关于去挪威旅游的一篇英语文章 关于去挪威旅游的英语文章篇一 挪威人和自然 n the unconscious of a traveller, Norway evokes a concept of an extreme land, of absolutenorth. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that straddles the Norwegianborders to include the northern part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. The nativepopulation is the “Sami“ who live traditionally from hunting and fishing, in symbiosis, even ifnowadays in a technological version, with their environment. 提起挪威,让人想起的是地球北端的一片极地风光。欧洲的最北端叫 做拉普兰,它位于挪威北部边界,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛的北部和俄罗斯的一小 部分。当地人被称作萨米人,自古以渔猎为生。甚至在今天,他们仍然过着与自 然共生共存的生活。
The capital of Norway, Oslo, has a population of barely half a million. The city ensures thenecessary administrative and cultural cohesion of a people who have a very strong sense ofharmony with the nature, born in their distant Viking past and proudly cultivated throughoutthe years. 挪威首都奥斯陆人口不足五十万,它的城市文化给人们带了强烈的凝 聚力,人们有了一种与自然和谐相处的责任感。这种凝聚力源自他们的历史,并 且得到了发扬和光大。 The Holmenkollen ski-jumping board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo. Norwegians\"relationship with skis goes very far back in time: indeed it is not improbable that even theVikings traversed Scandinaviaon these wooden slats. Holmenkollen滑雪台是奥斯陆的标志建筑之一。挪威人和滑雪渊源已 久,的确,人们当时在这窄木条上穿越斯堪的纳维亚半岛不是不可能的。
The fundamental relationship that Norwegians have with nature makes them open anduninhibited with respectto nudity. Here, the human body is displayed with spontaneity anddirectness, like one of the many naturalelements that blend in with the landscape. 挪威人与自然的亲密关系造就了挪威人的单纯和不羁。他们对人体艺 术大胆而由衷的追求,使他们与自然景观融为了一体。In front of the square of the City Hall, the quay that overlooks the fjord - the Aker Brygge -has been attractively restructured and turned into a walk, a shopping centre and anentertainment area. But the grandspectacle is still the beating of the waves of the sea and theboats bathed in the golden light of the summer. 市政厅广场前,Aker Brygge码头俯瞰着海湾。如今,它已经变成了 步行街、购物中心和娱乐区。但最引人注目的仍然是峡湾中的声声海浪和沐浴在 日光下的片片轻舟。
Another look at the fortress of Akershus, which once again demonstrates the harmony of thecity with nature, is all the more worthwhile. Akershus城堡充分展现了奥斯陆与自然之间的融洽,绝对值得再多看 一眼。
The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature: thunderingwaterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gonethrough dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords. 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。穿越茂密的松树林和沿海的湖 泊和峡湾后,出现在面前的将是雷鸣的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁边的坦途。
The interior of the country is incredibly rugged and almost one third of it is covered in trees.Despite its northern latitude, the Norwegian climate is essentially maritime and damp, becauseit is influenced by the mitigating action of the warm Gulf Stream, originating from the Gulf ofMexico, which flows up the coast preventing the formation of sea ice. 挪威的内陆地形崎岖,近三分之
一被树木覆盖。尽管纬度很高,挪威 的海洋气候却是十分湿润,它受来自墨西哥湾的暖洋流影响,沿海终年不结冰。
Bergen, a port lying in the southeast of the country, is crowded with brightly coloured houses,which belonged to German traders of the powerful Hanseatic League. Despite several fires, thearea maintains the atmosphere of the \"old port\" and Commercial City from the Middle Ages.UNESCO recently declared it a World Heritage Site and included it in the list of monuments thatare to be preserved. 卑尔根,挪威东南港城,布满了许多颜色鲜艳的小房子,它们属于汉 萨联盟的德国商人们。数次大火之后,卑尔根仍然保持了中世纪港口和商业中心 的原来面貌。联合国教科文组织把它列入了世界文化遗产名录予以保护。
There is a large park in the centre of Bergen which is taken up almost completely by anoctagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city.卑尔根市中心有一个大公园。整个公园几乎被一个八角湖所覆盖,它 周围聚集了市内主要的博物馆。 The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergen\"sfortress. Thegreat 13th century Gothic hall was built for the parties and the receptions in thedays of the city\"s control over trade in the North Sea. 市内最美丽的遗迹Hakonshallen位于卑尔根堡的城墙之内,这座13世 纪的哥特式建筑,原是在卑尔根掌控北海海上贸易的时期为聚会和接待客人而修 建的。
