专利名称:System and method for estimating quality of
video with frame freezing artifacts
发明人:Yao Wang,Chang Feng,Yuanyi Xue申请号:US14078087申请日:20131112公开号:US09277208B2公开日:20160301
摘要:A method and system that assesses video quality of transmitted video packetsignals suffering from packet loss and delay. This packet loss and delay can create freezeevents, which are observed as a jerkiness while viewing the video. The system and method
compares the frames in a video transmission to determine freeze events; extracts a set offeatures from the locations of the freeze events and decoded video frames; and mapsthe set of features into a video quality score using a neural network. The video qualityscore provides an assessment of the effects of irregular frame freezes due to packet lossor delay on the quality of the video.
地址:New York NY US
代理机构:McDermott Will & Emery LLP