English: In my family, we have several house rules that everyone is expected to follow. Firstly, we have designated times for meals and everyone is expected to be present during these times. This not only ensures that we eat together as a family, but also allows us to catch up on each other's days. Secondly, we have a rule that everyone must contribute to household chores. This teaches responsibility and teamwork, and ensures that the burden of housework is not placed solely on one person. Additionally, we have a rule of respect for each other's personal space and belongings. This means knocking before entering someone's room, asking before borrowing something, and always being mindful of each other's privacy. Lastly, we have a rule of open communication. We encourage everyone to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a respectful manner, and we make an effort to listen and understand each other. These house rules help to create a harmonious and respectful atmosphere in our home.
中文翻译: 在我家里,我们有几条家规,每个人都必须遵守。首先,我们规定了吃饭的时间,每个人都必须在这个时间到场。这不仅确保我们作为一个