专利名称:Disk drive device and clearance control
method thereof
发明人:Kenichi Kuramoto,Masayuki Kurita,Yoshihiko
Maeda,Hidetsugu Tanaka,AkihiroSera,Katsumasa Yamazaki
摘要:Embodiments of the present invention help to precisely control the clearance
between a head and disk for the pressure without using a barometric sensor. In anembodiment of the present invention, an HDD determines a clearance from variations inoperational parameters, and further determines a variation in pressure by deducting theclearance variation caused by a variation in temperature from the clearance. When theHDD controls the clearance in accordance with the pressure change, the HDD checks forhead-disk contact. The accuracy and reliability in pressure measurement (clearancemeasurement) using operational parameters are not high. Therefore, confirming thepressure measurement by the presence or absence of head-disk contact eliminates head-disk contact in the following read/write operation to attain a securer margin for theclearance.
申请人:Kenichi Kuramoto,Masayuki Kurita,Yoshihiko Maeda,Hidetsugu Tanaka,AkihiroSera,Katsumasa Yamazaki
地址:Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP