专利名称:Fuel injector nozzle assembly with improved
needle check valve stop mechanism
发明人:James G. Bryan申请号:US08/591251申请日:19960119公开号:US06062497A公开日:20000516
摘要:In some fuel injectors having VOP (valve opening pressure) type needle checks,the check return spring cavity also functions as a portion of the fuel supply passage. Areturn spring is compressed within the return spring cavity between an end wall and oneend of the needle check. Instead of utilizing a pin stop to limit the movement of theneedle check as in the prior art, the present invention utilizes a shoulder stop surfacewhich comes into contact with one end of the needle check when the needle valve is fullyopen. This elimination of the prior art pin stop is believed to eliminate or reducecavitation damage to the check return spring, pin chipping problems, beat in problemsdue to pin stop cocking or tipping within the return spring cavity, and other wear andfunctionality problems caused by a free floating pin stop.
代理人:Michael McNeil