・论 善・ J Med Res,Jul 2011,Vo1.41 No.7 1 1 Matthew R,Nick F,Melanie J,et a1.Predictors and treatment re. sponse with cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure characterized by dyssynchrony:a pre—defined analysis from 8 Chung ES,Leon AR,Tavazzi L.Results of the predictors of response to CRT(PROSPECT)trial[J].Circulation,2008,117(20):2608— 26l6 9 刘丽文,张军,李军,等.超声心动图评价心脏再同步化治疗对心 力衰竭患者左心室重构逆转的指标选择[J].中华超声影像学杂 志,2008,17(6):501—503 the CARE—HF trial[J].Eur Heart J,2007,28(15):1927—1834 12 Ghio S,Constantin C,Klersy C,et a1.Interventricular and intravent- ricular dyssynchrony are common in heart failure patients,regardless 1O陈明,谢明星,王新房,等.实时三维超声心动图评价冠心病患者 左心室重构指数与收缩功能的研究[J].中华超声影像学杂志, 2008,17(9):737—740 of QRS duration[J].Eur heart J,2004,25(7):571—578 (收稿:2011—10—15) (修回:2011—10—28) CD44V9在大肠癌患者组织中的表达及其临床意义 卢 敏 周 璇 刘长宝 叶乐驰 徐永强 摘要 目的探讨CD44V9在大肠癌组织中的表达,分析其与临床病理因素及其预后的关系。方法采用免疫组化S—P 法,检测了24例大肠癌患者癌组织和癌旁组织中的表达水平。结果 大肠癌组CD44V9阳性表达率为高于癌旁组织(P= 0.000);伴有远处淋巴转移的大肠癌组高于无淋巴转移组(P=0.001);高中分化的大肠癌组与低分化、黏液腺癌组的CD44V9阳 性表达无显著性差别(P=0.282)。结论预后的判断。 关键词 大肠癌 CD44V9 Clinical Signiifcance and Expression of CD44V9 in the Patient S Tissues with Colorectal Carcinoma.The Coloproctological Department of CD44V9在大肠癌发生、发展、侵袭转移过程中起重要作用,检测其表达水平有助于对 the Second Afifliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,Zhejiang 325027,China Abstract 0bjective To discuss the expression of CD44V9 in the patient S tissues with colorectal carcinoma,and to analyse the re— lationship between the expression of CD44V9 with the clinical pathology and prognosis.Methods The expression of CD44V9 in cancer tissues and peficancerous tissues of 24 patients were observed by immunohistochemical technique.Results The expression of CD44V9 in cancer tissues was much high than in the peficancerous tissues(P=0.000 .The expression of CD44V9 in patients with lymph node me— tastasis was much high than without lymph node metastasis(P=0.001).There was no significant difference between the high—moderately differentiated cancers and the poorly differentiated cancers(P=0.028).Conclusion The expression of CD44V9 is correlated with the progress,infiltration and metastasis of the colorectal carcinoma,and may be helpful to jugde the prognosis. Key words Colorectal carcinoma;CD44V9 大肠癌的发病机制和发展是涉及多基因和多步 骤的复杂过程。本研究采用免疫组化的方法,对 1O.34岁,结肠癌11例,直肠癌13例,按TNM分期,I期2 例,Ⅱ期12例,Ⅲ期9例,Ⅳ期1例。所有的标本均经病理学 确诊。其中中分化腺癌15例、高中分化腺癌2例、中低分化 腺癌3例、高中分化伴部分黏液腺癌2例、中分化伴部分黏液 腺癌2例。 CD44V9的在大肠癌组织,正常癌旁组织中的表达进 行检测,旨在探讨它们的表达与大肠癌生物学行为的 关系。 2.试剂和方法:(1)免疫组化试剂:多聚赖氨酸、一抗 资料与方法 1.一般资料:收集笔者医院诊治的24例结直肠癌患者手 (CD44v9上海蓝基生物科技有限公司)、SP、Dab(购于上海蓝 基生物科技有限公司)。(2)方法:取新鲜的癌组织和癌旁组 织,分别设为实验组和对照组,PBS(磷酸盐缓冲液)洗,取< 术切除的癌组织和癌旁组织标本。本组24例中,男性约15 例,女性约9例。患者年龄39~83岁,平均年龄65.17± 0.5cm x 0.5cm×0.1 cm组织块,用4%多聚甲醛(0.1mol/ LPBS,pH值7.0—7.6,含0.1%DEPC)进行固定和包埋后,常 基金项目:温州市科技计划基金资助项目(Y2O100128) 作者单位:325027 温州医学院附属第二医院肛肠科 通讯作者:徐永强,电子信箱 ・规脱蜡、入水,PBS冲洗,抗原修复,切片上滴加正常山羊血清 封闭液,滴加第一抗体,4℃过夜,PBS冲洗,切片上滴加生物素 化第二抗体(IgG),37℃20rain,PBS冲洗,滴加辣根酶标记链霉 98・ ・论 菩・ J Med ResJul 2011,Vo1.41 No.7 ,pulmonary inflammation and lipopolysacchairide2 TLR signaling in 意义[J].