. Any changes in Church policy must be approved by the Board.

III. Standing Committees and Their Responsibilities: Besides the

Administrative and Board-appointed committees, two other committees report directly to the Board and to the Church Council:

A. Membership Committee: This committee's primary function is to maintain and increase membership in the Church. The committee provides the means by which visitors to the Church can easily make themselves known and become acquainted with the activities and other members of the Church.

Members of this committee tend the guest register and the membership book on Sunday mornings and provide the Minister with information about visitors. It provides greeters before the service, during the social hour, and a tour guide after the service. It maintains a liaison with the DRE to learn about new families participating in the Church School.

The Committee maintains an information file on new members and interested friends. It schedules hospitality and orientation meetings during the Church year. The committee also helps new members

integrate into the Church; it contacts them to invite their attendance on Recognition Sundays.

With the help of the Office Secretary, the committee keeps an up-to-date record of changes in membership. The chair reports these monthly to the Board, which formally approves any resignation or transfer to inactive status. Active voting members of another Unitarian


Universalist Church or fellowship may not be active voting members of All Souls.

The Membership Committee is responsible for the publication of the \"Church Directory\" of members and friends. Members and contributing friends shall be listed in the directory.

The Membership Committee functions for the summer services as well as during the regular Church year.

B. Religious Education (RE) Committee: This committee is a lay group which, working with the DRE, is responsible for the policies and programs of the Church School. It supervises the DRE and makes

recommendations to the Board relating to the DRE's appointment. The RE chair is appointed by the Nominating Committee. The RE

Committee is responsible to the Board. The Board appoints one of its members to the RE committee. The Minister is also an ex-officio member of this committee.

In October, the Religious Education Committee elects one (1) member to the Nominating Committee.

The Religious Education Committee's functions are carried out by several sub-committees such as curriculum planning, housekeeping, recruitment, and special projects.

This committee makes recommendations to the Personnel Committee regarding the DRE's salary.

Other Standing Committees fall into four categories:

•Administrative Committees, •Sunday Services Committees,

•Communications Committees, and •General Program Committees.

Each of the three Members-at-Large of Council track the activities of one of the last three of the Standing Committee Groups (excluding

Administrative). Members-at-large are also expected to help orient new chairs to their duties, including their participation in the Council.

When chairs are unable to, the Members-at-large report information to Council as may be necessary.

The Church Council is the forum at which committees present their plans for discussion prior to implementation, and the Council coordinates these activities.

C. The Administrative Committees: These committees work most


closely with the Board. They are:

1. Auditing Committee is appointed annually to audit the books of the Treasurer during and at the close of the fiscal year and to report to the Congregation at the annual May meeting. When

indicated, the committee recommends the changes in procedures. (See By-laws, Article IX, Section 2.)

2. The Budget Committee is responsible for receiving estimates of budgetary needs for the coming fiscal year from the

committees, the Minister, the Treasurer, the Board, the Church School, etc.

The budget recommendation, to fund the next calendar year, is presented to the Board in the fall and, after the Board reviews it, to the Congregation for discussion and adoption at the November congregational meeting.

3. Endowment, Memorial and Special Funds Committee

encourages and receives bequests, holds and administers funds for permanent endowment, and makes income available as

directed by the Board. It also receives, holds, administers, and returns to the Church Treasurer funds given for specific

purposes. It invests the endowment fund with Board approval.

4. Memorial Garden Committee:

a. The use and maintenance of the Memorial Garden of All Souls Unitarian Church is under the exclusive control of All Souls Unitarian Church and shall be administered through the Board of Trustees of the Church or a committee

designated by the Board. No individual shall acquire any right whatsoever with respect to the use or appearance of the Memorial Garden or related memorial plaques or books. All Souls Unitarian Church may alter, modify or relocate the Memorial Garden or any related memorial plaques or books whenever such changes are required or desirable, in the sole judgment of the Board of Trustees.

b. Each applicant for use of the Memorial Garden agrees and understands that interred ashes will not be recoverable or preserved intact.

c. The ashes of the following persons are eligible for

interment in the memorial garden of All Souls Unitarian Church:


A member of All Souls Unitarian Church,

A spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, child,

grandchild, brother, or sister of a member of All Souls Unitarian Church.

• Any contributing friend of All Souls Unitarian Church. • Any other person whom the Board of Trustees of the Church, or a committee designated by the Board, shall accept for interment in the Memorial garden.

• •

d. The names of all persons whose ashes are interred in the Memorial Garden will be entered in a permanent memorial book maintained by All Souls Unitarian Church. A plaque bearing the name of each person whose ashes are interred in the Memorial Garden will be erected in or near the site of the Garden and will be maintained by the Board of Trustees or a committee designated by the Board. The style, design, and maintenance of the plaque will be in accordance with the policies and decisions of the Board or its designated committee.

e. A payment to \"Memorial Garden of All Souls Unitarian Church\" will be required from each applicant for use of the Memorial Garden before permission to use the Garden will be granted. The amount of such payment shall be

determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees of All Souls Unitarian Church or its designated committee.

f. The Board of Trustees of All Souls Unitarian Church, or its designated committee, shall regularly review and update administrative rules and regulations pertaining to the use, appearance, maintenance, improvements, costs and

perpetuation of the Memorial Garden, memorial plaque(s) and memorial books and records.

g. No interment of ashes or memorial services shall be conducted, nor shall any flowers, plants or decorations be placed in or about the Memorial Garden without the prior approval of the Board of Trustees of All Souls Unitarian Church or its designated committee.


5. Property Management Committee:

a. Is responsible for the care of Church property--the general supervision of all grounds, buildings and

equipment. It should include representatives of all of the groups actively using the church and its facilities.

b. The Committee is empowered to make expenditures

within the annually approved budget amounts. It submits to the Budget Committee its recommendations for

improvement and upkeep in the coming fiscal year, with estimates of their cost. During the current year it may

submit requests to the Board for emergency needs, repairs, or equipment whose costs would be in excess of the budgeted amounts.

c. The General Chair will supervise all property, liability, fidelity, fire and other insurance matters, and maintain and periodically re-inventory schedules of valuable Church properties for insurance purposes.

d. Arrangements for heating and utility services, as well as upkeep of grounds are its responsibility. Regular inspection of properties is made, and an inventory of all properties and housekeeping supplies purchased is maintained.

e. The Property Management Committee hires the custodi- an(s) with Board approval and supervises and evaluates his/her performance. It establishes proper fees to be paid for extra hours and for services required by groups or

individuals within the Church and makes recommendations to the Budget Committee regarding his/her salary.

f. Sub-Committees--Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Parking Lot, and Housekeeping--are established to carry out this committee's functions.

g. Cooperation with others is essential, particularly with the Office Secretary, who is concerned with rentals of space and proper insurance programs, etc.

h. It establishes and posts policies for the use of the kitchen and other facilities and equipment. (See “Use of Church Facilities,” page 44).


D. Sunday Services Committees

1. Flower Committee: The Flower Committee arranges for Sunday services and seasonal flower decorations for the

sanctuary and for other areas of the Church. These decorations are made possible by monetary contributions used at the discretion of the committee or as specified by the donor.

2. Summer Services Committee: The Summer Services

Committee is responsible for Sunday services during the summer months. It is appointed early in the calendar year to allow sufficient time to plan the coming summer program. It is

authorized to request assistance from appropriate committees, including: membership, ushering, tellers, library, book shop, sermon tapes, audio-visual, social hour, visiting, fine arts, and religious education.

3. Sunday Services Committee: This Committee fills the pulpit for any Sunday or series of Sundays when the Minister is not available. The Chair is appointed by the Nominating Committee, and the committee includes:

• the President of the Board,

• the chair of the Denominational Affairs Committee, • the chair of the Frontiers of Knowledge Committee, • the Minister, and

• others selected by the chair.

4. Tellers Committee: Members of the Tellers Committee count the Sunday offering by opening envelopes and verifying cash

pledges after each service. The teller is responsible for depositing the offering in the bank. This committee functions for summer services as well as during the regular church year.

5. Ushering Committee: Members distribute Orders of Service to people entering the sanctuary, take attendance, and collect the offering at the regular Sunday morning services. One usher assists the teller after the service each Sunday. This committee functions for summer services as well as during the regular Church year. E. Communications Committees

1. Audio-Visual Committee: The A-V Committee is responsible for the operation of the sound system and recording sermons on


Sunday mornings in consultation with the Minister and the

Sermon Tape Committee. It functions for summer services as well as during the regular church year.

The Committee is also responsible for and makes

recommendations about the purchase, maintenance, repair, scheduling for use, and operation of all audio-visual equipment owned by the Church. All users of audio-visual equipment shall be instructed by the A-V Committee; use of equipment by

untrained and/or unauthorized users is not allowed. Preventative maintenance is performed by the committee or a contractor.

2. The E. Burdette Backus Library Committee: The Library Committee maintains the lending library of the Church. On Sunday members of the committee help members of the Congregation find and check out books. New books are

purchased from funds allocated by the Church, from donations, or through fund raising. Many books are given as memorials for friends or family; suitable bookplates are placed in these books.

This committee functions for summer services as well as during the regular church year.

3. Bookshop Committee: The Bookshop Committee offers for sale in the Social Hall a selection of books and periodicals, including publications of Beacon Press. Members of the

committee assist with selections and take orders for publications that are not in stock.

This committee functions for summer services as well as during the regular church year.

4. Historical Records Committee: The Historical Records Committee is responsible for collecting and preserving annual reports of the Church, its committees, and other affiliated

organizations; minutes of meetings of the Board, Council, and Congregation; and the Church Bulletin. Newspaper clippings of special events, tributes and obituaries; photographs and other archival materials are also collected and preserved. Historical records are stored in three metal cabinets in the Beattie Room and in one cabinet in the basement. Current minutes of meetings are kept in the office.

5. Sermon Tapes Committee: The Sermon Tapes Committee stores audio and visual recordings in the Backus Library and the


Beattie Room and catalogs tape recordings of sermons and such other Church services as may be requested.

6. Touchstone Committee: Members of the Touchstone Committee collect, edit, and publish The Touchstone, which supplements information reported in the Bulletin. The

Touchstone is published during the regular church year from time to time at the discretion of the editor(s).

F. General Program Committees

1. Lifespan Education Committee: The Lifespan Education Committee develops its program for the year with some guidance and assistance from the Minister and DRE. The committee also cooperates with other standing committees to broaden its program and to coordinate related programs.

2. Adult Forum Committee: The Adult Forum Committee plans and executes a wide range of programs that are held on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. in the Beattie Room.

3. Berentes-Tripp Memorial Fund Committee: This Committee manages a revolving fund sustained by contributions from

members, friends, and organizations, often given as memorials. Members send notes of acknowledgement to donors and to the families of those memorialized. The fund is used to further the religious outlook and understanding of workers in the Church, especially the staff (both professional and volunteer) of the Religious Education Department.

4. Caring Committee: The Caring Committee uses a telephone chain to track members who are ill, hospitalized, bereaved, or shut-in. The committee sends cards and flowers, makes

telephone calls and visits, and offers help in a variety of ways in times of emergencies. The committee chair meets regularly with the Minister and maintains contact with the Office Secretary. The Committee maintains a card file of requests for Ministerial visits in the Minister's office. Plans are made with the Flower

Committee for distribution of the Sunday services flowers when they are available.

This committee functions for summer services as well as during the regular Church year.


5. Central Indiana Blood Draw Committee: The Blood Draw Committee arranges for the periodic donation of blood by Church members in a traveling Bloodmobile after Sunday services.

6. Child Care Committee: The Child Care Committee schedules individuals to cover child care requests for parents to attend

meetings. The Committee also assures that the Child Care givers are paid.

7. Community Outreach Committee: The Community Outreach Committee involves the church in community projects, including the Blood Draw, the “Underneath It All, We’re All the Same” campaign, and a variety of other activities throughout the year.

8. Denominational Affairs Committee: This Committee’s responsibilities relate to the participation of the Church in the programs and activities of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), as well as in regional activities of the denomination

through the Heartland District. The Minister and the DRE are ex-officio members. Committee responsibilities include:

• Keeping informed on denominational events, problems, resolutions, and decisions, and transmitting significant information to the Board, the Council, constituent groups and the Congregation.

• Staying aware of UUA and ancillary programs, and stimulating support of these activities. The Church's

contributions to the denominational Annual Fund and the Heartland Unitarian Universalist District (HUUD) are included in the annual operating budget.

• Disseminating information regarding the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.

• Planning for Church representation at the meetings of the UUA and HUUD.

• Working jointly with corresponding or similar committees of local UU churches and promoting active participation with a \"cluster group\" of nearby societies.