You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountainsfrom the belvedere. It\"s easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting thenature! 在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。在这儿, 我们将由衷的对挪威人尊崇自然的独特方式而感叹。
From north to south, from Lapland to Oslo and Bergen, Norwegian people has convinced us,with time, that human beings, as
the most advanced yet most vulnerable in the grand familyof nature, can live in harmony with all its other members. 从北到南,从拉普兰到奥斯陆和卑尔根,挪威人用时间向我们证明 了:人类作为自然家庭中最高级但也是最脆弱的一分子,能够与其他成员融洽地 生活在一起。
关于去挪威旅游的英语文章篇二 在挪威无家可归,乞讨,救助是非法的 In one of the world\"s richest countries, it may soon become illegal for homeless individuals tobeg for money or other means of assistance. In fact, 60% of Norway’s population believesthat begging should be a crime. The country aims to ban begging, and those who are caughtmay be fined with up to three months in prison. 作为世界最富有国家之一,很快无家可归者乞讨金钱或者其他救助就 要成为非法了。事实上,有60%的挪威人认为乞讨应该是犯罪,挪威准备禁止乞 讨,那些被抓的乞讨者可能面临三个月的监禁。
According to The Financial Times (F T), if this new law is passed, it will allow local municipalitiesto introduce an immediate ban on begging that will takeeffect nationally by summer 2015. 根据金融时报报道,如果法律通过,会让乡镇地方政府立即禁止乞讨, 可能在2015年夏天实施。
However in- humanitarian this movement may be, it seems the Norwegians in favor of such alaw agree with it because a majority of beggars in Norway are not residents. Nova researchinstitute released a report that claims there are up to 1,000 foreign beggars among thecountry’s 5 million population. 这种做法可能有点没有人道主义精神,但挪威人都认同这种做法,因 为大多数挪威的乞讨者都不是本地居民,有调查显示在这个500万人口的国家, 有1000名外国乞讨者。
FT told Himan shu Gulati, State Secretary at the Justice Ministry and member of the PopulistProgress Party,\"In the past few years we
have seen an increase in beggars in many cities andtowns in Norway and we have a deep concern for the association between the flow of beggarsfrom outside Norway and organized criminality.\" 金融时报援引Himan shu Gulati的话说,“在过去多年我们注意到了挪 威乞讨者人数的上涨,我们担忧这与外国乞讨者的进入以及有组织的犯罪组织有 关”。
Those that oppose such view point argue that such a law is shameful and unfairly targets themost vulnerable. Opposition politicians also claim that the measures could spoil theinternational image of the country, especially following the debates on whether Norway shouldshelter Syrian refugees. 那些反对的人称这一法律是可耻的,对于弱者来说是不公的。反对党 也称这会影响挪威的国际形象,特别是关于挪威是否应该为叙利亚难民提供庇护 的讨论。 \"The [begging] ban is very bad and it sends out a very bad signal. It is not that all beggars arecriminals or that the problem is so big. It is more like it seems to be a ban to help us to notmeet them, the needy who are sitting on our streets,\" Kjell In golf Ropstad, justice spokesmanfor the Christian Democrats, was quoted in the F T. Kjell In golf Ropstad说,“这一禁令非常糟糕,也传递了不好的信息, 不是所有的乞讨者都是罪犯,或者问题很大,更像是让我们不再见到他们,那些 需要坐在大街上的人”。
Frode Sul land, the head of defense group at the Norwegian Bar Association, said that the bancould counter European human rights rules.挪威律师协会领导人Frode Sul land,称这一禁令有违欧洲人权准则。
\"You can go to almost any city in Europe and there will be a bigger problem with beggars thanthere is in Oslo. We think there is a right for every body to ask every body else for help. This isan activity that in it self doesn’t harm any body,\" spoke Sul land. Frode Sul land
说,“你去欧洲任何国家,乞讨问题都要比这里奥斯陆 严重的多,我觉得所有人都有权利向他人寻求帮助,这一行为本身不会伤害任何 人”。
Whether such a law will pass remains to be seen. Apparently a similar anti- begging ban wasoverturned in 2005. 这一法律能否通过还不得而知,显然一个类似的反乞讨法案在2005 年被推翻。 But in a country that has the highest GDP per capita--at about $100,000 in 2013, according tothe International Monetary Fund--perhaps a solution not severing the symptom can be offeredso that real, long-term solution may be realized. 但作为有最高人均GDP的国家—2013年大约为10万美元—可能一个 不会恶化这一现象的解决方法可以长久解决这个问题。