专利名称:Apparatus and a method of feature edge
extraction from a triangular mesh model
发明人:Satoshi Kanai,Takeshi Kishinami,Tomohiro
Mizoguchi,Hiroaki Date
摘要:A feature edge extraction technique supports automatic creation of a solidmodel from a 3D or triangular mesh model. The technique extracts feature edges from
the 3D mesh model according to a global normal-line evaluation method and animproved watershed method. The technique uses data related to the 3D mesh model,defines an area with a Euclidean distance, globally evaluates normals of triangles in thearea, calculates edge and vertex feature values, carries out discretization and
differentiation on the calculated vertex feature values, extracts feature edges satisfyingrequirements, divides the mesh model into segments each consisting of connectedtriangles according to the improved watershed method that is capable of groupingvertexes, extracts the boundaries of each segment as feature edges, allows a user tointeractively select required feature edges from among the extracted feature edges, andoutputs data related to the selected feature edges.
申请人:Satoshi Kanai,Takeshi Kishinami,Tomohiro Mizoguchi,Hiroaki Date
地址:Sapporo-shi JP,Sapporo-shi JP,Sapporo-shi JP,Sapporo-shi JP