A. 查询年龄为19岁的“刘”姓学生。
B. 查询“李勇”选修的所有课程及成绩,显示结果为姓名,课程名,成绩。(用连接实现)
C. 查询“李勇”选修的所有课程的课程名程。(用嵌套查询实现)
D. 查询和“刘晨”在同一个系学习的其他同学的信息。
E. 查询每个系的学生数,显示结果为系名,人数。
F. 查询选修的课程数超过(含)3门的学生的学号。
G. 查询平均成绩在80分以上(含)的学生的姓名。
H. 查询至少选修了“95001”选的全部课程的学生的姓名。
I. 将女同学选修的“3”号课程成绩提高10%。
J. 删除还没有成绩的选课信息。(成绩为空)
select * from student where Sage=19 and sname like '刘%'
select sname,cname,grade
from Student,Course,SC
where student.sno=sc.sno and Course.cno=SC.cno and sname='李勇'
select cname from course
where cno in
(select cno from sc where sno in
(select sno from student where sname='李勇')
select * from student
where Sdept=
(select Sdept from student where sname='刘晨') and sname<>'刘晨'
select SDept as 系名,count(*) as 人数
from student
group by SDept
select sno from sc
group by sno having count(*)>=3
select sname from student
where sno in
(select sno from sc
group by sno having AVG(Grade)>=80)
select sname
from student
Where not Exists
(select * from SC Sc1
where sno in ('95001') and not Exists
(select * from SC where Sc.sno=Student.sno and Sc1.cno=SC.cno))
update sc set Grade=Grade*1.1
where cno='3' and sno in(select sno from student where SSEX='女')
delete from SC where Grade is NULL