• Making arrangements for any denominational or area meetings held in Indianapolis with the help of other local UU churches as required.

The committee chair maintains a close working relationship between the committee and the Minister. The chair of the

committee or a representative attends Council meetings, where ways and means for promoting interest in denominational affairs may be discussed and developed.


9. Fine Arts Committee: The Fine Arts Committee consists of two subcommittees, the first responsible for Music Programs, the second for the Arts Programs. Both subcommittees have their own chairs and committee members, but any member desiring to do so may belong to both subcommittees. When requested to do so, the subcommittees offer advice on aesthetic concerns within their purview. Responsibilities include:

Music Programs Subcommittee:

• Choir and special music programs,

• Recommendations to the Personnel Committee regarding salaries of the choir director and the organist;

• The selections of the music director and the organist

Arts Programs Subcommittee:

• Arts displays at the church,

• Arts activities not the responsibility of other committees, • Identifying and assisting with fund raising events to support improvements of décor and furnishings within the environs of the Church,

• Temporary displays and decorations

10. Social Hour Committee: This Committee is responsible for planning the social hours after church services and assigning auxiliary committees and groups to serve.

This committee plans social hours for summer services as well as for regular Sunday services.

IV. Board-appointed Committees and Individuals: Some ad-hoc chairs and committees are appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.

A. Stewardship Committee Chair: To obtain funds to meet the

operating budget, the Board appoints a Stewardship Committee Chair, who, with the assistance of the Board and its Officers, organizes and appoints the Committee to do the following:

• Develop canvass literature to be given to each pledging unit in the Church;

• Conduct the stewardship campaign; • Review and approve related expenses;

• Keep track of pledge collection and counsel/contact members who have not pledged;

• Contact new members throughout the year who were not contacted during the stewardship campaign.


B. Frontiers of Knowledge Committee invites outstanding individuals at the frontiers of present-day knowledge and developments in many social and cultural fields to speak at Sunday services. Selections are made with the help and approval of the Minister.

C. Fund Raising Committee develops and conducts activities and events to raise funds to meet the fund-raising income portion of the annual church budget. Such activities and events have included auctions, product sales, social events, and staffing concessions at professional sporting events.

D. Ministerial Advisory and Performance Appraisal Committee (MAPA): The MAPA Committee serves as liaison between the Minister and the Congregation. All members of the MAPA Committee must be members of the Church. The President of the Board of Trustees serves as chair. The committee will meet at least twice a year, once between September and December, and once between January and May, prior to its yearly presentation to the Board.

1. The members of the committee include:

• the immediate past President of the Board,

• one member appointed by the President of the Board for a two-year term,

• one member appointed each year by the Church Council for a three-year term.

2. The functions of the MAPA Committee are:

• To aid the Minister in carrying on an effective ministry by being available for counsel.

• To make salary recommendations to the Personnel Committee.

• To meet with the Minister upon his/her request or at the request of the President of the Congregation.

• To advise the Minister of Congregational conditions and problems that could affect relations between the Minister and members.

• To interpret to the Congregation the nature and scope of the Minister's work in order to strengthen and improve relationships.

• To work with the Minister on continuing education,

sabbatical planning, or other professional development, and to advocate such plans.

• To meet with the Minister, and when appropriate, to assist in making changes in job performance by participating in the development of a job description for the coming year.


Such programs will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval and evaluated by the MAPA Committee at the end of the Church year. The committee will present its written evaluation to the Minister who will comment on it before it is passed on to the Board of Trustees.

• The MAPA Committee reports to the Board of Trustees on its activities and on the performance of the Minister prior to the Spring Congregational meeting.

E. Personnel Committee, which reports to the Board of trustees is:

1. composed of:

• The Vice-president, who serves as chair, • Two trustees, appointed by the President,

• Two members-at-large, appointed by the President,

• The Minister, who votes only on hiring new staff and who does not participate in discussions concerning salary recommendations,

• Non-voting special members, such as the Treasurer when discussing salary recommendations, committee chairs when hiring a staff member under the committee's cognizance, and anyone else with special expertise the Committee needs to call upon.

2. In collaboration with specific Church committees when appropriate, the duties of the Personnel Committee include: • developing and maintaining a process that will be used to fill staff positions, except the minister,

• providing support during the hiring process,

• making hiring recommendations to the Board for all staff

members, except the minister,

• making termination recommendations to the Board for all staff members, except the minister,

• creating, reviewing, and revising employment policies and position descriptions for all staff, except the minister,

• providing support for committees working closely with paid staff, but not day-to-day management or supervision of staff members,

• making coordinated salary recommendations for all staff to the Budget Committee.

3. Meetings: Personnel matters concerning specific employees are confidential and therefore meetings are closed.

F. Technology Committee: Communication and record-keeping for the Church depend heavily on information technology (IT). It is essential that the Church use available expertise to ensure that its information systems are maintained in a manner that will reflect favorably on the


organization, that will preserve and protect valuable information, and that will use up-to-date software and hardware. The Technology Committee is responsible for three key areas of IT: Web presence, Hardware, and Software.

All Souls’ website has become its most valuable advertising and

community access portal. Information on the website should be timely and accurate. The Technology Committee includes a Webmaster who interfaces with office staff to update calendar of events, with other

committees for special advertising, and with the Council and Board for updates.

Computers and other technology equipment (telephone system, printers) need maintenance, repair, and replacement. The Technology Committee includes individuals with technical expertise to assist in the decision-making process and to recommend budgeting needs.

The Church’s information systems depend on software packages, which require updates and maintenance on a regular basis. Some of the

software contains sensitive information about friends and members, and confidentiality must be maintained, and access must be restricted.

Software upgrades and acquisitions must not only meet the needs of the organization and staff, but must also avoid compromising the integrity of the database.

The Technology Committee reports to the Board of Trustees and is

responsible for maintaining, updating, upgrading, and/or replacing All Souls’ Information Technology hardware and software. Since one or more members of this committee may need access to sensitive information in the Church database, individuals serving on this committee must meet the highest standards of competence and integrity. Responsibilities of this committee include:

• Maintaining All Souls website with respect to both functionality and

content by a designated Webmaster appointed by the Board.

• Maintaining All Souls wireless network (if active) and protecting it

from unwanted intrusion or unauthorized usage.

• Maintaining documentation, including user manuals for hardware

and software, database formats, written procedures for complex tasks, and contact information for customer service.

