
Device for the reduction of emissions

2022-05-26 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Device for the reduction of emissions发明人:Linari, Stefano申请号:EP14173385.7申请日:20140623公开号:EP2818224A1公开日:20141231


摘要:The present invention relates to a device (1) for the reduction of emissions ofpollutants, in particular sulphur oxides and fine particles, from a stream of combustiongases, in particular a dry sorbent injection DSI dry scrubber, comprising: - a first mixingand reaction section (2) comprising an inlet (3) for a stream of dirty gases containing at

least a pollutant to be removed and a supply device (4) of a sorbent material in saidstream of dirty gases, -a second reaction section (5), downstream of said first section (2)comprising at least a reaction chamber (6) of said stream of dirty gases with said sorbentmaterial for generating the chemical/physical separation of said pollutant from saidstream of gases, so as to obtain a cleaned stream of gases in which is dispersed insuspension a particulate generated by the reaction of said pollutant with said sorbentmaterial, - a third removal section (7) of said particulate and of the particulate producedby unburned hydrocarbons, downstream of said second section (5), comprising at least amechanical filter for the separation of said particulate from said cleaned mass of gases,wherein said mechanical filter of said removal section (7) comprises a plurality of ceramicfiltering sleeves (8), each in fluid communication with a reaction chamber so that saidcleaned stream of gases, in which is dispersed in suspension said particulate, crosses saidfiltering sleeves from the inside towards the outside, being moreover each filteringsleeve provided with a first cleaning device comprising at least a mobile brush (23) incontact with at least one inner face of said sleeve.

申请人:Linari Engineering S.r.l.

地址:Via dei Colatori, 13 58024 Valpiana (GR) IT


代理机构:De Gregori, Antonella

