“‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。‘多么有趣。可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神来,她已经挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布无法回击。我不再迟疑。我抓起那支最大的画笔,迅猛异常地向我可怜的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我再也不曾害怕过画布。”
绘画始终是丘吉尔的一种乐趣,直到他生命的结束。“画家是幸福的,”他在他的《作为一种消遣的绘画》一书中写道,“因为他们不会孤独。光线与色彩,宁静与希望,将终日伴随着他们。” 对我的父亲来说也是这样。
Text Comprehension
1. It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died. The effects on Churchill were () he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief.
2. He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems.
3. His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it; his wife rushed out
to buy all the materials he would need; and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas.
4. The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didn’t know where to begin. This nervousness was not typical of Churchill, who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person.
5. Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight, and he could now see that he need not fear his “adversary”.
6. He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter, just as he was a great politician.
7. It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter.
8. Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur; they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.
9. No, she considers that decade an artistically fruitful one.
10. He meant that painting was like a friend who never betrayed or abandoned him. This seems to suggest that he often felt lonely, misunderstood and/or disappointed in his relationship with other people.
1.artistic 2.overcome 3.infinite 4.plunged 5.mission 6.camgpain 7.revived 8.distract 9.accustomed 10.retreat 11.precaution 12. disastrous
1. delighted with 2. bore fruit 3. kept Clementine company 4. rely on
5. take refuge 6. awaken people to 7. pay the price 8. chanced upon; dated from 9. tried his hand at 10. fell upon; came to her rescue
Word Building
1. broadens the mind 2. weakened 3. sweeten Diet Coke 4.hardens 5. strengthen 6. deepen your understanding of the course materiall
7. sharpen the kitchen knives 8. reddened 9. brighten; quickens
10. lightened
1. lucky 2. wealthy 3. tasty 4. icy 5. wavy 6. smelly 7. sleepy 8. noisy (smelly is also plausible) 9. healthy 10. sunny
1. Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in shanghai, many foreign visitors leave China with a completely new view of our country.
2. Unpleasantly startled by the appearance of a mouse, we promptly decided to clean our apartment.
3. Tired of their own cooking, they’ve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.
4. Frightened by the horror film, the little girl was alert to every sound in the house that night.
5. Deeply disappointed with the actress’s performance, tom soon switched to another channel.
6. Embarrassed about still being in bed at 10 a.m., when my friends came I pretended to be sick with a terrible headache.
1. So I did 2. So did my brother 3. So she was 4. So they do; so do his classmates 5. So am I
lonely; overcame; refuge; finally; however; where; delighted; contemplated; entry; campaign; distract; plunged into; Within a month; rescue; when; overwhelming
“‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。‘多么有趣。可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神来,她已经挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布无法回击。我不再迟疑。我抓起那支最大的画笔,迅猛异常地向我可怜的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我再也不曾害怕过画布。”
1. When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.
2. Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London.
Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professors.
3. When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.
4. After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.
5. After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming.
6. As long as you keep working hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.
7. We must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection now, or it will soon be too late.
8. That official was removed from office for being involved in a political scandal. Had he known this would happen, he might have acted differently.
Reading Analysis
Major Event:
Life and love and hope slowly revived.
How did the change happen?
(1)Churchill bought a new house.
(2) Another child was born to Churchill.
Structured Writing
XIII. One example, for reference
My sister Stephanie began her love affair with television in the second grade amid highly emotional circumstances. She had had a quarrel with her best friend, and found herself alone and lonely every day after school with nothing to do. That’s when the miracle of television came toText
对小女孩来说,这是一次充满危险的艰苦旅程。 在小船到达安全之地以前很久,食物和水的贮备已经用完。当金枝最终到达美国后,她又不得不同一连3个收养家庭相处。但是当她1998年从圣地亚哥的帕特里克?亨利中学毕业时,她取得了全优的成绩以及这个国家最享盛名的几所大学提供的奖学金。
金枝是一群聪明伶俐、积极进取的美籍亚裔中的一员,他们正突然潮水般地涌入我们最好的大学。虽然美籍亚裔只占全国人口的2.4%,但他们在哈佛的本科生中却占了17.1%, 在麻省理工学院占了18%,在加州大学伯克利分校占了27.3%。
为什么美籍亚裔的成绩这样优秀呢? 他们是否像一些旧的看法所暗示的那样是些埋头用功的学生? 他们是否有更高的智商? 或者在我们一向珍视,但也许已经丢失的价值观----如敬业、家庭和教育等方面,我们是否可以向他们学到一些有用的东西呢?
