

2023-12-01 来源:步旅网

Universal Sentence Starters and Conclusions for Application Essays

Hey there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grader who loves writing. Today I want to share some tips about starting and ending your application essays in a super powerful way. Whether you're applying to an awesome summer camp, a cool after-school program, or even trying to get into your dream middle school, nailing that essay is KEY!

Let's start with killer opening lines to hook the reader right away. You want them to keep reading from that very first sentence! Here are some great options:

Did you know that... (Then share an interesting fact or statistic related to your topic)

Example: Did you know that the butterfly is the only insect that can taste with its feet? This summer, I hope to attend Camp Caterpillar where I can learn more amazing butterfly facts! I'll never forget when... (Set up a personal story or anecdote) Example: I'll never forget when I got separated from my family at the zoo and had to ask the zookeepers for help finding

them. That experience showed me how to stay calm in difficult situations, a skill that will help me thrive at Camp Wilderness. Imagine... (Paint a vivid picture to draw the reader in) Example: Imagine looking through a microscope and discovering a new species of microorganism. At Science Camp, I hope to have opportunities like this to explore the unseen world. From exploring the jungles of... (Use vivid language to capture their interest)

Example: From exploring the jungles of the Amazon rainforest to surveying the incredible marine life of the Great Barrier Reef, I have always been fascinated by the natural world around me. This endless curiosity is what motivates me to apply to Natural Explorers Camp.

Those are just a few ideas, but try to come up with your own unique way to start your essay with a bang. Then once you've hooked them, you've got to knock their socks off with an epic conclusion! A great ending really drives your main points home and leaves a lasting impression. Give one of these a try: Looking back on... (Reflect on key experiences or lessons) Example: Looking back on all the challenges I've faced and obstacles I've overcome, from recovering from a broken arm to

dealing with a bumpy move across the country, I know I have the determination to embrace every opportunity at Camp Winners. When I imagine myself at... (Paint a picture of your future there)

Example: When I imagine myself at Coder Kids Camp, I see myself thriving and soaking up every programming tip and trick like a spongy little computer. This camp will equip me with vital skills for pursuing my passion.

With __ in my toolbelt, I am... (Summarize key strengths/preparedness)

Example: With my keen intellectual curiosity, diligent work ethic, and spirit of adventure in my toolbelt, I am well-equipped to make the most of every learning experience at Camp Catalyst. Opportunity of a lifetime... (Build it up as a can't-miss experience)

Example: Being accepted to Futura Leadership Academy would be the opportunity of a lifetime that could unlock my full potential as a compassionate leader and global citizen.

The bottom line is... (Restate your main argument concisely)

Example: The bottom line is, my deep fascination with the past combined with my strong research and writing abilities make me an ideal candidate to attend Modern Historians Camp. Those are some foolproof ways to start and end your essays like a pro! Of course, the meaty middle is also super important. Be sure to share specific examples and details that show why you're a great fit. Use descriptive language to make the reader feel like they're there with you. And don't forget to proofread so your writing is clean and error-free!

Well, there you have it - my tips for crafting knockout application essays from start to finish. Getting into those awesome programs takes work, but following advice like this should help your essays seriously shine. You've got this! Just open with something juicy that grabs their attention, close with something profound that sticks in their mind, and pack the middle with compelling personal stories and skills. Go get 'em!
