专利名称:Apparatus for controlling the operation of
machine tools using fixed or movablecutters
发明人:MURRAY GUY LESLIE申请号:US10600036申请日:19361016公开号:US2205959A公开日:19400625
摘要:465,158. Indicators for displaying variable information. MURRAY COLOURCONTROLS, Ltd., and MURRAY, G. L. Oct. 29, 1935, No. 29854. [Class 118 (i)] [Also in GroupXXII] For displaying indications of speeds, feeds, diameters of work or other informationrequired in the correct operation of a machine, an operation indicator with a removablechart marked with working dimensions or a series of operations, is used in conjunctionwith a pointer movable relatively thereto, to indicate or determine the correct position ofthe, or each, control handle. The operation indicator 1, Fig. 9, is adapted to carry aremovable chart 2 and may be marked with a sequence of numbers, the action of settingthe knob 10 and pointer 5 to the numbers in order, displays a series of indicationsthrough the windows 41 of an adjacent dial. These indications may be coloured, and show,in the manner explained in Specification 433,302, the correct position to which the controlhandles of the machine must be placed to carry out the series of operations representedby the numbers on the removable chart. A modified operation indicator, Fig. 12, haswindows 50, for the colour or other control handle indications, spaced around the holderfor the removable chart 2. The pointer 17 is set by rotating the knurled ring 48 and may
be positioned according to the marks on the removable chart or by markings such asspeed indications on the cover 14. When. this is flapped down, the back of the holder mayalso be used for chalk or other markings which may easily be removed. The removablecharts may also bear explanatory data and /or a replica of the work to which it relates,these may then be stored for future use in connection with the manufacture ofworkpieces to which they relate. The charts are prepared by the use of a mechanicalcalculator such as described in Specification 458,858, [Group XXII]. The calculator iscoupled up to an operation indicator provided with a blank chart and when the calculatorhas been set to the known dimensions of the work, cutting speed, &c., corresponding tothe first operation, a mark is made on the chart adjacent the pointer to denote this andthe same procedure repeated for the sequence of operations to be performed on theworkpiece. The charts may thus be marked up in a Rate Fixing or Planning department orthey may be marked up on a machine provided with the necessary apparatus. Thecombination of an operation indicator 1, Fig. 13, a control indicator 52, for showing thepositions to which control handles 51 must be placed in the desired operation of themachine, and a mechanical calculator 26 enables charts to be marked up andsubsequently used for facilitating the operation on the same machine.