斯蒂文森没有发现智商上的差别。 但是如果成绩上的差异在幼儿园就开始显现,那就表明事情出在家庭中,甚至是在孩子们上学之前。
接下来,真正要弄清的问题是,亚洲父母是如何将这种学习动力灌输给他们的后代的。 斯蒂文森的研究提出了一个重要的答案。当被问及他们认为他们的孩子为什么学得好时,大多数亚洲父母说是“用功”。而美国父母则说是“天赋”。
还有另外一个重要因素存在于亚洲父母及其子女的这种关系中。 在我住在中国、日本和越南的15年间,我注意到同大多数美国父母相比,亚洲父母同他们的婴儿建立了一种更为亲密的身体联系。比如,当我让幼小的女儿在地板上爬时,我的中国朋友们会大惊失色,冲过去把她抱起来。我们认为这种无时不在的关心已经过时、甚至是不健康的,但是对于亚洲人来说,它却十分有效。
第二,他宣称,美国父母需要更加关心子女的教育。“在孩子表现不好时表示理解是不够的。” 斯蒂文森发现,亚洲父母比美国父母花费更多的时间帮助孩子做作业或者写信给孩子的老师。
第三,我们的学校可以用简单而有效的方式加以重组,斯蒂文森说。近90%的中国年轻人说他们确实喜欢学校, 60%的年轻人迫不及待地盼着学校假期结束。同美国年轻人所表示的态度相比,这种态度要积极得多。原因之一也许是中国和日本的学生一般在每节课后都有一段休息时间, 这有助于他们放松并增加注意力集中的持续时间。
a 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6 F 7T
b. 1I 2I 3 I 4N 5I 6N 7I 8N
1.label 2.converged 3.sacrifices 4.motivate 5.transplanted 7.bond 8.constitute 9.surged 10.prejudice 11.resents
12. recommendations
NB. these are not the only possible synoms/definitions/translations.
1. carried out; conducted, performed
2. led to; resulted in, caused
3. springs from; arises from, comes from
4. get ahead; make progress in life, achieve more, etc.
5. showed up; appeared, arrived
6. make up; constitute, comprise
7. owes it to; 归功于
8. cope with; find a way of dealing with, manage
9. divided the cake into; 把蛋糕分成……
10. excluded from; 被剥夺了
11. committed to; devoted to, dedicated to
12. make it to; arrive at or on after much effort
1. sense of guilt 2. finally 3. imbued her with 4.offspring
5. horrified, motivated me 6. recommendations, To start with 7. naive
8. by contrast
Word Building
1. misplaced 2. mismatched 3. misusing 4. mislead
5. misprinted 6. misinformed 7. misspelled 8. misunderstood
1. After the earthquake the government spent millions of dollars to help the victims rebuild their houses.
2. ill you reconsider your decision? No one wants you to leave.
3. Some of Lu Xun’s writings were lost for decades, but they were rediscovered in the mid-80s.
4. I see no need to restate the policy on late homework.
5. The library’s been rearranged, and I can’t find any of the books I need.
6. I hope this dictionary will be reprinted soon—I’d like to buy one.
7. Stevie Wonder’s earliest albums have been unavailable for several years, but they’re being re-released next month.
8. I didn’t care much for the book the first time, but I enjoyed it when I reread it.
9. John Harding is best known for reinterpreting Shakespeare’s plays.
10. You’ve misunderstood me—let me rephrase what I said.
A. gardener calculator receiver container commander remainder hike inspector steamer processor supervise builder contributor consumer paint teenager
B. 1.superviser 2. inspector 3. remainder 4. processor 5. gardener
6. calculator 7. commander 8. container 9. hiking 10. teenagers
1. It was for the benefit of the old people in the neighborhood that we organized
this volunteer group.
2. It is only when we look back that we realize how far we have come.
3. It is his secretary who does all the work.
4. It is through the act of giving that we experience our fullest strength and power.
5. It was gold that led them to undertake the long and risky journey to California.
6. As I recall, it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.
7. It wasn’t until last week that they finished their report on the project.
8. It’s her beautiful eyes that I can’t forget.
1. The elephant weighs about 3,600 kg, whereas the blue whale weighs up to 130, 000 kg.
2.The word ‘youngster’ has a cheerful connotation, whereas ‘offspring’ sounds rather clinical.
3. Confucianism emphasizes family ties, whereas Protestantism teaches individual responsibility.
4.The earliest mammals appeared on the earth hundred millions years ago, whereas the first evidence of humans dates from only about one million year ago.
5. The aim of the natural science is to predict and control natural process, whereas the aim of the social science is to understand human behavior.
6. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
9. Female students constitute the majority of our class. By contrast, their class is made up of males only.
10. American children can usually watch TV three hours a day, whereas their Chinese counterparts have to work on their homework during most their after-school time.
11. His development of a series of new research methods led to his huge success. He said he owed all this to his parents’ encouragement.
12. He resented being excluded from discussions that directly concerned his future.
13. The fact that these problems are continually showing up suggests that this new device has to be readjusted.
14. As one of the many Asian students who have surged into the best American universities in recent years, Zhang Hua says that many of his ideas are based on traditional Chinese philosophy.
15. To start with, it is not merely money that makes Mr. Young work so hard. He is committed to educating the young and tires to motivate them to get ahead in life.
16. As time was running out, we drove even faster in the hope that we could make it to the airport in time.
1. immigrant 2. than 3. obligation 4. motivated 5. widespread
6. however 7. although 8. discrimination 9. but/although 10. One day
11. guilty 12. horrified 13. repay 14. owe
Reading Analysis
Stevenson offered three recommendations:
To start with, we need higher standards for our kids second, American parents need to become more committed to their children’s education. And third, our school could be reorganized in simple but effective ways.
