
figures of speech--1

2020-10-27 来源:步旅网


1.词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices) Simile(明喻),metaphor(隐喻), metonymy(借代), Synecdoche(提喻),antonomasia(换称,避免直称法),personification(拟人), irony(反语), hyperbole(夸张), understatement(低调陈述), euphemism(委婉语), contrast(对照), oxymoron(矛盾修辞法), transferred epithet(移就), paradox(似是而非的隽语),parody(仿拟)

pun(双关)Try our sweet corn. You will smile from ear to ear.

syllepsis(异叙 一语双叙法)a week of hard work and hard cash,

zeugma(粘连,轭式搭配)a week of hard work and hard cash.;a place in her sister’s home and heart.

2.结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices) repetition(反复), catchword repetition

(联珠), chiasmus(回文), antithesis(平行对照), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降),parallelism(平行结构)a week of hard work and hard cash.;a place in her sister’s home and heart.

3.音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices)

alliteration(头韵)a week of hard work and hard cash.;a place in her sister’s home and heart. , Predictably, the winter will be snowy, sleety, and slushy.onomatopoeia(拟声)

Go well, use Shell. (行万里路,用壳牌) I. Simile

1. It is introduced by as, like, seem, as if, as though, such as. Sometimes is introduced by than to emphasize. E g.: 1) My heart is liking a singing bird

2) I wander lonely as a cloud.

3) In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun as red as ripe new


4) He was a beautiful horse that looked as though he had come out of a painting by Velasquez.

5)I’ll sleep like a rock tonight. 2. Simile is used to introduce two things which are alike in only one aspect, not in every side. If that, even linked by the word such as “as”, the sentence is not simile, but something like comparison. For example:


like; not unlike; it was a bit like; can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though; as it were as comparable to ; may be compared to ; similar to; akin to ; be analogous to ; be something of等。

共分三种类型:描写型(descriptive) 说明型(illustrative)和启发型(illuminative) He is as tall as his father.

II. Metaphor


1. In such a sentence, there is Metaphor no such words, like as, like, etc. the relationship of similarity is hidden in the sentence. So it is also called a compressed simile.

2. Metaphor can take many forms. It can be a word. It can be a phrase, or even a phrase. It can take the form of the subject, the object, the predicative, the attribute.

1) The thought was fire in him. 2) I’ve got one of my Sahara thirsts on tonight.

3) By this hour the volcanic fires of his nature go down. III. Personification (拟人)

拟人化是把人类的特点、特性加与外界的事物上,使之人格化的修辞手法。比喻是以此喻彼,借代是以此代彼,都还是两个事物;以物拟人则是两者融合、合为一体。 IV.Metonymy 借代:用某一事物的名称代替与之密切相关的另一事物名称。 1. 容器代替内容。 For example:

The hall applauded The kettle boils

2. 以事物的明显特征代替事物本身。For example:

Those blue eyes walked into the office.

Gray hair should be respected. 3. 以有密切关系的一物代替另一物

the camp, the pulpit, and the law

兵营,布道坛,和法律 4. 以工具代替动作或行为者

The pen is mightier than the law. 5. 以作者名称代替作品名称

The captain had fallen in possession of a complete Shakespeare.

6. 拥有鲜明特点的一事物代替同类事物. ---It is the principle of the fox while we need the wolf.

---I am more wolf than you. 7. 用具体的事物代替抽象事物.

Fallout 放射尘埃,代替不良后果 The domino theory

He can rub brine(盐水) on a green wound.他干得出在新伤口上抹盐水这样的事情.

★metonymy一般可以保留原文的修辞方式,不会引起误会,同时让译文多了一份词趣。如:So, during any five-week shape-up, focus more on the tape measure than on the bathroom scale. 译文A:因此,在此




换称(Antonomasia)同借代(Metonymy)的最大区别在于换称中的专有名词通常来自三个渊源:宗教、古代和当代的历史、文学。而借代中的专有名词则无须这种起源。 今天写谈谈换称和借代的比较: 借代

Uncle Sam (山姆大叔)---------the United States (美国)

The Pentagon(五角大楼)--------- U.S. State Defence Department (美国国防部) Fleet Street (舰队街)-------- the British press (英国报界)

Hollywood (好莱坞)---------American film-making industry (美国电影制片业) 10 Downing Street (唐宁街10号)---------the residence and office of the British prime minister( 英国首相官邸) 换称

(1)宗教和神话渊源 (biblical or mythological figures)

Solomon (所罗门)-----a wise man (聪明人)

Daniel (丹尼尔)----- a wise and fair judge (聪明和公正的法官)

Judas (犹大)------a traitor (叛徒) Hercules (赫丘利)---- a hero of strength and bravery (大力神)

(2)历史渊源 (historical figures) the Rubicon (鲁比肯河)----an irrevocable step (破釜沉舟,无可挽回) Nero (尼绿)---a tyrant (暴君)

John Wayne (约翰·韦恩)----a modern figure of a tough guy (粗犷的男子汉形


(3)文学渊源(literary figures)

Uncle Tom (汤姆大叔)----A Negro who compromises and conforms with the Whites(与白人妥协的黑人) VI. Synecdoche(提喻):用部分代表整体,或用整体代表部分.

