材 料 清 单
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摘 要:本文主要论述了关于全国计算机等级考试网上报名系统——基于B/S结构的设计与实现。在介绍开发系统的技术背景的基础上,主要对系统的考生报名、考试报名管理以及考试报名信息评论交流三大功能模块的设计与实现进行了论述。这几个模块基本都实现了对数据的添加、查询、修改等功能,方便考生和管理员对全国计算机等级考试网上报名的有效进行和了解相关情况。
关键词:计算机等级考试;网上报名;B/S结构;ASP.NET;SQL Server 2000
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Design & Implementation of The NCRE
Online Registration System
Abstract:This paper mainly discusses the national computer rank examination on-line registration system——Design and Implementation of based-on B/S structure. Introducing the development of the technical background on the basis of the main candidates for the system, the examination application, examination management and exchange of information comment on the three major functional modules for the design and implementation of the exposition. These modules are to achieve the basic data add, query, modify, and other functions, facilitate candidates and the administrator of the national computer rank examination for the effective implementation of the Internet and understand the relevant situation.
This system has advanced thought of design to meet the needs of the examination, to provide all the latest information on the examination and application, to streamline application procedures, increasing efficiency and facilitate candidates especially in the field candidates for the examination management staff at any time for the understanding and management. In the course of operations to achieve intuitive, convenient, practical and safety requirements. Overall, the system basically meet the national computer rank examination online registration system needs.
Keywords: Computer Grade Test; Online Registration; B/S structure;ASP.NET; SQL
Server 2000
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目 录
1 前言 ............................................................ 1
1.1 系统选取的背景及开发意义 .................................... 1
1.2 本课题的国内外研究现状 ...................................... 1 2 本系统应用的技术及其特点 ........................................ 3
2.1 B/S开发模式 ................................................ 3 2.2 ASP.NET ..................................................... 3 2.3 SQL SERVER 2000 .............................................. 4 2.4 ADO.NET ..................................................... 5 3 系统分析与设计 .................................................. 6
3.1系统需求分析 ................................................ 6 3.2系统设计建设方法三原则 ...................................... 6 3.3系统建设生命周期及生命周期方法 .............................. 6 3.4系统功能分析 ................................................ 7 3.5系统功能设计 ................................................ 8 4 数据库的设计与实现 .............................................. 9