• Making recommendations to the Board regarding computer

hardware and peripheral equipment. upgrades or replacement, and overseeing the installation and testing of such equipment.

• Making recommendation to the Board regarding sound IT practices

regarding backup and safe storage of information, and implementing the approved recommendations.


• •

Making recommendations to the Board regarding associated

systems such as telephones or multi-function printer/copiers, but specifically excluding electronic equipment such as amplifiers, speakers, microphones, personal hearing devices, etc., under the purview of the Audio Visual Committee.

Making recommendations to the Board for software upgrades and replacement, and installation and testing of the approved upgrades or replacements. Such upgrades or replacements must be carefully implemented in order that the integrity of the information in All Souls’ databases is not violated or corrupted.

Cooperate with the Audio-Visual Committee in areas where responsibilities overlap.

Cooperates with the Property Management Committee regarding placement and protection of computers and other IT equipment to reduce the likelihood of damage, unauthorized access, or theft. Cooperates with the Personnel Committee with respect to staff training for operating the hardware and software.

V. Autonomous Groups: Autonomous groups of the Church are membership organizations that have special interests. They have been granted affiliate status by the Board of Trustees. The By-laws of each autonomous group are submitted to the Board for approval. Each autonomous group is also required to appoint representatives to the Church Council and to the Nominating

Committee; all representatives must be members of the Church. Failure to do so may result in review of the group's status as an autonomous group.

Autonomous Groups today include:

A. Channing Club: The purpose of this organization shall be to uphold the Covenant of All Souls Unitarian Church by providing for its

members opportunities for enrichment through discussion, interaction, study, social activity, and service. Any person may become a member by accepting the purpose and by paying annual dues to the Secretary/Treasurer.

B. The Choir provides music for Sunday services and special programs of the church.

VI. Special Committees of Council

A. Memorial Service Reception Committee: The Memorial Reception Committee serves refreshments after a memorial service at All Souls. Members of the Committee also staff the guest register, help with flowers, usher, and generally assist the bereaved family wherever needed.


VII. General Procedures: Committee members should, whenever possible, be able to carry on their jobs for more than one year. Chairs of committees should consider training vice-chairs who could succeed them. New chairs should receive good records and help from the immediate past chair. The

chair is responsible for notifying members of meeting times and places and for chairing meetings efficiently.

A. Committee Relationships to the Board

• All committees are ultimately responsible to the Board of Trustees.

• Committee supervision (except for the Nominating Committee), especially those concerned with program activities, belongs to the Church Council.

• Committee resignations are presented to the President, who refers replacement needs to the Nominating Committee or to the Board, as provided in the By-laws.

• The Board acts in lieu of a Finance Committee, since it is relieved of most program responsibilities by the Council.

B. Annual Reports: All committees and autonomous groups, the Minister, the Director of Religious Education, the President of the Congregation, the Treasurer, and the Auditor are expected to compile written annual reports. The Annual Report also includes a report about the current annual budget. These documents are solicited and compiled by the officers of the Council to form the official \"Annual

Report.\" Copies of the Annual Report are presented to the Congregation at the May congregational meeting.

C. Committee Expenditures: Project sponsored by committees that require a monetary expenditure, beyond that which is available in a committee’s custodial account, should be presented to the Budget Committee for possible inclusion in the annual budget. The Board of Trustees must approve all emergency expenditures proposed by any committee. Bills incurred by a committee in carrying out its plans

should be certified by the chair of the committee before presentation to the Financial Secretary for payment within the approved budget. The

B. Partner Church Committee: The Partner Church Committee fosters a relationship with our sister church in Sepsiszentgyorgyi, Transylvania, Romania, the cradle of the Unitarian faith. Our partner church has long suffered political turmoil and economic need and it asks for our moral and financial support and, when possible, an

exchange of visitors. All Souls also provides money to fund scholarships for aspiring university students from our partner church.


fiscal year of the Church, including expenditures and pledge payments, coincides with the calendar year.

D. Ex-officio Members

• The Minister is an ex-officio member of all standing committees, the Board and the Council,

• The DRE is an ex-officio member of the Board, the Council, and the Nominating Committee,

• The President of the Board is a member ex-officio of all Church committees and of the Church Council,

• The Council Chair and the Membership Committee Chair are ex-officio members of the Nominating Committee,

• The Treasurer is an ex-officio member of all committees that involve fund raising, budgets, and property maintenance and management. E. Terms of Services: The work of most standing committees begins on 1 June and continues through the following 31 May. The Summer Services Committee is an exception, however; its members are

appointed early in the calendar year and the Committee functions only until the end of summer services.

F. Special Duties of the President: Some immediate considerations of a new President, with the help of the Board of Trustees are:

1. To meet with the chair of the Council to consider respective responsibilities and the interrelationship of the Board and the Council. The chair of the Council is invited to attend the monthly Board meetings, and the chair's name should be on the list of monthly mailings of the minutes and the agenda.

2. To appoint:

• A trustee as representative on the Church Council,

• A trustee as representative on the Nominating Committee, • A trustee as the representative on the Religious Education Committee,

• A financial advisor to the Board,

• A new member, for a two-year term, of the Ministerial Advisory and Performance Appraisal Committee (MAPA); this

presidential appointment is needed every two years, and • The chair and membership of the Fund Raising Committee.

3. To inform the Bulletin editor of all presidential appointments in time for their publication in the final June Bulletin;


4. To send a letter of welcome to each new committee chair, stating that new committees begin their function on 1 June through 31 May, that committee duties are outlined in the

Church Manual and include attending the Chair’s attendance at Church Council meetings;

5. To send a letter in September to each autonomous group

advising that a representative who is familiar with the functioning of the Church and with its membership must be appointed or elected to the Nominating Committee;

6. To calling the Nominating Committee together for its

organizational meeting in November. The President attends

meetings of the Nominating Committee as an ex-officio member; 7. To sending a letter in April to each autonomous group advising that a representative to the Church Council must be appointed or elected before the May Council meeting; and

G. The Duties of the Council Chair include:

1. To plan the agenda for the monthly Council meeting;

2. To maintain a relationship with the President of the Board in light of their respective responsibilities and their overlapping functions.

3. To attend Board meetings when possible.

4. To maintain an overall view of the program activities and committees of the Church. The Members-at-large can assist in this task and with the follow-up discussions and decisions made by the Church Council.

