
Process for the production of microcapsules

2024-05-27 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Process for the production of microcapsules发明人:Ulrich Nehen,Manfred Hajek,Norbert

Weimann,Manfred Dahm


摘要:A process for encapsulating products in a polymer by interfacial polymerization,in which a stabilized dispersion of droplets of a first liquid which is to be encapsulated ora stabilized dispersion of solid particles which are to be encapsulated is formed in acontinuous phase of a second liquid, and wherein one of the two capsule wall-formingreaction components is present in free form while the other of the two capsule wall-forming reaction components is present in reversibly blocked form, both reactioncomponents are present in the first or second liquid without reacting with one anotherand the reaction component which is present in reversibly blocked form is deblocked bymeans of water present in the second or first liquid and then reacts with the reactioncomponent present in free form to form a polymeric capsule wall, the droplets of thefirst liquid or the solid particles being encapsulated in small capsules consisting ofpolymeric material.


代理机构:Connolly and Hutz