4.1数据库理论基础 .............................................. 9 4.2数据库需求分析 ............................................. 10 4.3数据库概念结构图 ........................................... 10 4.4数据库结构逻辑设计 ......................................... 11 5 系统功能详细设计 ............................................... 13
5.1首页 ....................................................... 13 5.2考生注册 ................................................... 13 5.3考生登录 ................................................... 13 5.4管理员登录 ................................................. 15 5.5网站留言 ................................................... 18 6 系统测试 ....................................................... 20 7 系统的维护优化及展望 ........................................... 21
7.1系统的维护 ................................................. 21 7.2系统的改进 ................................................. 21 7.3系统的发展前景 ............................................. 21 8 总 结 .......................................................... 22 参考文献 ......................................................... 23 附 录 ............................................................ 24 致 谢 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1 前言
1.1 系统选取的背景及开发意义
计算机技术考试实施网上报名有其独特的优势,他可以向考生提供更方便的服务。考生可以随时随地咨询和报名,灵活性强,特别是能满足许多考生的特殊需求。报名数据汇总以及信息传递快捷,操作简便;流程清晰,数据处理及时、准确。实现资源共享,管理方式更人性化,考务管理更加流程化、规范化、公开化、科学化。便于领导动态掌握报考情况,及时统计相关信息,为领导提供决策依据,便于对有关事宜提前做出安排。通过信息化、网络化的交流,便于考试管理部门与考生沟通,使领导及时了解考生的意见和要求,有利于改进考试工作。 1.2 本课题的国内外研究现状
世界各国对教育的发展给予了前所未有的关注,都试图在未来的信息社会中让教育处于一个优势的位置,从而走在社会发展的前列,为此许多国家都把信息技术应用于教育,作为民族发展的重要推动力。在国外,美国政府提出了”教育技术规划(Educational Technology Initiative) “,指出到21世纪初让全美国的每间教室和每个图书馆都将联上信息高速公路,让每个孩子都能在”21世纪教师”网络
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在1995年底,国外开始出现支持网上教学的系统和平台。美国的NTU、英国的OPEN COLLEGE都是十分典型的网络教育范例。网络化考试报名作为网上远程教育的重要组成部分和发展分支,己经在国外一些发达国家得到蓬勃发展,人们选学课程和考试报名都是通过网上进行。特别是Internet业务的普及,构筑高性能、低成本的计算机网络化在线考试报名,从技术条件和经济条件上己经成熟。
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2 本系统应用的技术及其特点
2.1 B/S开发模式
在B/S体系结构系统中,用户通过浏览器向分布在网络上的许多服务器发出请求,服务器对浏览器的请求进行处理,将用户所需信息返回到浏览器。而其余如数据请求、加工、结果返回以及动态网页生成、对数据库的访问和应用程序的执行等工作全部由Web Server完成。随着Windows将浏览器技术植入操作系统内部,这种结构已成为当今应用软件的首选体系结构。显然B/S结构应用程序相对于传统的C/S结构应用程序是一个非常大的进步。[7]
以目前的技术看,局域网建立B/S结构的网络应用,并通过Internet/Intranet模式下数据库应用,相对易于把握、成本也是较低的。它是一次性到位的开发,能实现不同的人员,从不同的地点,以不同的接入方式(比如LAN, WAN, Internet/Intranet等)访问和操作共同的数据库;它能有效地保护数据平台和管理访问权限,服务器数据库也很安全 。特别是在JAVA这样的跨平台语言出现之后,B/S架构管理软件更是方便、快捷、高效。总体来说其分布性强、维护方便、开发简单且共享性强、总体拥有成本低,是当今世界开发模式技术架构的主流技术之一。 2.2 ASP.NET
ASP.NET是Microsoft.net的一部分,作为战略产品,不仅仅是 Active Server Page (ASP) 的下一个版本,它还提供了一个统一的 Web 开发模型,其中包括开发人员生成企业级 Web 应用程序所需的各种服务。ASP.NET 是一个已编译的、基于 .NET 的环境,可以用任何与 .NET 兼容的语言(包括 Visual Basic .NET、C# 和 JScript .NET.)创作应用程序。另外,任何 ASP.NET 应用程序都可以使用整个 .NET Framework。开发人员可以方便地获得这些技术的
