专利名称:Device for variably adjusting the control
times of gas exchange valves of an internalcombustion engine
发明人:Michael Busse申请号:US12863326申请日:20081218公开号:US08459221B2公开日:20130611
摘要:A device for variably adjusting the control times of gas exchange valves of aninternal combustion engine. The device has a driving element, an output element, at least
one pressure chamber, at least one mechanism limiting the angle of rotation, and apressure accumulator. A phase angle between the output and driving element is changedby delivering or discharging pressure medium to or from the pressure chambers. Themechanism limiting the angle of rotation has a receiving member and an engagingelement to which a force is applied towards the receiving member. When locked, wherethe engaging element engages into the receiving member, the mechanism limiting theangle of rotation limits the phase angle of the output element relative to the drivingelement at least to an angular spread. The mechanism limiting the angle of rotation canbe unlocked by applying pressure medium to the receiving member.
申请人:Michael Busse
地址:Herzogenaurach DE
代理机构:Lucas & Mercanti, LLP