Structured Writing
XIII. One example, for reference
Students at our university admire their English teachers for three main reasons. To start with, the teachers’ hard work and dedication are highly inspiring to us. Second, the wonderfully creative lessons they prepare strongly motivate us to study as hard as we should. And third, our teachers’ warmly human characters create bonds of friendship that will last forever.
西方和日本公司的合资企业经常会发生冲突----许多无关紧要的琐事会扩大为情绪激动的交战, 各方不停地叫嚷:“他们是怎么了!?他们能不能理解……?!” 但是因为冲突主要是由文化差异引起的,所以没有一方能够理解----除非他们有一名“文化翻译”。
我遇到的第一位文化翻译是一位设备安装工程师,名叫乔治,他在一家我担任国际业务部主任的美国公司里工作。 这家公司刚同一家日本商社开办了一家合资企业,美方管理部门需要有人在它的独特技术方面培训日本雇员。乔治对设备及其安装和使用的透彻了解使他成为最能胜任这项工作的雇员, 所以当乔治接受了暂时调往日本的一份两年期合同时,大家都很高兴。
难道这就是可怜的乔治的结局吗? 他对于这家他曾经如此忠诚地服务过的、现已成熟的合资企业,就再也没有什么可以贡献的了吗? 他只得离开他已开始爱上的这个国家吗? 不! 面对着要离开日本的威胁,乔治心有不甘,于是将自己重新塑造成了一名“文化翻译”。
任何在日本人看来十分愚蠢的事或话来。 一旦我们做了蠢事, 说了蠢话,他马上就来解救:“他们真正的意思是……”多亏乔治有办法在小冲突激化、情绪化、造成巨大损失之前就将其化解,公司从未出现过成堆的麻烦。
自把那家公司交到能干的乔治手中以来, 我已经在国际业务方面为许多公司出谋划策。我的第一条建议总是相同的:不要担心语言问题------你首先需要的是一名文化翻译。方面为许多公司出谋划策。我的第一条建议总是相同的:不要担心语言问题------你首先需要的是一名文化翻译。
Text comprehension
1. The author is talking about cultural differences: different ways of doing things in different cultures; different attitudes, traditions, beliefs, etc. she or he says neither side can understand because people are not usually conscious of their deepest cultural attitudes.
2. The American company George worked for started a joint venture with a Japanese firm, and they needed someone to train the Japanese engineers. George was the most highly qualified employee for the position, and he accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.
3. The Japanese liked George’s nonassertive nature, his expertise and his willingness to help; it’s also implied that they liked his efforts to learn Japanese, and
that the secretaries liked the fact that he was single. These qualities contributed to his becoming a cultural translator by making the Japanese trust him, feel comfortable with him, and grow accustomed to asking him for all kinds of advice.
4. He had to ‘reinvent’ himself because his expertise as an engineer was no longer needed, but he didn’t want to leave Japan. The company accepted his ‘reinvention’ because they had heard lots of horror stories about cultural conflicts and recognized the value of having someone like George around.
5. The author means that the misunderstandings were not always merely linguistic.
6. The examples imply that there is a strong group orientation in Japanese business, that sentiment can be as important as profit and efficiency, and that employees may be valued for something other than their material contribution to the company. The fact that these examples mystified the US side implies that in American business relations, profit and efficiency are considered more important than sentiment, and that Americans expect logical explanations for decisions, expenditures, etc.
7. Because the words and actions of the American visitors could be misinterpreted by the Japanese: things that could seem crazy or rude to the Japanese are normal to Americans.
8. Because the author believes that language problems are not a serious barrier, compared with cultural differences.
1. surpassed 2. approved 3. ensure 4. thriving 5.escalated
6. qualified 7. represent 8. apparent 9. justify 10. conflicts
1. go along with 2. from the farmers’ viewpoint 3. multitudes of
4. run into 5. come to an end 6. picked up 7. at times
8. gotten into the habit of 9. smooth over 10. the other way around
1. due to 2. thanks to 3. Due to 4. Thanks to 5. due to 6. Thanks to
Word Building
Interchangeable: that can be used in place of each other
Interface: a place or area where different things meet and have an effect on each other
Intercontinental: between continents
Intersection: a joint where two roads or lines cross
Interdisciplinary: involving two or more disciplines
Interview: an occasion when a person is asked questions by one or more other people
1. intercontinental 2. interface 3. intersection 4. interchangeable
5. interview 6. interdisciplinary
1. Almost everyone would like to have more money for nonessential goods and services just because they make life a little more pleasant.
2 Mr. Peterson is the chairman of nonprofit charity organization.
3. Hostility towards outsiders is characteristic of both humans and non-humans.
4. Although I’m a nonsmoker, I don’t support discrimination against smokers.
5. It would be nonsense to say that all Asian societies are the same.
6. There’s a difference between using words in a nonstandard way and using them incorrectly.
1. among 2. conflicts 3. made 4. understanding 5. since
6. conscious of 7. so 8. run into 9. with 10. crazy 11. that is
12. since 13. That’s is 14. escalating 15. parties
1. When this temporary job came to an end, George was offered a permanent job, which he accepted at once.
2. To ensure that their ventures in Japan are profitable, the American companies need cultural translators even more than language translators.
