

2020-04-15 来源:步旅网
第3期 曲彦光,等:动态不确定因果图在化工系统动态故障诊断中的应用 ・361- ical processes[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Sys— tems,2014,9(2):154-160. 张勤,男,1956年生,教授,博士生导 师,博士,主要研究方向为动态不确定因 果图理论及应用、系统可靠性评价与管 [15]ZHANG Qin.Dynamic uncertain causality graph for knowl・ edge representation and reasoning:discrete DAG cases[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology,2012,27 理、知识产权理论及应用等。任国际原 子能机构《与安全有关的专家系统》中方 课题负责人,国家“九五”重大软课题负 基金、国家中长期科技发展规划纲要等多 人工智能学会不确定性人工智能专业委 (1):1-23. [16]VERRON S,TIPL1CA T,KOBI A.Monitoring of complex processes with Bayesian networks[M]//REBAI A.Bayesian Network.Rijeka,Croatia:Sciyo,2010:213—228. 作者简介: 朱群雄,男,1960年生,教授,博士生 导师,博士,主要研究方向为智能建模与 一 主障要诊曲研断彦究。 光方向,男为,1动9态0年不生确定,硕因士果研图究及生故, day through Wednesday(at noon),February 14—17. 优化、数据挖掘与故障诊断。主持完成国 家自然科学基金、国家“863”计划、省部级 科研和企业工程项目20余项,获省部级 科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖1项,发明 专利和国家软件著作权10余项,发表学术论文200余篇。 The Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artiifcial Intelligence(AAAI—l 6) February 12~17,2016,Phoenix,Arizona USA 墨 ■ 第3O届人工智能会议 The Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI一16)will be held February 12—17 at the Phoenix Conven— tion Center,Phoenix,Arizona,USA.Please note the alternate day pattern for AAAI一16.The workshop,tutorial,and doc- toral consortium programs will be held Friday and Saturday,February 1 2 and 1 3,followed by the technical program,Sun- The chairs of AAAI一16 are Dale Schuurmans(University of Alberta)and Michael Wellman(University of Michigan). The purpose of the AAAI conference is to promote research in artiifcial intelligence(AI)and scientiifc exchange among AI researchers,practitioners,scientists,and engineers in affiliated disciplines.AAAI一16 will have a diverse technical track, student abstracts,poster sessions,invited speakers,tutorials,workshops,and exhibit and competition programs,all se- lected according to the highest reviewing standards.AAAI-16 welcomes submissions on mainstream AI topics as well as no- ve1 crosscutting work in related areas. Timetable for Authors: ◇July 1,2015一September 10,2015:Authors register on the AAA1 web site ◇September 10.2015:Electronic abstracts due ◇September 15,2015:Electronic papers due ◇October 28—30.2015:Author feedback about initia1 reviews ◇November 12,2015:Notiifcation of acceptance or rejection ◇December 1,2015:Camera—ready copy due Website:http://www.aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI/aaail6.php 