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ASP.NET的新性能:ASP.net提供了稳定的性能、优秀的升级性、更快速的开发、更简便的管理、全新的语言以及网络服务。贯穿整个ASP.net的主题就是系统帮用户做了大部分不重要的琐碎的工作;全新的构造:新的ASP.net引入受管代码(Managed Code)这样一个全新概念,横贯整个视窗开发平台。受管代码在NGWS Runtime下运行,而NGWS Runtime是一个时间运行环境,它管理代码的执行,使程序设计更为简便;高效率:对于一个程序,速度是一件非常令人渴望的东西。一旦代码开始工作,接下来你就得尽可能地让它运作得快些快些再快些。在ASP中你只有尽可能精简你的代码,以至于不得不将它们移植到一个仅有很少一点性能的部件中。而现在,ASP.net会妥善地解决这一问题;易控制:在ASP.net里,你将会拥有一个“Data-Bounds” (数据约束),这意味着它会与数据源连接,并会自动装入数据,使控制工作简单易行;语言支持:ASP.net支持多种语言,支持编译类语言,支持比如VB、VC++、C#等,它比这些编译类语言运行速度快,更适合编写大型应用;更好的升级能力:快速发展的分布式应用也需要更快速、更模块化、更易操作、更多平台支持和重复利用性更强的开发,需要一种新的技术来适应不同的系统,网络应用和网站需要提供一种更加强大的可升级的服务;让你的生活更简单:通过ASP.net,我们可以看到一个新的服务控制的概念,它封装了一些普通的任务,提供了一种清晰的编程模块,有助于管理和处理不同的用户类型。[6] 2.3 SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2000 是Microsoft 公司推出的SQL Server 数据库管理系统的最新版本。该版本继承了SQL Server 7.0 的高性能、可靠性和可扩展性的优点的同时又比它增加了许多更先进的功能,具有使用方便、可伸缩性好、与相关软件集成程度高、易于安装部署和使用等优点,可跨越从运行Microsoft Windows 98 的膝上型电脑到运行Microsoft Windows 2000 的大型多处理器的服务器等
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多种平台使用。[5] 2.4 ADO.NET
ADO.NET技术是.Net Framework中访问数据一项关键技术。ADO.NET 对 Microsoft SQL Server 和 XML 等数据源以及通过 OLE DB 和 XML 公开的数据源提供一致的访问。数据共享使用者应用程序可以使用 ADO.NET 来连接到这些数据源,并检索、处理和更新所包含的数据。[4]
ADO.NET 通过数据处理将数据访问分解为多个可以单独使用或一前一后使用的不连续组件。ADO.NET 包含用于连接到数据库、执行命令和检索结果的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序。您可以直接处理检索到的结果,或将其放入 ADO.NET DataSet 对象,以便与来自多个源的数据或在层之间进行远程处理的数据组合在一起,以特殊方式向用户公开。ADO.NET DataSet 对象也可以独立于 .NET Framework 数据提供程序使用,以管理应用程序本地数据或源自 XML 的数据。
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3 系统分析与设计
本系统主要针对全国计算机等级考试品种增多,报名人数加大、劳动强度大、手续繁琐等具体情况而设计。用以对计算机等级考试报名过程手续简化,提高工作效率,方便考试管理人员随时进行报名情况的了解和管理等。系统自从考生报名注册,考生信息查看修改;后台管理员对考生信息查看、修改、打印考生信息及确认考生报名并且分配报考号等一系列管理;以及对考试信息及报名信息的发布及评论交流等功能。系统应符合全国计算机等级考试网上报名系统的规定,满足计算机等级考试网上报名系统信息管理工作的需要并达到操作过程中的直观、方便、实用、安全等要求,从而大大减轻了考试报名的繁琐,更加方便地进行管理和维护,其经济性与实用是十分可观的。 3.2系统设计建设方法三原则
● 整体性原则。系统是相互联系,相互作用的诸要素组成的综合体。我们必须从整体和各组成部分的相互关系来考察事物,从整体目标和功能出发,正确处理系统各组成部分之间的相互关系和相互作用。
● 分解—协调原则。就是把复杂问题化成若干相对简单的子问题以方便求解。若子系统的问题比较复杂,还可以再分。但在处理各类子问题时,必须根据系统的整体功能和目标,协调各子系统的行为、功能与目标,以保证整体功能目标的实现。
● 目标优化原则。所谓目标优化原则对简单系统来说,是求最优解,对复杂系统来说,求的是满意解。一定要注意,目标优化原则并不简单是求最优解的问题
这里最需要指出的是:以上三原则是系统方法中处理复杂系统问题的三个主要原则,并非全部原则。在处理实际问题时,还需在这些原则的指导下,根据具体问题的特点,确定求解的具体方法和策略。[2] 3.3系统建设生命周期及生命周期方法
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(一) 系统规划 (二) 系统开发
1)系统分析 包括系统逐步调查,系统的可行性研究,现行系统的详细调查,新系统的逻辑方案的提出。
2)系统设计 包括系统总体结构设计,系统总体功能设计,系统总体物理结构设计,系统详细设计,数据库设计,代码设计,输入输出设计,处理过程设计。
3)系统实现 包括程序设计,系统测试及制作安装盘。 (三) 系统的运行及维护
本系统总体上就是用了这种生命周期法进行系统分析和设计的。[2] 3.4系统功能分析
本系统主要功能如下所述: 1、首页:
首页是默认页面,主要介绍有关考试信息以及网上报名的办法、流程及注意事项等信息。 2、 考生子系统:
对于已经提交了报名信息的考生,可以根据考生的姓名和身份证号登录后对自己的报考信息以及个人信息的查看及相应修改。 3、 考试管理子系统:
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个人信息及报考信息;确认报名:经验证身份证号无误且已经注册过但未分配报考号的考生,采集照片后系统会按一定规律分配该考生一个相应的报考号,报名完成。 4、 留言块:
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4 数据库的设计与实现