5. To ensure that each Council member has a copy of this Manual.

6. To attend meetings of the Nominating Committee.

7. In March, to notify the chairs of committees, presidents of autonomous organizations, and the Church Treasurer that individual annual reports are due by a specific deadline.

8. To appoint one member of the MAPA Committee to serve a three-year term.


H. Duties of the Church Treasurer: The Church Treasurer works with the Financial Secretary to make certain that receipts, deposits, and payments are made in a timely fashion; that financial reports are

accurate and up-to-date; and that the Board of Trustees is aware of any fiduciary matters that fall within its purview.


Articles of Procedure of the Church Council of All Souls Unitarian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana

Article I, Name: The name of this organization shall be the Church Council of All Souls Unitarian Church (ASUC) of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Article II, Purpose: The Church Council was formed in 1948 as an extension of the Board of Trustees. Its mission is to coordinate program activities (as distinct from property and financial management) and promote understanding and cooperation among standing committees and autonomous groups. The Council also aids in determining Church policy. (See Article X of the By-laws of the Church.)

Article III, Specific Functions: Specific functions may change as needs arise. The spheres of responsibility currently are:

1. To promote, integrate, and work to ensure the success of committee plans and groups to avoid confusion.

2. To have monthly discussion and planning sessions, attended by one or more representatives from each group, who shall in turn report to the groups for further discussion or implementation.

3. To maintain a Church calendar with the help of the Office

Administrator to ensure wise spacing of events and good use of the Church areas and to avoid unwise overlapping.

4. To make specific recommendations to the Board of Trustees in regard to possible new Church needs or policies in any area of the Church's functioning.

5. To call for the annual reports and to coordinate these reports in a published booklet for distribution to the congregation at the annual meeting in May. See General Procedures in the Manual.

6. The Council Chair in April will appoint a church member to the

Ministerial Advisory and Performance Appraisal (MAPA) Committee for a three year term beginning June 1.

Article IV, Membership: The members of the Council shall be Church members and shall consist of the officers and three Members-at-large, as herein provided in Article V; a representative from the Board of Trustees; the president of each autonomous group of the Church and the chair of each standing committee. The President of the Board of Trustees, the minister(s)


and the Director of Religious Education shall be members ex-officio. Qualified alternates may represent the groups and the committees upon occasion or need (see Article X of the By-laws of the Church.)

Article V, Officers and Elections:

1. The Officers of the Council shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. There shall be three Members-at-large, who shall be

assigned to such liaison duties with church committees and to such other duties as the Council may desire. These six shall constitute an Executive Committee for agenda planning and for any emergency need between the regular meetings of the Council.

2. The Officers shall be elected at the annual May meeting of the congregation of the Church. A slate shall be submitted by the

Nominating Committee as provided herein. (Article X of the By-laws of the Church.)

3. Officers shall be installed at the May meeting of the Council following the annual May congregational meeting of the Church.

Article VI, Meetings:

1. Meetings of the Church Council shall be held monthly, at such time as the Council shall decide, August through May, except December.

2. Special meetings may be called by the chair.

3. At the May meeting of the Council all outgoing and all incoming members shall be invited to be in attendance in order to facilitate a more effective carry-through of activities from year-to-year.

4. Each committee and group shall submit to the Council its major program plans.

5. A minimum of six members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.

6. Minutes of each meeting shall be printed by the Council secretary and distributed to each Council member as soon as possible after each meeting. These minutes should be the basis of a report by representatives to their respective groups.

7. Members of the Church shall be welcome at all Council meetings.


Article VII, Amendments: These Articles of Procedure may be amended at any Council meeting by a majority vote of the members present.

Revised and Adopted January 2010.

By-laws of All Souls Unitarian Church


We, the members of All Souls Unitarian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana, recognize our fellowship in the Unitarian-Universalist tradition and our

common purposes; further, we set forth in these By-laws the traditional polity by which final authority rests with the membership or congregation. The Church shall be a member of such organizations as shall be determined by the voting members.

Article I, Object

The object of this Church shall be to maintain regular religious services in the community, and to build up in the hearts of its people the high ideals of a rational, progressive, and exalted religion according to the covenant of this Church, which is \"Love is the Spirit of this Church and Service is its Law, to Dwell together in Peace, to Seek the Truth in Love, and to Help One Another, This is our Covenant.\"

Article II, Membership

Section 1 Any person fourteen years of age or over, who feels in sympathy

with the purposes of the Church as expressed in its Covenant and in its general activities, and who signs the membership book,

shall be considered a member thereof. All Souls Unitarian Church does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, occupation,

gender, past religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. Members of All Souls Unitarian Church may not be members of other Unitarian Universalist Churches or Fellowships.

Section 2 Classes of Membership

Active members. Those who are legal members and who are


included in our annual membership report to the Unitarian-Universalist Association.

Voting Members. Active members who have attained the age of

eighteen (18) years and have been members for three (3) months prior to any annual or special meeting of the Church membership shall have the right to vote.

Inactive Members. Those who make no contribution to the life of the Church and do not consider themselves to be actively interested in the life of the Church.

Section 3

Termination of membership: Membership in this Church shall be terminated in either of the following ways:

• By resignation, notice of which shall be given in writing to the Church. By action of the Board of Trustees, in consideration of information from the Membership Committee.

Section 4

Article III, Congregational Meetings and Quorum

Section 1 Meetings. Meetings of the Church membership shall be held in

May and November of each year. The day and the time of each meeting shall be set by the Board of Trustees and notice shall be given in the Church Bulletin not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 2 May Meeting.

• Officers of the Board shall be nominated and Board Trustees shall be elected as provided in Article VII.

• Officers and Members-at-large of the Church Council shall be elected as provided in Article X.

• The Treasurer and Auditing Committee shall make their

It shall be the concern and responsibility of the Membership Committee to maintain the file of membership, to review it

regularly, and to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning the classification and disposition of the membership of individuals. Any such action by the Board of Trustees may be appealed to the voting members at a regular or special meeting.



Reports of the activities of the past year shall be made.

Meeting. Section 3 November

• Five (5) members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected as provided in Article VIII, Section 1.

• Plans for the ensuing year may be presented.

• The budget for the ensuing fiscal year, and plans for meeting the budget, shall be presented to the congregation for approval.

Section 4 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Church membership

may be called by the Board of Trustees, by written request of at least thirty (30) voting members of the Church, or by the minister. A notice of such meeting shall be posted in the Church at least eight (8) days prior to the meeting, including two (2) Sundays, and published in the Bulletin at least once prior to the meeting.