3. As a cultural translator, George was eager to help the Japanese employees who came to ask his advice on a great many matters, both within and outside of his field of expertise.
4. Somehow or other, George persuaded the American manager to go along with the Japanese accountant’s decision, thus smoothing over the conflict between the two.
5. Conflicts and arguments do arise at times between the American managers and their Japanese counterparts. But since both parties have the good sense to compromise, these conflicts are prevented from escalating into big emotional battles.
6. All the Japanese employees, the personnel manager included, appreciated George’s frequent help with the multitude of problems they run into.
7. My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well. Please don’t get offended if I sometimes say stupid things.
8. with a solid understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and a good mastery
of English, dr. Zhang is highly qualified to train foreign doctors who came to China to study Chinese medicine.
Reading analysis
General observation: at times something far more important than good English was needed.
Illustration 1: one such case was when the Japanese accountant had to explain the $ 46,534 spent of 874 December- holiday presents.
Illustration 2: or there was the time when the Japanese personnel manager had to justify keeping a chemist on the payroll even though the company no longer needed his expertise.
Structured writing
XII. One example, for reference
When foreign visitors come to China for the first time they often run into embarrassing situations. One such case was when some British tourists tried to pay for what they bought at a street market with their credit cards. Or there was the time when they went shopping in small shops without bargaining at all.
我们的社会如此推崇“成功”, 以至于我们认为凡失败都是坏事。我们往往认识不到,看似失败的东西也许从长远来看大有裨益。比如,当维姬得以冷静地思考自己被解雇的原因时,她便认识到自己只是不适合做老是跟人打交道的工作而已。在文字编辑这一新的岗位上,她独挡一面,心情愉快,又一次“成功”了。
来之太易的成功也具有破坏性。因一篇匆匆写成的文章而获奖的孩子;凭运气侥幸在第一份工作中即出人头地的成年人, 当真正的挑战出现时都可能面临失望。
以牺牲某种经历的整体质量为代价而获得的成功也是有害的。 成功的学生有时心里只想着分数而永远享受不到学校生活的乐趣。 他们从不扩大兴趣围,涉足诱人的新领域,因为他们不想拿自己的平均积分点去冒险。
为什么有这么多的人这么害怕失败呢? 完全是因为没有人告诉我们如何失败从而使失败成为一种成长的经验。我们忘记了失败是人生的一部分,忘记了“每个人都有失败的权利。”
大多数家长不是竭力防止失败就是竭力不让孩子们知道他们已经失败。 一种办法是降低标
防止失败的种种策略有问题, 问题就在于它们使孩子对现实世界的生活毫无准备。年轻人需要认识到没有人能样样都是最好,没有人能一直获胜---即使你没有获胜,你也可能享受到比赛的乐趣。一个孩子没有受到参加生日庆祝会的邀请,没有上光荣榜或进棒球队,心里当然不好受。但是家长却不应该马上送上一份安慰奖或者说“没关系”, 因为这实在是有关系的。应该让年轻人去经历失望---然后再帮助他们去战胜它。
在我十几岁的时候,我没能得到我指望得到的那份工作,于是我便打给对我进行面试的人询问原因。他告诉我说:“因为你迟到了10分钟。浪费别人时间的雇员我们可要不起。” 这番解释让我消除了疑虑(我并非作为一个人而遭到拒绝),并且使我获益匪浅。从那以后我再也没有为任何事迟到过。
成功鼓励人们重复过去的行为,因而远不及失败这个老师来得好。你可以从一次极糟的晚会中学会如何举办一次成功的晚会, 从第一次不当的选房中学到下次选房时要注意些什么。即使一次看似彻底的失败也能激发新的思路,引起方向的改变。
审时度势,问一问:“我还剩下些什么? 我还可以做些什么别的?”我的朋友收起了舞鞋,转而搞起了舞蹈疗法,一个她不仅胜任而且对别人也有帮助的领域。
Text comprehension
1. Vicky didn't know how to cope with rejection or failure because everything had always gone so well for her.
2. She now realizes she was simply not suited for that job, and has another in which she is happy and successful.
3. Two-valued orientation makes us see success and failure as the only two possibilities.
4. That “success” in one area is frequently accompanied by failure in another.
5. Success that’s too early can mean a person lacks preparation for other things
in life; success that comes too easily can mean the person will not know how to deal with real challenges; and success that's achieved at the cost of the total quality of an experience can be a barrier to enjoying life fully and to trying anything new.
6. Lowering standards, shifting blame, offering a consolation prize and saying “it doesn't matter” are “failure prevention devices” that leave the child unequipped for life in the real world.
7. She learned something from her failure that's been valuable to her in her life ever since.
8. Success encourages repetition of old behavior, whereas failure can motivate us to try something different.
9. “Noble failure” is when a person aims high, tries their best, fails and moves bravely on.
