专利名称:System and method for automatically
removing noise defects from soundrecordings
发明人:Rob Nokes申请号:US15701445申请日:20170912公开号:US09978393B1公开日:20180522
摘要:Embodiment apparatus and associated methods relate to automaticallyimproving the quality of a segmented audio stream containing a desired signal, based on
filtering an audio segment with an audio filter configured to remove a predeterminednoise, and adapting the audio filter degree of noise removal determined as a function ofa characteristic of the desired signal in the audio segment. In an illustrative example, thedesired signal may be human voice. The predetermined noise may be, for example,wireless ring, hum, or tick resulting from a wireless microphone. In various
implementations, the desired signal characteristic may be voice activity detected in theaudio segment, and the audio filter degree of noise removal may be adapted as afunction of the voice activity. Various examples may advantageously provide faster andmore accurate vocal dialog editing in sound production procedures such as ADR (knownas Alternative Dialog Replacement, or, Additional Dialog Recording).
申请人:Rob Nokes
地址:Marina Del Rey CA US
代理机构:James M. Smedley LLC
代理人:James Michael Smedley, Esq.