
Spectacle lens manufacturing method and spectacle

2021-04-04 来源:步旅网

专利名称:Spectacle lens manufacturing method and

spectacle lens supply system

发明人:Yasunori Ueno申请号:US10069394申请日:20020415



摘要:The difference in optical performance, such as astigmatism, the radius ofcurvature of a first surface, etc., of left and right lenses is kept at or below a specific level,and the difference in optical performance and the radius of curvature of the first surfaces

between new and old lenses when the wearer changes lenses is also kept at or below aspecific level, the result being lenses that are more comfortable to wear and are moreattractive. When spectacle lens prescription values for a customer are transmitted froman order-side computer to a manufacturer-side computer, a check is made for whetherprescription data already exists for that customer, and if it does. the optical performanceof the new and old lens designs is compared, and if the difference is within a specificrange. the process moves on to the machining step, but otherwise new design data isselected and the optical performance compared, and the above step is repeated until theoptical performance difference falls within the specified range. If the optical performancedifference or the difference in the radius of curvature of the first surfaces between theleft and right lenses is higher than specified, design is repeated until a value within thespecific range is attained.