10. Emerson means that fear of failure is a barrier to progress and achievement. You might say it this way: experiencing failure can make a person more confident and effective, because once s/he loses her/his fear of failure s/he can concentrate on achieving her/his aims.
1. afford 2. preclude 3. emphasis 4. prone 5. applied
6. distinguished 7. obsessed 8. alike 9. enquire 10. impulse
11. practically 12. prompted
1. We put in a request for a little extra time to finish the project, but the board turned us (or it) down.
2. The politician enjoyed a successful career at the cost of his relationship with his family.
3. The author is of the opinion that early success may eventually prove harmful to a person’s all -round development in the long run.
4. I took your umbrella by accident—I’m sorry.
5. The bookshop was on the brink of failure until they branched out into CDs and cassettes.
6. With this out-of-date equipment, you can’t count on good results.
7. Students sometimes get in the habit of disrupting classes with annoying comments. In such cases, teachers are advised to send to the school psychologist.
8. Ever since she started her own business, she’s been much more satisfied with her life.
Word building
A. a. departure b. exposure c. pleasure d. pressure e. composure f. enclosure g. displeasure h. disclosure
B. 1. exposure 2. displeasure (or pleasure, if someone thinks that’s funny!)
3. departure 4. disclosure; pressure 5. enclosure
A. 1. d 2. a 3. f 4. g 5. h 6. b 7. c 8. e
B. 1. feedback 2. breakup 3. takeoff 4. setbacks 5. breakthrough build-up
1. a) their laughter and conversation sound as if they’re enjoying each others’ company.
b) Their laughter and conversation sound as if they were in the same room with us.
2. a) the secretary has been working in her office late every night this week, as if her boss is under serious deadline.
b) The secretary has been staying in her office late every night this week, as if she had no home to go to.
3. a) you’re so pale! You look as if you’re getting sick.
b) You’re so pale! You look as if you had seen a ghost.
4. a) he acts as if he has a very high opinion of himself.
b) He acts as if he were the heir to the throne.
1 prone 2 in the long run 3 preclude 4 obsessed 5 though 6 distinguishing
7 positive 8 beneficial 9 Even if 10 therapy
1. Protecting children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their growth and development.
2. Emerson does not think there is a world of difference between success and failure.
3. A mature person is one who is good at turning failure into success.
4. She was so obsessed with becoming a success in ice skating that she never prepared herself for challenges of the real world.
5. He suffered a complete nervous breakdown when he learned that his company had gone bankrupt.
6. When talking about his success, Mr. Smith is very prone to exaggeration.
7. The company started by selling radios but now has branched out into selling computers as well.
8. In fact, failure is nothing to be afraid of. Once we learn how to use it, it can make a positive contribution to our growth and development.
Reading analysis
Presentation of one point of view: people are generally prone to what language expert S. I. Hayakawa calls ‘the two-valued orientation.’ We talk about seeing both sides of a question as if every question had only two sides. We assume that everyone is either a success of a failure.
Presentation of a contrasting view: in fact, infinite degrees of both are possible.
Support for the contrasting view: as Hayakawa points out, there’s a world of difference between ‘I have failed three times’ and ‘I am a failure.’ Indeed, the words failure and success cannot be reasonably applied to a complex, living, changing human being. They can only describe the situation at a particular time and place.
Structured writing
XII. one example, for reference:
People are generally to the belief that a silent room is the best place to study. We act as if quiet surroundings were crucial to concentration. But in fact, noisy rooms can be more educational than quiet ones. When I study in my dorm room, for example, the constant noise my roommates make actually helps me think.
不到一个月,普丽西拉就在一家餐馆找到了一份工作,并搬到了西雅图贫民区一套低廉的公寓房去住。她还报名参加了城里的一个职业培训班,学的是秘书专业。那是一种很难适应的生活方式。“我早上6点起床,坐很长时间的公交车去学校,下午2点下课,3点开始工作, 晚上11点下班,然后回到家就累垮了。”
普丽西拉决定攻读考古专业, 并在1992年夏天获得了检验自己对这一学科兴趣的第一个机会。华盛顿州立大学的野外考古中心正在发起一个夏季研究项目,发掘位于华盛顿州斯克河边的一个遗址。普丽西拉全力投入这项工作,给项目管理人留下了深刻印象。 夏季结束时, 有一个教授给她提供了一份工作。“他说,‘我们刚拿到北达科他州一个项目的合同。 如果你愿意休学一个学期,我们就聘用你。’”这份工作偏离了普丽西拉要获得学士学位的追求。“但那时我已不再怀疑我最终会完成学业,所以很坦然地抓住了这次机 会,”她说。
Text comprehension
A. 1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. f 6. f 7. t 8. t 9. f 10. f
B. 1. N 2. N 3. I 4. I 5. N 6. I
1. sponsor 2. determination 3. claim 4. prospective 5. minimum 6. ultimately 7. eligible 8. employment 9. setting 10. loans
11. exhibit 12. priority
IV. The exact translations, definitions and synonyms may, of course, vary somewhat, but here are some answers for reference.
