专利名称:System and method for identifying a data
record associated with a transferredtelephone call
发明人:Norman J. Donaghue, Jr.申请号:US09183753申请日:19981030公开号:US06256381B1公开日:20010703
摘要:A system and method for identifying a data record associated with a transferredtelephone call which is not dependent on the hardware of the particular telephone
network and systems involved. In the preferred embodiment, to transfer a telephone callfrom a first call center to a second call center, the application server of the first callcenter sends a transfer request which includes the data record associated with thetelephone call and the destination directory number (DDN) to which the call is to betransferred by the application server of the second call center. The application server ofthe second call center responds by sending a transfer response which includes a DirectInward Dialing (DID) telephone number selected from a pool of available members to beused to establish the call transfer. The application server of the second call center alsostores a transfer coordination record which contains the data record, the DID numberand the DDN. Upon arrival of the transferred telephone call to the second call center,the application server of the second call center uses the DID number of the transferredcall to access the stored DDN number to redirect the telephone call to the intendeddestination in the second call center and to access the data record and re-associate thedata record with the transferred telephone call. Once the transferred call and associateddata record have been re-associated the DID number is available for re-use.
代理人:David Volejnicek