Section 5 Quorum. Ten percent (10%) of the membership eligible to vote

shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6 Resolutions. No resolution purporting to express a policy position

of All Souls Unitarian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana, shall be considered at a congregational meeting unless it has been either a) posted on the bulletin board not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting, or b) submitted to the Board of Trustees and

received the approval of the Board of Trustees for consideration at the meeting. This Section shall not be construed to prohibit

resolutions relating to business matters arising at the meeting or arising from reports of committees.

Article IV, Ministers

Section 1 Selection and Dismissal. The Minister, or Ministers, shall be

chosen or dismissed by the voting members of the Church at a regular or special meeting, by a majority of the votes cast.

Section 2 Duties. The Minister, or ministers, shall have charge of the

Sunday services and similar religious meetings, and in general shall have charge of the spiritual interest of the Church, performing the usual duties of a Minister to the Church


membership and the community. The Minister shall make a report to the Church membership at the Annual May Meeting. The Minister may make recommendations to the Board of

Trustees, and shall bring to their attention any matters which seem pertinent to the general welfare of the Church.

Section 3 Membership on Board, Church Council, Committees. The

Minister(s) shall be a member of the Board of Trustees, without vote. The Minister shall also be a member of the Church Council and of all standing committees, without vote.

Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Minister, a committee of eleven (11) members shall be formed to seek and present a candidate or candidates for the office of Minister. Four (4) members of this committee shall be selected by the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall nominate seven (7) members for election to this committee and post the names of the nominees in the same manner as provided for nomination of Trustees in Article VIII. Additional nominations may be made by petition as provided in Article VII, Section 2. Seven (7) members of this committee shall be elected by the voting members. It shall be the

responsibility of the Board of Trustees to see that the pulpit is filled until a new Minister is chosen.

Section 4

Article V, Officers

Section 1 The officers of this Church shall be a President, Vice President,

Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2 The Treasurer will assume the duties of the office the first day of

the month following the election. The other officers will assume their duties immediately upon their election. All officers will hold office for a period of one year and until their successors have been elected and qualified.

Section 3 The officers above named shall be ex-officio members of the Board

of Trustees, with the right to vote.

Section 4 Duties. The duties of the officers shall be those customarily

performed by such officers, including those herein specified below. The President shall preside at all meetings of the

membership and the Board of Trustees; shall be a member of the Church Council and shall be a member, ex-officio without vote, of all committees of the Church unless the President is an appointed member.


Section 5

Section 6 Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in any of the offices, the Board of Trustees shall fill such vacancy, as necessary.

The Board of Trustees may appoint, in the event of the absence or inability of the Secretary or Treasurer to serve, a secretary or treasurer pro-tem who shall have such duties and powers as prescribed by the Board of Trustees.

Article VI, Trustees

Section 1 Number, Election and Tenure. The business affairs of this

Church shall be vested in the Board of Trustees consisting of

twelve (12) members and the four (4) officers of the Church. Four (4) of the elected twelve (12) members of the Board of Trustees shall be elected by the voting church members each year at the Annual May Meeting, to serve for a term of three (3) years

beginning immediately following the election, or until a successor is elected and qualified.

Section 2 Eligibility for Re-Election. No elected Trustee who has been duly

elected to a full three year term, or to fill the balance of a vacated term, shall be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed after the close of the term. However, a trustee who has been appointed to serve the remainder of a current year of a vacated term (Article VI, Section 5) shall be eligible for election in May to either the balance of that vacated term, or to a full three year term.

Section 3 Duties and Limitation of Power.

• The Board of Trustees shall have general supervision over

the property of the Church, both real and personal; and shall have control of its administration, except as herein limited.

• The Board of Trustees shall not execute or authorize the

execution of any deed, contract or mortgage or any other instrument affecting title to the real property of the Church without first being authorized to do so by a vote of the membership. No expenditure of money, outside the

budget, exceeding the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000.00) shall be made without a vote of the membership.


The Board of Trustees shall authorize the investment and reinvestment of general and special funds of the Church in reasonable and prudent investments and the sale of securities from time to time, as it shall deem advisable.

Section 4

Section 5 Vacancies. Failure of any elected Trustee to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board, unless such action is

considered by the Board to be unavoidable, shall automatically terminate membership on the Board and create a vacancy on the Board. Such vacancy, or vacancies for other cause(s), shall be filled by the Nominating Committee, which shall appoint a Church member to serve until the next May Meeting, at which time the membership shall elect a trustee to serve the balance of the vacated term. (Article VII, Section 2.)

Meetings. The Board of Trustees shall hold regular meetings each month, except July, at such time and place as designated by the Board. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, by the request of three (3) members of the Board, or upon request of the Minister. Due notice of special meetings, stating the object of the meeting shall be given to each Board member, and no business other than that specified may be transacted at a special meeting.

A majority of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Section 6

Article VII, Election of Officers and Trustees

Section 1 Officers shall be nominated and Trustees shall be elected at the

Annual May Meeting. A slate of nominees for trustee and

recommendations for nomination to office shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee. (See Article VIII, Section 1.) Such slate of nominations and recommendations shall be posted on the bulletin board of the Church, published in the Church Bulletin (if a Bulletin is being published at that time) or notice be given by mail to each member of the congregation not less than thirty (30) days prior to the May Meeting.

Section 2 Any other member may be recommended for nomination to office

or nominated for Trustee or elected committees, provided such recommendation for nomination is made in writing signed by at least ten (10) members eligible to vote, and signed by such

member (to express his consent) and such recommendation for nomination is filed in the Church office at least ten (10) days prior


Section 3

Section 4 to such meeting and a copy posted on the bulletin board of the Church not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. A majority vote of the voting membership present at the Annual May Meeting shall suffice for election, provided a quorum is present. (See Article III, Section 5.)

The Board of Trustees shall, at the first meeting of the Board following the May congregational meeting, elect the officers nominated by the congregation.

Article VIII, Nominating Committee

Section 1 Nomination. At the regular meeting of the Church membership in

November, five (5) members of a Nominating Committee shall be elected from a slate placed in nomination by the outgoing

Nominating Committee. Additional members of the committee shall be elected during the month of October, one (1) by the Board of Trustees, one (1) by the R.E. Committee, and one (1) each by the autonomous organizations (as officially recognized by the Board of Trustees) whose membership is composed of persons of voting age as heretofore specified. The President of the Church and Board, the Chairman of the Church Council, the Chairman of the Membership Committee, the DRE and the minister shall be members ex-officio; they shall have no vote with regard to

nominations for officers of the Church, members of the Board of Trustees or officers or Members-at-large of the Council. Members of the Nominating Committee must be members of the church.