1. come up with; translation:筹划
2. take some time off; definition: arrange for a break/ a vacation/ some free time
3. throws herself into; definition: participates very enthusiastically, wholeheartedly, etc. in
4. get by; synonym: make ends meet, manage to survive
5. on his own; synonym: independent adjust to; synonym: get used to
6. tired of; translation: 厌倦了
7. stay up; translation: 熬夜
8. ended up; definition: finally and unexpectedly (won)
9. as of; synonym: starting from
10. get put down; definition: run into setbacks, barriers, etc.
1. gets off (work) 2. couldn't take it 3. dependents 4. postpone
5. make your dream come true 6. alongside 7. look back on
8. end up with a cold
Word building
1. I missed the train this morning because I overslept again.
2. don't pay any attention to his crazy stories- he just has an overactive imagination.
3. the company ended up with 20, 000 unsold copies of the book because their sales director overestimated the demand.
4. as a result of the crowds of people coming from the surrounding countryside looking for work, the city has become overpopulated.
5. I’ve been overeating lately and have decided to go on a diet.
6. Most teenagers agree that their parents are overprotective.
7. I didn't mean anything unkind. Jane’s simply being oversensitive.
8. A cliché is an expression that’s become uninteresting because it’s overused.
1. novelist 2. nationalist 3. activist 4. idealist 5. psychologist
6. economist 7. terrorists 8. Sociologist 9. typist 10. marxist
A. affection calculation collection combination introduction declaration election invitation interruption plantation projection sensation donate negotiate generate organize
B. 1. negotiate 2. sensation 3. projection/calculation 4. combination 5. donate 6. affection 7. calculation 8. generate
1. If only you could say longer in Britain- your English might improve.
2. children may enter the club only if they are accompanied by adults.
3. if only you told me you had a spare ticket for the show.
4. you can go to the sky-diving exhibition only if you promise you won’t try if yourself.
5. the students at this university are allowed to take up part-time employment only if it doesn’t interfere with their studies.
6. If only she hadn’t told my mother, everything would have been all right.
1. having traveled a lot, he knows a great deal about other culture.
2. having finished all her housework, she decided to see what was on TV.
3. having spent nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel.
4. having forgotten his telephone number, she didn’t know how to get in touch with him.
5. having cleaned the windows, he started to mop the floor.
6. having taken the medicine you gave me, I feel much better.
1. Seeing so many people around her living in poverty
2. Bringing up the subject at the meeting
3. Looking back on the past
4. Staying up late studying before an examination
5. Working full-time and being a full-time student
6. Living at home rent-free
1. The university offered Priscilla only a small loan and she had to come up with the rest of the money herself.
2. With small income from her restaurant job, marry could barely make (both) ends meet. That’s why she found some cleaning work to do in the apartment building where she lived.
3. During her first semesters, she often stayed up late studying because she knew she had to get the highest GPA in her class to qualify the scholarship.
4. Anyone who wants to find employment in/ with that company must have at least a master’s degree; if not a Ph. D. otherwise he or she will not be accepted.
5. Only if you completely throw yourself into your studies will you ultimately achieve your long-term goal of becoming an archaeologist.
6. In the office Beth always looked happy and had a ready smile. But deep down, she was tired of being a secretary. She wanted to do something more creative.
7. A migrant farm laborer from Mexico, my father was overjoyed when I was accepted by the University of Washington and became the first person in my family to attend college.
8. When Priscilla looked back on her years of hard struggle, she said that it was no easy job to balance work and study.
1. knowing 2. out 3. inquired 4. stunned 5. priority 6. stunning
7. available 8. As 9. up 10. make 11. on 12. get 13. ultimately 14. first 15. assume
Reading analysis
Cause 1: Priscilla soon found that her restaurant job just didn’t pay enough for her to mand ends meet.
Effect 1: so I went the landlord of my apartment building and asked if there was any cleaning work I could do.
Cause 2: since he felt sorry for me.
Effect 2: he agreed to give me thirty hours a month.
What markers and structures does the author use to organize the cause-and-effect descriptions? The markers are: hearing this, so, since.
Structured writing
XV. One example
Some working students end up earning/making more money than their teachers. Knowing this, they feel/are more sympathetic. Priscilla says, “Since I can afford better food and clothes than my teachers (can), I make special efforts to be cooperative in class.”
迈克尔?怀特 约翰?格里宾
他被称为“活着的最有才华的人”,“20世纪后期最伟大的天才”,以及“爱因斯坦的传人”。因《时间简史》一书而闻名遐迩为众人所知的斯蒂芬?霍金是一个多重意义上的明星科学家。 霍金擅长于用一种非科学工作者乐于接受的文体揭示宇宙的奥秘,这种天赋使他声誉鹊起,也使他的书在英国和美国都成了畅销书。该书因在《星期日泰晤士报》十大畅销书上持续了184周,并在全世界销售了500多万册而在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地──对一本科学书籍来说,这简直是前所未闻的成功。
这一切是如何发生的呢?一个几乎全身瘫痪通过电脑说话的人只能是如何克服这些令人难以置信的障碍, 获得了远远超过大多数人所梦想过的成就的呢?