实用癌症杂志,2002,17(3):252—253 6 mouse macrophages[J].J Immunol,2007,178(4):2469—2475 3 Higashikawa K,Yokozaki H,Ue T,et a1.Evaluation of CD44 transcrlp— 张翠萍,张琪,武军,等.CD44v9和MMP一9在结直肠癌组织中表 达的临床意义[J].中华胃肠外科杂志,2005,8(2):179—180 tion variants in human digestive tract carcinomas and normal tissue[J]. Int J Cancer,1996,66(1):11—17 4 7 张丽娜,宋海峰,陈启.CD44V9和nm23基因蛋白在胃癌中的表达 及其临床意义[J].中国现代医学杂志,2001,11(11):56—59 8 张翠萍,张琪,武军,等.CD44v9和MMP一9在结直肠癌组织中表 达的临床意义[J].中华胃肠外科杂志,2005,8(2):179—180 熊兵红,程勇.CD44与大肠癌关系的研究进展[J].中华肿瘤防治 杂志,2007,14(1):155—158 (收稿:2011—05—22) 5 陈启,赵守国,曹明智,等.CD44V9在胃癌组织中的表达及其临床 (修回:2011—05—31) STAT3信号通路调控Bcl一2成员在 非小细胞肺癌组织中的表达 许 雯 姜琴华 李国平 陈彦凡 陈少贤 摘要 目的探讨非小细胞肺癌组织中STAT3、Mcl一1和Bax的表达及与细胞凋亡之间的关系。方法应用SABC免疫 组化法检测43例非小细胞肺癌手术标本和15例正常肺组织中的STAT3、Mcl一1和Bax的表达。用Tunel法检测细胞凋亡,用凋 亡指数(AI)评估细胞凋亡情况。结果肺癌中STAT3、Mcl一1的阳性表达率高于正常肺组织(P<0.05),肺癌组织中Bax的表 达略低于正常肺组织,但两者之间无明显统计学差异(P>0.05)。肺癌中STAT3阳性表达率与分化程度相关,Bax阳性表达率与 临床分期及有无淋巴结转移有关,Mel一1的表达与肿瘤组织学类型有关(P<0.05)。肺癌组织的凋亡指数(AI)明显高于正常组 织,与肿瘤分化程度有关,且STAT3表达阳性组织AI值明显低于STAT3阴性组(P<0.05)。结论和Bax发挥其在非小细胞肺癌组织中的抗凋亡作用。 关键词 非小细胞肺癌STAT3 Mcl一1 Bax细胞凋亡 STAT3蛋白通过调控Mcl一1 Expression of Bcl一2 Family in Non—small Cell Lung Cancer by STAT3 Signal Pathway.Xu Wen,Jiang Qinhua,Li Guoping,et a1.De— partment of Respiratory Medicine,Tongde Hosptial f oZh ̄iang Province,Zhejiang 310012,China Abstract Objective To explore the expression of STAT3,Mcl一1 and Bax in non—small cell lung cancers(NSCLC),and study their relationship with cell apotosis.Methods The immunohistochemical stain SABC method was applied to investigate thee expression of STAT3,Mcl一1 and Bax in samples of 43 cases NSCLC and 15 normal lung tissues.Tunel method was applied to detect the apoptosis. The apoptosis index(AI)was defined.Results The expression of STAT3 and Mcl一1 was significantly higher in lung cancer tissues than normal tissues(P<0.05),while bax was slightly lower in lung cancer tissues than normal tissues,but there was no signiifcant difference between them(P>0.05).The expression of STAT3 was related with differentiation grade of cancers,and the positive rate of Bax had corre— lation with clinical stage and lymphnode metastasis.The expression of Mcl一1 correlated with histological diferentiation(P<0.05).The AI of cancer tissues was higher than that of normal tissues.and related to differentiation degree of cancers.The AI values in lung cancer samples with possitive response to STAT3 were lower than negative ones(P<0.05).Conclusion STAT3 protein was in the processing of antiapoptosis in NSCLC by Mcl一1 and Bax. Key words Non—small cell lung cancer;STAT3;Mel一1;Bax;Apotosis 肺癌是一种发生率很高的恶性肿瘤之一,在许多 国家,恶性肿瘤占死亡病因的第1位。信号转导和转 录激活因子(signal transducer and activator of tran- scription,STAT)是一类转导细胞外细胞因子和生长 因子的转录因子,由7个家族成员组成,STATs持续 激活与细胞的恶性转化进程密切相关,目前STAT3 作者单位:310012杭州,浙江省立同德医院呼吸内科(许雯、姜 琴华、李国平);325000温州医学院附属第一医院呼吸内科(陈彦凡、 陈少贤) 通讯作者:许雯,电子信箱:ZJxuwen1982@163.eom ・已经被公认为是一种癌基因。STAT3下游的信号,如 Bcl一2家族成员、cyclinD1、C—myc等参与了抗细胞 凋亡、调控细胞周期、促进细胞增殖和存活。肿瘤的 l00・