(1) 数据库需求分析的任务是将业务管理单证流化为数据流,划分主题之间的边界,绘制出DFD图,并完成相应的数据字典。
(2) 概念设计的任务是从DFD出发,绘制出本主题的实体-关系图,并列出各个实体与关系的纲要表。
(3) 逻辑设计的任务是从E-R图与对应的纲要表出发,确定各个实体及关系的表名属性。
(4) 物理设计的任务是确定所有属性的类型、宽度与取值范围,设计出基本表的主键,将所有的表名与字段名英文化(现在很多软件能支持中文字段,如SQL Server 2000,我就是用的中文字段名),实现物理建库,完成数据库物理设计字典。
(5) 加载测试工作贯穿于程序测试工作的全过程,整个录入、修改、查询、处理工作均可视为对数据库的加载测试工作。[5]
• 基本表的个数越少越好。
• 字段的个数越少越好。
• 所有基本表的设计均应尽量符合第三范式。
数据库的设计中,如何处理多对多的关系和如何设计主键,是两个有着较大难度、需要重点考虑的问题。[11] 下面我们着重从SQL应用、数据库设计范式和查询优化等方面来分析本课题的系统关键技术和实现难点并加以解决。
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● 用户分普通考生和管理员用户 ● 每个考试等级都从属于一种类型 ● 一个考生一次只能报考一个等级 ● 一个等级可以给多个考生报考 ● 任何人都可对网站留言
● 管理员信息,包括数据项:帐号、密码等
● 普通考生,包括数据项:姓名、身份证号、籍贯、联系方式等 ● 报考信息表,包括数据项:考生身份证号、报考等级及语言、报考号 ● 留言表,包括数据项:留言编号、留言者姓名、留言内容、留言时间
管理员 考生 报考注册 报考等级 报考等级分类 报考信息表 留言者 留言 留言表
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管理员 姓名 帐号 ···密码 身份证号 考生 籍贯 ····· 地址 图4.2管理员信息实体图 图4.3考生信息实体图
报考信息表 留言表 报考等级 考生身份证号 报考号 留言编号 留言时间 留言者姓名 留言内容 图4.4报考信息实体图
经过上述的设计,现将以上的数据库概念结构转化为数据库系统所支持的实际数据模型,也就是数据库的逻辑结构。本系统涉及的数据库中用到数据表的字段和字段类型的定义,如表4.1、表4.2、表4.3 所示。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
列名 考生身份证号
姓名 性别 出生日期 籍贯 民族 职业 文化程度 联系电话 电子邮件 联系地址 邮政编码 相片 帐号
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类型 约束 取值 varchar(18) 主键 varchar(20) varchar(2) datetime varchar(20) varchar(20) varchar(100) varchar(20) varchar(16) varchar(30) varchar(100) varchar(6) varchar(50) varchar(20)
15 密码 管理员登录密码
表4.2 报考信息表
序号 列名 1 考生身份证号 2 所报考等级及语言 3 报考号
类型 varchar(18) varchar(50)
int 约束 主键 取值
序号 1 2 3 4
列名 流水号 姓名 留言内容 留言时间 列描述 类型
int identity(1,1) varchar(20)
text datetime 约束 主键 取值 1
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5 系统功能详细设计
主要是介绍考试相关信息以及网上报名的办法、流程及注意事项等信息。 5.2考生注册
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6 系统测试
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7 系统的维护优化及展望
系统的维护主要分为纠错性维护、适应性维护、完善性维护和预防性维护。 纠错性维护:由于本系统测试不可能揭露系统中存在的所有错误,所以当系统运行到一定时期后会暴露出系统内隐藏的错误,这时候要及时纠正。
完善性维护:要根据用户不断提出的新要求来不断扩充原有的系统的功能。 预防性维护: 把维护工作由被动变主动,来延长本系统的使用寿命。 据统计,完善性维护占所有维护工作总数的50%左右。可见,系统维护工作中,一半以上的工作是对系统的完善,一定要多加注意。[2] 7.2系统的改进
1. 各个模块可以加强独立性,能重复使用,即增加程序的耦合度; 2. 系统的开发缺乏软件工程的思想,在开发的过程中尽量多应用软件工程的思想;
3. 系统的人机界面设计不足,可以从交互性,信息的显示和数据的输入三个方面做一些加强;
4. 软件开发的过程花费时间过长,用系统的思想和系统工程的方法,结构化、模块化的至上而下对系统生命周期进行分析和设计; 7.3系统的发展前景
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8 总 结
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[7] 李闽溟,吴继刚,周学明. WEB网站开发实例导航.人民邮电出版社, 2003 [8] 王颖.敦促新理论的研究.哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文,1992
[9] 张小艳著.基于B/S模式的网上考试系统[J],工矿自动化,2002年,04期第26-28页 [10] 贾振华著.浅谈网上考试系统中自动抽题的实现[J],大众科技,2003年,04期第106-107页 [11] 李翠梅. SQL Server中数据完整性之表间关系[J] . 科技与经济.2006年第24期 107-108页
[12] 张斌 黄献波. 基于ASP.NET的用户权限设计与实现[J] .光盘技术. 2006年第3期 28-30页
[13] 宋阳 . ASP.NET的网站科研成果管理系统的设计与实现 .长春师范学院学报(自然科学版[J] . 第25卷第6期 2006年12月53-55页