斯蒂芬?威廉?霍金出生时是一个健康的婴儿,父母都是知识分子,但脾气古怪。 他的父亲弗兰克是一个专治热带疾病的医生, 母亲伊泽贝尔是一个医生的女儿。 他们居住在一幢堆满书籍的大而旧的房子里。 地毯和家具一直要用到破烂不堪才更换,墙纸因年长月久而脱落。 家里的汽车是一辆花50英磅买来的伦敦出租车。
这种本能的悟性也给他的老师们留下了深刻的印象。例如,霍金的一位理科老师回忆起有一次他提出这样一个问题:“在哪种情况下一杯热茶会更快地达到可以喝的温度,是先倒入牛奶呢还是斟完茶后再加牛奶?”当班上其他同学甚至还在苦思冥想如何着手回答这个问题时,霍金几乎立即就大声讲出了正确答案:“当然是斟完茶后再加牛奶。”(一开始茶越热,冷得就越快。)另一位老师讲述了霍金和他的朋友们如何建造了一台简单的电脑──那是在1958年, 当时只有一些大的研究中心才有电脑。
霍金进了牛津大学继续学习, 他获得了在大学学院攻读自然科学的奖学金,这是一门融数学、物理和天文学于一体的课程。他发现大多数功课都很简单,平均每天只学习一个小时。有一次,他的老师根据一本教科书布置了几道物理题,霍金甚至连做也不做。当问他为什么不做时,他用了20分钟时间指出书中的错误。他最热衷的是划船俱乐部的活动。许多次他回到岸边,船被撞落下几块碎片,原来他曾试图带领他的船员穿越一个窄得难以穿过的峡口。他的划船教练疑或地说道,“他有一半时间,人坐在船尾而脑子却到了星球上,演算着数学公式。”
“在我的病情被诊断之前,我十分厌倦生活,”霍金今天在轮椅上通过一个电脑控制的声音合成器说。 医生无情的病情预测使他决心要从他过去视为当然的生活中获取最多的东西。
“但我并没有死,”霍金冷冷地说道。相反,随着霍金的健康每况愈下,他在科学界的声誉却与日俱增,仿佛是在证明精神可以战胜物质这一理论。霍金自己承认,他之所以会将注意力集中于日后被证明为其真正强项的理论研究之上,他的疾病是一个关键因素。霍金专门研究理论宇宙学,一个寻找重大问题的终极答案的科学分支:宇宙为什么产生,主宰它的规律是什么?他的主要工作一直是在研究黑洞和宇宙的起源与扩。 他目前在剑桥大学拥有的教席过去曾经属于伊萨克?牛顿爵士。
Text comprehension
1. Because he is a star in the sense of a celebrity and in the sense that his expertise is related to astronomy.
2. He is paralyzed except for a few muscles, and he has lost his ability to use his voice.
3. These are examples of the family’s eccentricity.
4. He means that he regards Galileo as the first scientist to closely observe the world and to base his ideas about science on observation.
5. He was very gifted without having to work hard, and he hung around with an ‘elite group’ of intelligent students.
6. It seems to be meant as an example of his quick and insightful mind- but to me it sounds as if hawking just happened to know the answer to this particular ‘puzzle’ (so do I, now!)
7. His physical awkwardness, his messy uniform and his speech impediments.
8. It’s an example of Hawking’s eccentricity.
9. He gained appreciation for and interest in life.
10. They mean that it showed how determination and ambition can help people overcome seemingly impossible obstacles (i.e. Hawking’s severe disabilities).
11. it helped him focus on his real gift: theoretical research.
12. he means that civilization has evolved to the point that having physical disabilities like his doesn’t mean a person can’t make a meaningful contribution to society.
1. insight 2. obstacles 3. paralyzed 4. poses 5. proclaimed
6. predicted 7. Initially 8. eccentric 9. gap 10 inherit
Slight variations in the exact wording are possible, but the general idea for each revision is :
1. Hawking has been proclaimed a genius and Einstein’s heir.
2. His father was a doctor specializing in tropical diseases.
3. Ancient astronomers maintained that the earth was the center of the solar system.
4. Hawking was part of an elite group of bright students who listened to classical music.
5. He acknowledges that his disease was a crucial factor in focusing his attention on theoretical research.
1. Big industries that are responsible for a lot of pollution pay special taxes that finance environmental clean-up projects.
2. We bought these chairs only last year and they are falling apart already.
3. Each of us has to work out the problems posed by life in our own way.
4. Haven’t your parents ever said anything about your hanging around with such eccentric friends?
5. Just as Jane put the glass on the table, the cat jumped up and knocked it off.
6. Fascinated by the stars and planets, the boy dreamed of becoming a professional astronomer someday.
7. Many educators say that an ability to perform well on tests has nothing to do with true intelligence.
8. Alfred was at once a great philosopher and a talented musician.
9. Plenty of people who have trouble in school when young later turn out to be
creative genius.