1)以局部代表全体 The part for the whole

He has many mouths to feed in his family.


They counted fifty sails in the harbour. sails=ships

They were short of hands when business was brisk. hands=workers

He is a valiant heart. heart=man

The poor man now left without a roof. roof=house

2)以全体代表局部 The whole for the part The birds sang to welcome the smiling year.

the smiling year=spring time The car knocked out. the car=the car’s engine

VII.Irony(讽刺) 是指用相反的意义来表达实际的思想以增强幽默感、讽刺性或讲话的力量的一种修辞手段。是辞面和辞里的背反,语言意义和思维内容的抵触。用含蓄的褒义词表示批判性的评价,用反意进行强调,属于双重聚焦的思维模式,焦点在两者的背反

1.This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.这个勤奋的孩子每周读书很少超过一小时。


2.\"What a noble illustration of the tender laws of this favourable country!\" --Dickens


3. Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt.



用两种不相调和、甚至截然相反的特征来形容一项事物,在矛盾中寻求哲理,以便收到奇警的修辞效果,这就是矛盾修饰法( Oxymoron)

1.a clever fool聪明的傻瓜

2.a victorious defeat胜利的失败 3.cruel kindness残酷的仁慈

4.expressionless expression毫无表情的表情

5.sick health憔悴的健康 6.a living death行尸走肉

7.with careful carelessness小心翼翼又漫不经心地

8.bright and dark既光彩夺目,又朦胧黑暗

9.dove-feather’d raven披着白鸽羽毛的乌鸦

10.with her disagreeably pleasant laugh(她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来 11.an honorable villain体面的恶棍 12.There was an audible stillness, in which the common voice sounded strange.(from Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser)

IX. paradox似非而是的隽语 似是而非的隽语有三个因素构成: 1) 显而易见的矛盾

2) 表层含义和深层含义的背离

3) 蕴涵的潜在真理或者解决问题的方法,通常被人是认为不可接受的

a. The parental discipline can be

described as cruel kindness. 父母的惩罚可以说是仁慈的残酷。 注释:


b. This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.





Parody has come to be applied also to the comic imitation of history, fiction, scientific writing, or any other prose. The essence of

parody is the treatment of a light theme in the style appropriate to a serious work. The humor lies in the contrast between subject matter and the treatment of it.

In parody, the theme and the characters are greatly modified or completely changed, but the style of the original is closely followed in those peculiarities that easily lend themselves to ridicule. 1. Where there is a will, there is a lawsuit. 2. Wine was thicker than water. 3. A friend in need is a friend to be avoided. 4. A job in hand was worth two in the future. 5. To be born with a Cadillac in one’s mouth 6. To Lie Or Not To Lie—The Doctor’s Dilemma

7. Familiarity breeds contempt. (old saying )

Quality breeds success. (ad for Ford )

8. Necessity is the mother of invention. (from Aesop’s Fable)

Failure is the mother of success.

12.parallelism of words:

She tried to make her pastry fluffy, sweet, and delicate. parallelism of phrases:

Singing a song or writing a poem is joyous.

parallelism of clauses:

Perch are inexpensive; cod are cheap; trout are abundant; but salmon are best.

13. 对语(Antithesis)是指为了强调,通过平行的语法结构,设置反衬或对比的词语,这样的一种修辞手段。对语又称对偶,对句,反衬或对比。 例如:

1.The friends overstate his

accomplishment; the enemies overstate his evil.朋友夸大他的成就;敌人夸大他的罪恶。

2.It(American imperialism) is the strongest in history and also the weakest in history.它(美帝国主义)在历史上是最强的,也是最弱的。

3.He that has never hoped can never despair.从没抱有希望的人决不会失去一切希望。

14. 间接肯定法(Litotes)是指用反对语的否定表达肯定的正面的意义的一种修辞手段。间接肯定法也称曲意法。间接肯定法与夸张法恰恰相反。夸张是讲得过分,间接肯定法则是有意轻描淡写,把话说小,常用否定的否定来表达肯定。 例如:

1.This is no small accomplishment.这可是一个不小的成就。(用no small表示great)

2.This is not at all unpleasant.这件事一点儿也不令人讨厌。(用not at all unpleasant表示very pleasant) 3.The man is no fool.那个人绝不傻。(用no fool表示 very clever.)

4.The face wasn't a bad one.面孔长得不算坏。(用wasn't a bad one表示was a good one)

5.She is not above telling a lie,if it will serve her purpose.如果说谎可以达到目的,她就说谎。(用not above表示only,just)


1.He is fond of the bottle 2.I am reading Lu Hsun

3.I beg a thousand pardons.千万请求原谅。

4.She was scared to death.她吓得要死。 5.I'd give the world to see the Great Wall.我要不惜一切代价看看长城。

6.There isn't a weapon he doesn't know the use of.什么武器他都会使用。 7.Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces.稍许体谅一下我的神经吧。你简直要叫我的神经胀破啦。 8.The greatest living thinker ceased to think.当代最伟大的思想家停止了思想。

9.He's a bit off his head.他有点精神错乱。

10. U.S. stocks decline; global markets churn(平行结构)

11. Hurricane Bonnie hammers Carolina coast(比喻)