Section 2 Activation & Term of Service. The President of the Church shall

call the committee together early in November, at which meeting they shall elect one of their members to be the chair. They shall serve until November 1st the following year. Individual members may succeed themselves for a second term since some continuity is deemed advisable.

Section 3 Duties. Their obligations shall be:

• To recommend one or more voting Church members for

nomination to each office and to nominate one or more voting Church members for each trusteeship which is open to election at the next May Meeting. These recommendations and

nominations shall be filed in the Church office and posted on the bulletin board at least thirty (30) days prior to the May



To nominate the officers and the three (3) Members-at-large of the Church Council.

To choose standing committee chairs (except those committees designated by the Board of Trustees as selected by the

President of the Board of Trustees), to report these selections to the Board of Trustees and to aid the chairs in the selection of their committee members.

Article IX, Standing Committees

Section 1 There shall be such Annual Standing Committees and special

committees as are deemed necessary. Their need, the scope of their individual responsibility and their policies shall be reviewed annually by the officers, the Board of Trustees, and other chairs of the several committees. (See Article XIII on Policies.)

Section 2 An Auditing Committee of not less than three (3) members of the

Church shall audit the financial records of the Church at the close of each fiscal year and at such other times as requested by the Board of Trustees.

Article X, Church Council

Section 1 The Church Council shall be composed of the Minister(s), the

Director of Religious Education, the Office Administrator, the President of the Church and Board, one trustee, a representative of each autonomous organization selected by them, the chairs of all standing committees and three officers and three Members-at-large.

Section 2 The Council shall serve in an advisory and coordinating capacity

concerning the overall program activities of the Church, and shall aid in the determination of the policies of the Church.

Section 3 The officers of the Council, a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary,

as well as three Members-at-large, shall be elected at the Annual May Meeting. A slate shall be submitted by the Nominating

Committee with notice in the same manner as nominations from Trustee. (See Article VII, Section 1.)

Section 4 Nominations for each office and position as a member-at-large


Article XI, The Church School

Section 1 A Church School shall be maintained to carry out a planned

religious education program of the Church, on all age levels, through the medium of regular classes held on Sunday, and

through supplementary programs, such as workshops, leadership training institutes, lecture series, and other similar media.

Section 2 Religious Education Committee. The Religious Education

Committee shall consist of a chair, the Minister(s) and the

Director of Religious Education (both ex-officio without a vote), a representative from the Board of Trustees, and other members appointed to fill the needs of the committee.

Section 3 Director of Religious Education. A Director of Religious Education

may be appointed by the Board of Trustees, upon the

recommendation of the President after consultation with the Minister(s) and the chair of the Religious Education Committee.

Article XII, Autonomous Groups

Section 1 Autonomous groups of the Church shall endeavor to plan and

execute programs that are in accord with, and support the general policies of the Church.

Section 2 Each recognized autonomous group shall place on file in the

Church office a statement of its policies and procedures, and shall record any changes or additions.

Article XIII, Church Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and these By-laws may be adopted by the Board of Trustees, Church Council and all committees. Such policies and procedures and any amendments thereto shall be stated in writing and filed in the Church office. The Board of Trustees may require the adoption and filing of policies and procedures by groups.

Article XIV, Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.

also may be made by petition and consent with notice in the same manners as for Trustee. (Article VII, Section 2.)


Article XV, Amendments

These By-laws may be amended at any meeting of the membership of the Church by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present, provided previous notice shall have been given at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting, setting out the proposed amendment.

Article XVI, Parliamentary Authority

The Scott, Foresman Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1984) shall govern the proceedings of this

Church and the Board of Trustees, if not otherwise provided in these By-laws.



A. UUA Principles and Purposes

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:

• The inherent worth and dignity of every person.

• Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.

• Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.

• A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

• The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

• The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

• Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

The living tradition we share draws from many sources:

• Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life.

• Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion and the transforming power of love.

• Wisdom from the world's religions which inspire us in our ethical and spiritual life.

• Jewish and Christian teaching which calls us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves.

• Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit. • Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.

The Unitarian Universalist Association shall devote its resources to and exercise its corporate powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. The primary purpose of the Association is to serve the needs of its member congregations, organize new congregations, extend and strengthen Unitarian Universalist institutions, and implement its principles.

(Adopted as a By-Law by the 1984 and 1985 General Assemblies.)


B. Use of Church Facilities

1. Before your meeting starts:

• All groups and individuals must clear their meeting dates on the Church calendar in the office with the Office Secretary, preferably two weeks in advance of the meeting. The President or Chair of the group shall be responsible and be the contact person.

• No beverages, food or smoking are permitted in the Sanctuary. The entire church building is a smoke-free facility.

• Do not touch air conditioning or heating controls. Consult the Custodian/Security Guard.

• Your group is liable for damages. Notify the Property Management Chair immediately if anything is broken.

• Food catering service is for members only. Consult the Office Administrator.

• Do not use the dishwasher. Consult Custodian/Security Guard if dishwashing is needed.

• For small setup, consult the Custodian. Large setup and cleanup must be arranged with the Custodian. Consult the Office Administrator for the current wage rate.

• Storage of food permitted one day prior to meeting.

• No Church property shall be removed from the premises.

2. After your meeting is over, the responsible person shall check each of the following:

• Store supplies for your group or committee in marked boxes on the shelves in the store room.

• No storage permitted in freezer or refrigerator.

• Turn off the stove and coffee urns. Be sure freezer and refrigerator doors are shut tightly. Please leave the room in order.

• Close all windows and doors.

• If your meeting is held on the Custodian's day off, you must make prior


arrangements with the Building Maintenance Chairperson.

Turn off all lights.

3. Other equipment:

• Office equipment is for the use of the Office Staff. Others may use the

equipment only with the approval and under the supervision of a staff person.

• Audio-Visual equipment can be used only as specifically approved by the A-V Committee.

4. Special Events

• Special events that require extra setups and cleanups such as special dinners, weddings and rehearsals or funerals are not included in normal work schedules, therefore, gratuities should be paid to the custodian for extra duties.