10. Of course you have trouble learning if you never bother to look up new words in the dictionary.
Word building
1. anthropology 人类学 2. archaeologist 考古学家 3. astronomer 天文学家 4. biological 生物学的 5. chemistry 化学 6. chemist 化学家7. cosmology 宇宙学 8. cosmologist 宇宙学家 9. mathematical 数学的 10. mathematician 数学家 11. philosophical 哲学的 12. philosopher 哲学家 13. psychology 心理学 14. psychological 心理学的 15. sociological 社会学的 16. sociologist 社会学的
1. telegram 2. television 3. communication over long distances
4. treat a patient a long distance away; provide medical treatment from a distance 5. information in the form of text
1. Originally located in London, the museum was moved to Hertfordshire in 1946.
2. Asked what his plan was for the coming year, the manager promised to further develop the domestic market.
3. Composed in 1878, this symphony is based on a classical Chinese love story.
4. Designed for visitors to touch or play with, many modern museum exhibits are at once entertaining and educational.
5. Aided by technology, science helps mankind to gain increasing control over the environment.
1. A star scientist in more ways than one, Steven Hawking has achieved far more than most people ever dream of.
2. An Italian mathematician and astronomer, Galileo was the first scientist to start using his eyes, both literally and figuratively.
3. A figure of classroom fun, hawking spoke with a slight lisp inherited from father.
4. A group of some forty students, the Poetry Society holds regular meetings where the members recite their poems.
5. A fascinating combination of ancient and modern China, Beijing attracts huge numbers of tourists from around the world every year.
1. Stephen Hawking, a British scientist specializing in theoretical cosmology has been proclaimed the greatest genius of the late 20th century.
2. Every time he releases a new record, the singer dreams of its/ it earning a place in the ‘top-ten’ list one the radio.
3. Located to the northwest of London, Oxford University is well known/ noted far and wide for its academic excellence.
4. An intellectual giant, Einstein was responsible for modern man’s new concept
of time and space.
5. This medical research is aimed at finding new treatments for inherited blood diseases, because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases.
6. This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of our university. A private school initially, it has now become a world-famous university specializing in theoretical research.
7. Two years ago, bob was feeling bored with his job as a restaurant manager. Luckily he won a scholarship to the state university.
8. Asked what kind of student Stephen was at college, Prof. white, the then Chair of the Physics department, recalls: “ He impressed me as a very bright student with an instinctive insight into physics.”
1. Accompanying 2. Behind 3. device 4. pose 5. awkward 6. remaining 7. out 8. into 9. by 10. ___ 11. govern 12. in 13. ___ 14. as if 15. ultimate 16. At last
Reading analysis
Example 1: one of Hawking’s science teachers, for example, recalls the time he posed the question: “Does a cup of hot tea reach a drinkable temperature more quickly if you put the milk in first, or add the milk after pouring?” while the rest of the class struggled over how to even begin approaching the problem, hawking almost instantly announced the correct answer: “Add the milk after pouring, of course.” (The hotter the tea initially, the faster it will cool.)
Example 2: another teacher relates how hawking and his friends built a simple computer—and this was in 1958, a time when only large research centers had any computers at all.
Structured writing
XIV. One example, for reference
Some famous geniuses had very surprising beliefs. Thomas Edison, for example, was sure that magic creatures lived in his garden, and he never traveled on the 13th because he was afraid it would be bad luck. Another example is Charles Darwin, who claimed ghosts visited him every Sunday.
但也许问题不是在于我们的机制而是在于我们的态度。可悲的是, 虽然我们大多数人都声称自己相信教育的价值, 但我们却不重视智力活动。
我们美国人是一个宽厚、仁慈的民族。我们有致力于每一项美好事业的机制 ── 从拯救无家可归的猫到防止第三次世界大战爆发。但是为促进思考的艺术我们做了些什么呢?当然在日常生活中我们没有为思考留出时间。 假定一位男子对朋友们说,“今晚我不去参加家长教师联谊会(或不去看棒球赛或诸如此类的事)了,因为我需要留一些时间给我自己,留一些时间进行思考”?对这位男子邻居们就会避而远之;家人就会为他感到羞耻。如果一个十几岁的青少年说,“今天晚上我不去跳舞了,我需要一些时间进行思考”,那又会怎么样呢?他的父母会立即开始在黄页簿中查寻精神病医生的。
分起床 ── 我猜想因为那是唯一没人会打扰他的时刻。前些时候,我听到一位教授说,当他的朋友们撞见他正在读书时,他们会说,“啊, 有这么多空闲时间一定很开心。” 尽管我是一名英语教师 ── 是一个应该更明事理的人 ── 但我却发现自己每次悄悄溜进图书馆看书时,都会隐隐约约感到有点心虚。 人们普遍认为:如果一个人在思考或阅读,他就是在无所事事。在生活中的每一天,我们都在通过言行表达这种看法。还有,我们疑惑不解为什么孩子们不肯认真对待他们的学习,为什么他们对老师说,“我为什么要学这玩意儿?这些东西以后对我什么用也没有;我永远都用不着。”