[14] 夏阳 张强 陈小林. 基于ASP.NET的电子商务网站开发与设计[J] . 计算机工程与设计. 第25卷第11期 2027-2029页
[15] 王洪涛,刘文娱.深入剖析WEB编程技术及应用实例.人民邮电出版社,2004
[16] Steven Mandel . Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming in T-SQL and .NET[J] .Net Developer's Journal Vol.5. No.5 p.22 2007
[17] J.R.McDnonell, D.Wagen.Evolving Recurrent Percepptions Time Modeling. IEEETrans.on Neural Netwoks.1994
[18] Peter Varhol . The Future of ASP.NET Hinges on Web 2.0[J] . Visual Studio Magazine Vol.17. No.1 p.40 2007
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附 录
if (this.Page.IsValid) {
//获取注册的个人信息 string xb;
string xm = this.txtxm.Text.Trim(); string csrq = this.txtcsrq.Text.Trim(); string sfzh = this.txtsfzh.Text.Trim(); string jg = this.txtjg.Text.Trim();
string mz = this.ddlmz.SelectedItem.ToString(); string zy = this.ddlzy.SelectedItem.ToString(); string whcd = this.ddlwhcd.SelectedItem.ToString(); string lxdh = this.txtlxdh.Text.Trim(); string dzyj = this.txtdzyj.Text.Trim(); string lxdz = this.txtlxdz.Text.Trim(); string yzbm = this.txtyzbm.Text.Trim();
string bkdj = this.ddldjyy.SelectedItem.ToString(); //string zp = this.; if (this.rBnb.Checked) { xb = \"男\"; } else { xb = \"女\"; }
try {
SqlConnection con = DB.createConnection(); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmdpd = new SqlCommand(\"select count(*) from 个人信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" + sfzh + \"'\", con);
int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmdpd.ExecuteScalar()); if (count > 0) {
Response.Write(\"\"); this.SetFocus(this.txtsfzh); } else
SqlCommand cmdgr = new SqlCommand(\"insert into 个人信息表 values('\" + sfzh + \"','\" + xm + \"','\" + xb + \"','\" + csrq + \"','\" + jg + \"','\" + mz + \"','\" +
24 / 70
zy + \"','\" + whcd + \"','\" + lxdh + \"','\" + dzyj + \"','\" + lxdz + \"','\" + yzbm + \"',null,null,null)\", con);
SqlCommand cmdbk = new SqlCommand(\"insert into 报考信息表(考生身份证号,所报考等级及语言) values('\" + sfzh + \"','\" + bkdj + \"')\", con); cmdbk.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
Response.Write(\"\"); }
catch (Exception) {
Response.Write(\"\"); }
else { }
string strxm = this.txtdlxm.Text.Trim(); string strsfzh = this.txtdlsfzh.Text.Trim(); SqlConnection con = DB.createConnection(); con.Open();
if (strxm == \"\" || strsfzh == \"\") {
//Response.Write(\"\"); } else {
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(\"select count(*) from 个人信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con);
int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (count > 0)
25 / 70
cmd.CommandText = \"select count(*) from 个人信息表 where 姓名='\" + strxm + \"'and 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\"; cmd.Connection = con;
int cun = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (cun > 0) {
