专利名称:Method for generating image data relating
to a virtually prescribable x-ray tube voltagefrom first and second CT image data
发明人:Ernst-Peter Rührnschopf,Martin
Sedlmair,Karl Stierstorfer
摘要:A method for generating image data relating to a virtually prescribable X-ray
tube voltage Ufrom first and second dual energy CT image data is disclosed. In at leastone embodiment, the method includes providing the first and second CT image data;prescribing the virtual X-ray tube voltage Uwith U≠Uand U≠U, on the basis of the firstand second CT image data for two prescribable base materials A, B; determining in eachcase a spatial density distribution ρ(x), ρ(x), assigned to the base materials A, B, in thereconstructed object volume, ρ(x)=ρ(x)+ρ(x) holds true for a density ρ(x) of a voxel x inthe reconstructed object volume; providing an effective mass attenuation coefficient<α>for the base material A, and an effective mass attenuation coefficient <α>for thebase material B, the effective mass attenuation coefficients <α>and <α>respectivelybeing valid for an X-ray spectrum S(E, U) assigned to the virtual X-ray tube voltage U; anddetermining the image data as a third distribution of linear attenuation coefficients μ(x) inthe reconstructed object volume on the basis of the following relationship: μ(x)=<α>·ρ(x)+<α>·ρ(x).
申请人:Ernst-Peter Rührnschopf,Martin Sedlmair,Karl Stierstorfer
地址:Erlangen DE,Markt Schwaben DE,Erlangen DE