专利名称:Method for the preparation of silica glass发明人:Takaaki Shimizu,Syuji Tanaka申请号:US07/249317申请日:19880926公开号:US04883521A公开日:19891128
摘要:An improved sol-gel method is proposed for the preparation of a transparentsilica gel block, in which a deposit of fine silica particles having a controlled particlediameter as prepared by hydrolyzing an alkoxy silane in the presence of ammonia isdispersed in a silica sol solution prepared in an acidic condition and settled therein toform a structure of closest-packing prior to gelation, drying, sintering and vitrification sothat silica glass blocks can be obtained with low volume shrinkage from the wet gel in animproved yield without cracks, bubbles and haziness. The improvement can be furtherenhanced when two separately prepared deposits of silica particles having larger andsmaller particle diameters are dispersed as combined in the silica sol solution, especially,when the particle diameter in one deposit is not exceeding 22. 5% of that in the otherdeposit.
代理人:Jules E. Goldberg