this.pldh.Visible = true; this.pldl.Visible = false; this.plck.Visible = false; con.Close();
} else {
Response.Write(\"\"); } } else {
Response.Write(\"\"); }
//确认报考,上传照片分配报考号 //检验该生是否已在网上登记过
string strsfzh = this.txtqrsfzh.Text.Trim(); SqlConnection con = DB.createConnection(); con.Open();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(\"select count(*) from 个人信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" +strsfzh + \"'\", con);
int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (count > 0) {
SqlCommand cmdpd = new SqlCommand(\"select count(报考号) from 报考信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con);
int pd = Convert.ToInt32(cmdpd.ExecuteScalar()); if (pd > 0)
26 / 70
this.txtqrsfzh.Text = null; } else { try {
string full = this.; //获取上传文件路径
string = full(full(\"\\\\\") + 1); //获取上传文件名 string type = full(full(\".\") + 1); //获取上传文件扩展名 //this.(Server.MapPath(\"photos\") + \"\\\\\" + ); //文件存放位置
if (type == \"jpg\" || type == \"bmp\" || type == \"JPG\" || type == \"BMP\") //判断上传文件是否符合规定 {
this.(Server.MapPath(\"photos\") + \"\\\\\" + ); //文件存放位置
SqlCommand cmdup = new SqlCommand(\"update 个人信息表 set 相片='\" + + \"' where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con); cmdup.ExecuteNonQuery();
SqlCommand cmddj = new SqlCommand(\"select 所报考等级及语言 from 报考信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con);
string strdj = cmddj.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
SqlCommand cmdxm = new SqlCommand(\"select 姓名 from 个人信息表 where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con);
string strxm = cmdxm.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); int exameId = DB.examID(strdj);
SqlCommand cmdId = new SqlCommand(\"update 报考信息表 set 报考号='\" + exameId + \"' where 考生身份证号='\" + strsfzh + \"'\", con); cmdId.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();
this.txtqrsfzh.Text = null;
Response.Write(\"\"); }
else {
Response.Write(\"\"); } }
catch (Exception) {
Response.Write(\"\"); } } } else {
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论文题目 全国计算机等级考试网上报名系统的设计与实现 学生姓名 专业 班级 指导老师
一、 论文(设计)内容
1.熟悉web的概念;学习研究解决问题所需的工具如Microsoft Visual Studio.NET、SQL Server数据库系统的体系结构及它们之间的接口。 2.完成网上报名系统的需求分析,重点对全国计算机等级考试报名的相关信息和流程进行分析。
4.系统设计结构合理,具有B/S结构,在Web环境中运行稳定,使用方便。 5.有关设计应符合软件工程的要求。
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二、 论文(设计)的基本要求
三、 进度安排
1 - 4周:根据选题进行调研,查阅有关资料,结合所需解决的问题到相关
单位实地考查或实习,搞清所需解决的问题,写出开题报告; 5 - 8周:到有关单位进行实习,实习最好能结合毕业设计选题进行,在实
9 - 12周:进一步细化、完善有关设计,写出毕业设计(论文)初稿; 13 - 14周:验收设计的软件,完善毕业论文,作好毕业答辩准备。
四、 应收集的资料及主要参考文献
[1] 邓良松,陆丽娜.软件工程. 西安电子科技大学出版社,2001 [2] 王佑中,著,Web动态技术入门, 北京:机械工业出版社,2003 [3] 刘卫宏. SQL Server 2000实用教程.科学出版社,2003
[4] 张小艳著.基于B/S模式的网上考试系统[J],工矿自动化,2002年,04期 [5] 李闽溟,吴继刚,周学明. WEB网站开发实例导航.人民邮电出版社, 2003
