专利名称:Secure wireless communication user
identification by voice recognition
发明人:Vesa Ulvinen,Jari Paloniemi申请号:US09326717申请日:19990607公开号:US06393305B1公开日:20020521
摘要:A method to authorize or authenticate a user of a wireless telecommunicationsystem (), and includes steps of (a) selecting a word at random from a set of referencewords, or synthesizing a reference word; (b) prompting the user to speak the reference
word; and (c) authenticating the user to operate in, or through, or with a resourcereachable through the wireless telecommunication system, only if the user's speechcharacteristics match pre-stored characteristics associated with the reference word. Inone embodiment the steps of selecting or synthesizing, prompting, and authenticatingare performed in a mobile station () having a speech transducer () for inputting the user'sspeech, while in another embodiment at least one of the steps of selecting orsynthesizing, prompting, and authenticating are performed in a wireless
telecommunications network () that is coupled between the mobile station and atelephone network (). In yet another embodiment at least one of these steps areperformed in a data communications network resource () that is coupled through a datacommunications network (), such as the Internet, and the wireless telecommunicationsnetwork to the mobile station. The step of prompting may include a step of displayingalphanumeric text and/or a graphical image to the user using a display () of the mobilestation.
代理机构:Harrington & Smith LLP