Chinese and Italian Cultural Relic Protectors Cooperate Once Again to Preserve the Murals
07 wilI conduct in—depth COlTlnlunica— tions with Romanian publisher‘s.Five famous Chinese wi’iters,namely Cao ing exchange events were held,which has fully demonstrated the splendid culture and marvelous development of Romania to Chinese people. Wenxuan.Yu Hua,Xi Chuan,Lanlan and Xu Zechen will also arrive in Re— mania for various 1iterature exchange events.During the book fair China wil1 host five key events.tht‘ee nle— dium—sized seminars,ten publishing exchange events,and seven events for Chinese and Italian Cultural Relic Protectors Cooperate Once Again to Preserve the Murals in the Tombs ofTang Dynasty Over ten years ago.Italian cultural relic protectors helped China set up the only treasure hall for tomb murals rom the Tang Dynasty.And now they fhelp us again with the wall paintings 0f Tang tombs in Shaanxi Province. Just days ago.1stituto Superiore per la C0nservazione cd il Restauro(ISCR1 signed a contract with Shaanxi History M useunl for flIrther cooperation and cultural exchanges in the preservation 2016 Shanghai Art Fair Came to a Close and the 150 Million Yuan Trading Volume Hits Another Re— cord High The 20th Shanghai Art Fair came to a close in Shangilai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center o11 authors.These activities wil1 build up the platfc}rm for the communication between Chinese and Romanian pub— lishing industry.boost the translation and publishing of outstanding books of both nations,and provide Ill0re intellectual nourishment and cultural fmits for readers of both countries. With the ever deepening exchange and cooperation in Novembel’6th.The trading vohune el this}gear’s fair reached about l 50 mil— Iion yuan uD bv abeut 8 million yuan, anothel record high. and technologY and educatioil be— tween C’hina and Romania the pub一 1 ishing industry jn both countl ies has of cuhural relics such as ancient wall paintings of l'ang tombs. As the Nationa1 First—grade Muse— China Takes Part in Romania InternatiOnaI Book Fair As the Guest of Honor At the invitation of Radio Romania lnlemational and the Romanian Minis— trV 0f Culture.China will serve as the Guest of Horlor at the 23rd Ronlania Gaudiya Wi11iares lnternationaI Book and Education Fair in November.This is another large scale cultul‘al and ed— ucationa1 exchange event fol‘Chinese a1so seen more ffequent exchanges. I n August.Romania and other Ccn— tral and Eastern European countries served as the Guest of Honor at the U111.Shaanxi Hi sto ry Museum is heme to over 3 70.000 items of cultur— al re¨cs covering a history of over one 111川ion years.At con— tajns 640 reIls of wa1l paintings of Tang tombs,among which 1 08 can be rated as the fii‘st—grade.They are pl‘e— cious raw materials to study the histo— rY,art,religion and social custom of 23rd Bejiing Intemationa1 Book Fair. Johannes,president of Romania,sent lis lettfer of congratulation.Vice presi— dent of Romanian Cultura J Academy, president of Radio Romania lnterna— tional and the delegation comprising over 30 publishers,authors and artists ioined the fair with over l 000 VOl— lhc Tang Dynasty.According to Qiang Yue,secretary of the party comminee and Romanian publishing industry after Romania and other Central and Eastern European countries served times of books.and over 20 publish— of Shaanxi History Museum.China and Italy once cooperated on a pres— ervation project for wall paintings of fang tombs.which is of interest to as the Guest of Honor for Beijing In— temationa1 Book Fair in August.The both parties.According to Gisela Car— boni,president of ISCR present at the signing ceremony,Italy has rich expe— booths of China as the Guest of Honor during this year’s book t'air covers an area of about 350 square ineters and rience in the protection of wall paint— w川disp1ay over 3000 vo1umes of books in over 2000 categories on tile ings;and in this three--year coopera-・ tion and pl’eservation project,ISCR is dedicated to tile preservation and in— heritance of Shaanxi’s precious cul— tural rel ics through the recovery,pro— tection.P rcvention aud research theme of“Reading China”,including books on China,tl’anslation works of Chinese and Centra1 and Eastern Eu— ropean books,and Chinese children’s books.Over l O0 publishers fi'om over efforts by training Chinese cultural relics protectors._| 50 key publishing houses in China