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学生姓名 系(院) 论 文题 目 专业 指导老师 班级 全国计算机等级考试网上报名系统的设计与实现 经过一个多月的调查研究,我对计算机等级考试网上报名系统的设计有了清楚的认识,与指导老师展开了广泛的讨论,对原有的报名系统设计进行研究分析,发现了其中的一些不足之处,并拿不同的设计进行开 题 申 请 比较,认识到要设计出一个好系统将计算机技术和网络技术相结合。实现计算机等级考试在线报名、自动审核、以及考试人员数量的统计、考生信息管理和查询等可以满足不同用户的需求的功能。并将其在基于C#语言面向.NET平台开发的ASP.NET下实现该系统。通过收集多方面的资料,我对本课题已有了具体的解决方案,具备实现该课题的基本条件,特提出开题申请。 申请人签名: 年 月 日 该生经过一个月的开题准备,完成了相关资料的查阅和学习,对所选系统所涉及的数据及应该具备的功能进行了详细的分析,并在此基础指 导 教 师 意 见 上提出了较详细的解决方案,提出的方案切实可行,同意开题并进入下一阶段的系统设计。 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 注:
2.指导教师意见应包含指导教师对学生开题报告的评价及开题意见; 3.学生提交申请表时须同时提交开题报告文本。
学生姓名: 指导教师:
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世界各国对教育的发展给予了前所未有的关注,都试图在未来的信息社会中让教育处于一个优势的位置,从而走在社会发展的前列,为此许多国家都把信息技术应用于教育,作为民族发展的重要推动力。在国外,美国政府提出了”教育技术规划(Educational Technology Initiative) “,指出到21世纪初让全美国的每间教室和每个图书馆都将联上信息高速公路,让每个孩子都能在”21世纪教师”网络服务。澳大利亚国家公共资源管理局已于1995年4月建立”澳大利亚教育网”,并联通Internet,该网络不仅包括全部高等院校,而且还覆盖全澳大利亚所有的中小学。
在1995年底,国外开始出现支持网上教学的系统和平台。美国的NTU、英国的OPEN COLLEGE都是十分典型的网络教育范例。网络化考试报名作为网上远程教育的重要组成部分和发展分支,己经在国外一些发达国家得到蓬勃发展,人们选学课程和考试报名都是通过网上进行。特别是Internet业务的普及,构筑高性能、低成本的计算机网络化在线考试报名,从技术条件和经济条件上己经成熟。
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CPU:Pentium III 600 内存:512M 硬盘:80G以上 2、软件环境要求:
Windows XP Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
1) 系统应符合全国计算机等级考试网上报名系统的规定,满足计算机等级
2) 系统采用模块化程序设计方法,既便于系统功能的各种组合和修改,又
3) 系统应具有数据库维护功能,及时根据用户需要进行数据的添加删除修
改备份等操作。 2、解决的主要问题:
况的了解和管理。 3、解决的主要技术方案
Asp.net以及ADO.NET的数据访问技术。 4、对于本系统,主要实现以下几个功能:
● 首页:
● 考生子系统
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● 考试管理子系统:
● 留言块:
考生或是访客可以对考试相关信息的发表或是交流评论留言。 5、数据库主要关系数据表:
● 考生个人信息表,主要字段有:
● 考生报考信息表,主要字段有:
考生身份证号、准考证流水号、所报考的计算机等级及语言、报考日期。 ● 留言表,主要字段有:
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图1 系统功能模块图
第 1 周 确定毕业设计题目。
第 2 周 下达任务书;查阅、收集有关文献资料。 第3~4周 撰写并上交开题报告。
第5~8周 根据安排进行毕业实习及课题调研。 第 5 周 进行系统需求分析和方案论证。 第 6 周 进行系统总体设计。 第7~8周 进行系统详细设计。 第9~11周 进行程序设计。
第12~13周 进行系统测试;完成毕业论文的初稿。
第 14 周 系统验收;对毕业论文进行修改并定稿;准备论文答辩。
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[1] 邓良松,陆丽娜.软件工程. 西安电子科技大学出版社,2001 [2] 王佑中,著,Web动态技术入门, 北京:机械工业出版社,2003 [3] 刘卫宏. SQL Server 2000实用教程.科学出版社,2003 [4] 刘廷等著.ASP.NET 开发实例完剖析[M],北京:中国电力出版社 [5] 萨师煊,王珊.数据库系统概论.高等教育出版社, 2006
[6] 李闽溟,吴继刚,周学明. WEB网站开发实例导航.人民邮电出版社, 2003 [7] 王颖.敦促新理论的研究.哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文,1992
[8] 张小艳著.基于B/S模式的网上考试系统[J],工矿自动化,2002年,04期第26-28页 [9] 贾振华著.浅谈网上考试系统中自动抽题的实现[J],大众科技,2003年,04期第106-107页 [10] 李翠梅. SQL Server中数据完整性之表间关系[J] . 科技与经济.2006年第24期 107-108页
[11] 张斌 黄献波. 基于ASP.NET的用户权限设计与实现[J] .光盘技术. 2006年第3期 28-30页
[12] 宋阳 . ASP.NET的网站科研成果管理系统的设计与实现 .长春师范学院学报(自然科学版[J] . 第25卷第6期 2006年12月53-55页
[13] 夏阳 张强 陈小林. 基于ASP.NET的电子商务网站开发与设计[J] . 计算机工程与设计. 第25卷第11期 2027-2029页
[14] 王洪涛,刘文娱.深入剖析WEB编程技术及应用实例.人民邮电出版社,2004
[15] Grant Palmer 著. 康博 译.C#程序员参考手册[M].清华大学出版社.2002年9月第1版.2002年9月第1次印刷
[16] