
Method, Apparatus, and System for Acquiring Config

2020-12-14 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Method, Apparatus, and System for

Acquiring Configuration File

发明人:Geng Liu,Chenghu Shen申请号:US15239203申请日:20160817



摘要:A method, an apparatus, and a system for acquiring a configuration file in a dataover cable service are provided. The system includes: a convergence device, a cablemodem terminal system CMTS assembly, and a cable modem CM, where the

convergence device is connected to the CM using the CMTS assembly. The convergencedevice may be configured to intercept a first DHCP response message sent by a DHCPserver to the CM; acquire configuration file information of the CM from the first DHCPresponse message; send the configuration file information of the CM to the CMTSassembly; replace address information of a Trivial File Transfer Protocol TFTP server inthe first DHCP response message with address information of the convergence device, toform a second DHCP response message; and send the second DHCP response messageto the CM.

申请人:Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

地址:Shenzhen CN


