Confidential report on applicant for admission to candidature for a research degree
All applicants for a research degree course need a confidential report from two separate referees.
This section must be completed by the applicant before this form is sent to the refereeApplicant’s nameApplicant’s email address
Postgraduate course applied for (i.e. PhD or MPhil)
Special Field of Interest
1. In what capacity, how well, and for how long, have you known the applicant?
2. Please give your personal assessment of the applicant’s technical
competence, initiative, diligence, motivation, and promise of sustained and productive participation in the graduate program for which he/she has applied. Please compare this student with others known to you who have been accepted in previous years or are now applying for admission.
3. Please rate this applicant in relation to typical Australian postgraduate students for his/her proposed course of study.
average up to 40%
Preparation for proposed courseDemonstrated abilityIntellectual promise
Motivation for proposed course
Average 40 - 60%
Above average 60 - 80%
Good 80 – 90%
Excellent 90% plus
Unable to judge
4. Does your institution offer the graduate program this applicant seeks? If YES, would he/she be accepted at your institution?
5. If the applicant’s first language is not English, does he/she understand, read and express himself/herself fluently in English?
Referee’s NamePosition or TitleAddressDate
Please do not return the completed form to the applicant,
email to Admissions Office at or send to
Admissions Office, Level 4, Jane Foss Russell (G02), the University of Sydney NSW 2006