课 题:牛津英语上海版,八年级上册,Unit 3 Modern machines 教学内容:Reading A & Reading B Computers 课 型:阅读课 教学时间:40分钟 教材分析:
本单元的主题是谈论“现代机器”,是学生比较感兴趣的科普话题。本课是本单元的第一课时,阅读材料是关于计算机的几段语篇,分别从不同角度来谈论计算机。本课出现的课标词汇共12个,拓展词汇共9个,重点短语4个。(详见认知目标) 学情分析:
1. 学生对“现代机器”这个主题会比较感兴趣,而计算机更是他们所熟悉的话题,容易唤 起他们学习的兴趣,他们对此也有话可说,有利于引导他们进行深入的思考与探讨。 2. 通过初中一年的学习,学生已具备一定的阅读理解能力,掌握一些阅读理解的策略与技 巧,借助本课的阅读理解活动进一步巩固、运用已学的策略与技巧,以提高学生的阅读理解能力。但学生对语篇的结构意识不是很强, 可以渗透一些这方面的指导。 教学目标:
1. 认知目标: hardly, type, operate, railway, fly, judge, raise, instruction, program, mistake, hold, 课 标video, more importantly, have great understanding of…, make mistakes, for the time 词 汇 being 拓 展词 汇 unaware, be unaware of…, dependent, be dependent on…,diagram, essential, drive, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM 2. 能力发展目标:
1)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,指导学生进一步巩固、运用已学的阅读理解策略与技 巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、搜寻核心信息、匹配信息 等,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。 2)帮助学生建立初步的语篇结构意识。
3)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。 2. 情感目标:
拓展学生的文化视野,激发学生关注科技发展、热爱科学的兴趣与热情。 教学流程设计: 步骤 1. Warming up 2. Pre-reading 目的 教师活动 modern machines. 学生活动 条件/手段 multi- media 由视觉感官冲击引入本单元主题。 Show some pictures of Make a prediction. 唤醒学生的相Get the students to do Brainstorming:What multi- 关图式,激发学a brainstorming. can a computer do? media 生学习的兴趣。
培养学生搜寻核心信息的能力。 (1) Guide the students (1) Read through to find out the main Reading A and try to textbook get the main ideas ideas for the three passages. (2) Ask the students to (2) Read Reading A read Reading A quickly and complete textbook quickly and find the the examples in Ex.A3. Work in pairs. examples. (3) Ask the students to (3) Read Reading A read Reading A again again and try to find and try to find some out the sentences from the passages with the handout sentences from the same meanings. passages with the same meanings. (1) Ask the students to read B2 quickly and get the main idea of each part. (1) Read B2 quickly and get the main idea textbook of each part. 3. While- reading 培养学生搜寻细节信息的能力。 引导学生进一步理解文章。培养学生匹配信息的能力。 4. Reading B 巩固搜寻核心信息的能力。 巩固搜寻细节信息的能力。 (2) Get the students to (2) Read B2 again and read B2 again and do do some T or F handout some T or F questions. questions. (1) Guide the students to read through Reading A &B again and pay attention to the structure of the passage. Help them to complete the outline for Passage 1. (Set an example) (2)Get the students to work in groups and finish the outlines for the other two passages of Reading A. (1) Read through Reading A &B again and pay attention to the structure of the passage. (2) Group work. Match the supporting textbook & ideas with the topic handout ideas of the other two passages of Reading A. 引导学生初步Post-reading 地整体感知语篇结构。 5. 6. Homework
(1) Complete the sentences in B1 in the students’ books. 巩固课堂所学,(2) Read aloud the new words and the text. 并延伸到课外。 (3)Talk in groups of four: Will computers make our lives better or worse in the future? And tell your reasons. P.S. Students’ sheet
Unit 3 Modern machines
Reading Computers
Class: ______________ Names:____________________
Ⅰ. Read Reading A again and find out sentences with the same meanings. 1. There are many hidden computers in your home, but you might not notice them.
_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. You don’t know how much you need computers.
_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Your brain can understand the meaning of things better than computers.
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.This makes people think of many interesting questions.
_______________________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ.Read B2 again and decide the following statements True or False: ( )1. It’s essential for programmers not to make mistakes.
( )2. Programmers use the same language to write different programs. ( )3. Computer language are so easy that everyone can understand them.
