专利名称:METHOD OF MAKING A SLIDE发明人:HENNING ST,US申请号:US3755878D申请日:19720207公开号:US3755878A公开日:19730904
摘要:A slide and method of making it in which there is an upright ground-engageablepost having a helical channeled bedway extending axially therealong with a ladderinterconnected to the upper end of said bedway. The bedway is formed from an annularbody having inner and outer radially spaced circumferential edges. After the body isformed, it is cut thereacross, a post is inserted through said body, and the inner
circumferential inner edge of said body adjacent one of its ends is connected to said post.The opposite end of said body is pulled axially along the post to cause said body toproject radially outwardly therefrom with its inner circumferential edge abutting saidpost along a helical path. Said inner circumferential edge is fastened to the post, and theladder is then interconnected to the upper end of the extended bedway.