• Also, no arrangements have been made for events that are planned for Saturdays after 2:00 P.M., Sundays after 2:00 P.M. or Mondays. The

chairperson of such events needs to be responsible for church security or make arrangements with the security person for that event.

C. Organizational Charts

Organizational charts appear following the index.




Administrative Committees.........................................................15 Auditing Committee...............................................................15 Budget Committee.................................................................15 Endowment, Memorial and Special Funds Committee............15 Memorial Garden Committee.................................................15 Property Management Committee..........................................17 Building Maintenance Subcommittee................................17 Grounds Maintenance Subcommittee................................17 Housekeeping Subcommittee............................................17 Adult Forum Committee.............................................................20 Amendments (By-laws)...............................................................42 Annual Reports..........................................................................27 Appendices.................................................................................43 Organizational Charts.........................................following Index Use of Church Facilities.........................................................44 UUA Principles and Purposes.................................................43 Articles of Procedure of the Church Council................................31 Arts Program Subcommittee.......................................................22 Audio-Visual Committee.............................................................18 Auditing Committee....................................................................15 Autonomous Groups..................................................................26 Channing Club......................................................................26 Choir.....................................................................................26 Autonomous Groups (By-laws)...................................................41 Backus (E. Burdette) Library Committee.....................................19 Berentes-Tripp Memorial Fund Committee.................................20 Board-appointed Committees and Individuals............................22 Frontiers of Knowledge Committee.........................................23 Fund Raising Committee.......................................................23 Ministerial Advisory & Performance Appraisal Committee......23 Personnel Committee.............................................................24 Stewardship Committee Chair...............................................22 Technology Committee..........................................................24 Board of Trustees.........................................................................8 Bookshop Committee.................................................................19 Budget Committee......................................................................15 Building Maintenance Subcommittee.........................................17 By-laws of All Souls Unitarian Church........................................33 Caring Committee......................................................................20 Central Indiana Blood Draw Committee......................................21


Channing Club...........................................................................26 Child Care Committee................................................................21 Choir..........................................................................................26 Church Council............................................................................9 Church Council, Articles of Procedure........................................31 Church Council (By-laws)...........................................................40 Church Facilities, Use of............................................................44 Church Policies and Procedures (By-laws)..................................41 Church School...........................................................................11 Church School (By-laws)............................................................41 Church Treasurer, Duties of the.................................................30 Committee Expenditures............................................................27 Committee Relationships to the Board........................................27 Communications Committees.....................................................18 Audio-Visual Committee........................................................18 E. Burdette Backus Library Committee..................................19 Bookshop Committee.............................................................19 Historical Records Committee................................................19 Sermon Tapes Committee......................................................19 Touchstone Committee..........................................................20 Community Outreach Committee...............................................21 Congregation................................................................................7 Congregational Meetings..............................................................7 Congregational Meetings and Quorum (By-laws).........................34 Council Chair, Duties of.............................................................29 Democratic Functions of the Church............................................7 Denominational Affairs Committee.............................................21 Director of Religious Education..................................................11 Election of Officers and Trustees (By-laws).................................38 Endowment, Memorial, and Special Funds Committee................15 Ex-officio Members.....................................................................28 Fine Arts Committee...................................................................22 Fiscal Year (By-laws)..................................................................41 Flower Committee......................................................................18 Frontiers of Knowledge Committee..............................................23 Fund Raising Committee............................................................23 General Procedures....................................................................27 Annual Reports.....................................................................27 Committee Expenditures.......................................................27 Committee Relationships to the Board...................................27 Duties of Church Treasurer...................................................30 Duties of Council Chair.........................................................29 Ex-officio Members................................................................28


Special Duties of the President..............................................28 Terms of Service....................................................................28 General Program Committees.....................................................20 Adult Forum Committee........................................................20 Berentes-Tripp Memorial Fund Committee.............................20 Caring Committee..................................................................20 Central Indiana Blood Draw Committee.................................21 Child Care Committee............................................................21 Community Outreach Committee...........................................21 Denominational Affairs Committee.........................................21 Fine Arts Committee..............................................................22 Lifespan Education Committee..............................................20 Social Hour Committee..........................................................22 Grounds Maintenance Subcommittee.........................................17 Historical Records Committee.....................................................19 Housekeeping Subcommittee......................................................17 Lifespan Education Committee...................................................20 Meetings, Congregational & Quorum (By-laws)...........................35 Membership Committee..............................................................13 Membership in All Souls Unitarian Church (By-laws).................33 Memorial Garden Committee......................................................15 Memorial Service Reception Committee......................................26 Minister.....................................................................................10 Ministerial Advisory and Performance Appraisal Committee........23 Ministers (By-laws).....................................................................35 Music Programs Subcommittee..................................................22 Nominating Committee...............................................................12 Nominating Committee (By-laws)................................................39 Object of All Souls Unitarian Church (By-laws)...........................33 Officers of the Church..................................................................9 Officers of the Church (By-laws).................................................36 Organization Charts................................................following Index Other Standing Committees (categories of)..................................14 Parliamentary Authority (By-laws)..............................................42 Partner Church Committee.........................................................27 Personnel Committee..................................................................24 President, Special Duties of the..................................................28 Property Management Committee...............................................17 Religious Education Committee..................................................14 Sermon Tapes Committee...........................................................19 Social Hour Committee...............................................................22 Special Committees of Council...................................................26 Memorial Service Reception Committee..................................26 Partner Church Committee....................................................27


Special Duties of the President...................................................28 Standing Committees.................................................................13 Administrative Committees....................................................15 Communications Committees................................................18 General Program Committees................................................20 Membership Committee.........................................................13 Religious Education (RE) Committee......................................14 Sunday Services Committees.................................................18 Standing Committees (By-laws)..................................................40 Stewardship Committee Chair....................................................22 Summer Services Committee......................................................18 Sunday Services...........................................................................7 Sunday Services Committee.......................................................18 Flower Committee..................................................................18 Summer Services Committee.................................................18 Sunday Services Committee...................................................18 Tellers Committee..................................................................18 Ushering Committee..............................................................18 Sylvia Morris Children’s Library.................................................11 Tellers Committee......................................................................18 Technology Committee...............................................................24 Terms of Service.........................................................................28 Touchstone Committee...............................................................20 Trustees (By-laws)......................................................................37 Unitarian Universalist Association Principles and Purposes........43 Use of Church Facilities.............................................................44 Ushering Committee...................................................................18 Visiting Committee (See Caring Committee)................................20