( )4. A DVD-ROM can hold plenty of information, including pictures and sounds. Ⅲ. Try to complete the outline for Reading A. Find out the supporting ideas for the topic ideas of each paragraph. You can work in groups of four. (1) can create new ideas… (2) be unaware of… (3) in the future,…may… (4) be more dependent on… (5) the best calculator (6) can type, print, draw… (7) have greater understanding of… (8) No, for the time being
(9) raise interesting questions… (10) can operate railways, fly planes… (11) can teach…play games
Main idea (topic sentences) supporting information 1._________________________ Passage1:___________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
Passage2:___________________________ 2._________________________
Passage3:___________________________ 2._________________________
Ⅲ. Homework:
1. Complete the sentences in B1 in the students’ books. 2. Read aloud the new words and the text.
3. Talk in groups of four: Will computers make our lives better or worse in the future? And tell your reasons.
We / I think computers will make our lives ___________ in the future. The reasons are the following:
(1)____________________________________________________________________________ (2)____________________________________________________________________________ (3)____________________________________________________________________________ …
1、 教学内容与设计思路
本课是八年级上册第三单元Modern Machines当中阅读课的第一课时,教学内容为 Reading A与Reading B共五篇关于计算机的小篇章,分别从不同角度来谈论计算机,课型为阅读课。因为是阅读课的第一课时,本课时的教学目标定位在帮助学生理解阅读材料的同时,渗透一些阅读理解的策略与方法。考虑到该次展示课的教学对象是A类学校的学生,其英语学习水平较高,笔者尝试将Reading A、B一起教授,但处理的侧重有所不同。Reading A的处理侧重于帮助学生理解材料,并培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、核心信息、匹配信息等。而Reading B则处理为泛读,进一步巩固、运用已学的阅读理解策略与技巧,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。 2、亮点与不足
(1) 课型突出,侧重学生的阅读能力的培养。通过多种的阅读活动帮助学生理解阅读材料的同时,渗透一些阅读理解的策略与方法,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、核心信息、匹配信息等。引导学生回忆或总结出这些阅读的策略或方法。
(2) 教学活动设计梯度合理,层层递进,教学环节过渡自然。在While-reading的第一步引导学生浏览全文,初步了解全文大意以及每一段小篇章的大意,获取核心信息。进而到细读文章,搜寻细节信息。最后在Reading B之后再引导学生回顾全文,帮助学生了解片段式文体的结构特点。并进一步引导学生初步感知篇章的结构,完成各段落的outlines。为了降低难度,把supporting information设计为match填空的形式。总的说来,本课的阅读教学是围绕着“总—分—总”的思路来进行的,符合学生的学习规律。
(3) 引入激趣,迅速吸引学生的注意力。以大量的Modern Machines的flash图片,配以现代感十足的音乐,极具感官冲击力,自然引入本单元主题。而后的头脑风暴What can a computer do? 则有利于激发学生头脑中原有的相关图式,引入本课关于计算机的学习。
(4) 关于词汇的教学是基于文本材料,充分考虑学生的需要的。文中的新单汇并不是独立出来教授,而是建立在文本的基础上来理解,引导学生通过上下文来猜测生词的意思。对于学生在阅读理解中有可能遇到的难点或生词,如diagram and graph,笔者备课时预先设置了一些热键,如果学生需要,便可点击出来解释这些词汇。
(5) 注重对学生学习过程的评价,除了言语上的及时的表扬肯定之外,笔者还进行了小组之间的竞赛,以笑脸卡片来计分,奖励得分最高的冠军小组。这种竞赛的方式激励了学生参与课堂学习活动的积极性。
(6) 当然,在课堂的实施过程中,还是存在着一些不足之处,如:
① 教学内容安排还是多了一些,以至于教学环节未能充分落实,学生阅读活动的时间不足,未能充分内化,一些输出的环节就打了折扣。由于时间的关系,后面的match补全outlines的活动匆忙带过,未能把这一环节充分展现出来。
② 教师还是未能充分发挥学生的主体性,有些学生能说能做的事情还是老师包办了。 ③ 指令语不够清晰,在活动开始之后再又补充讲要求,这就影响了学生开展活动,尤其是进行阅读理解活动更是要求学生要静心阅读的。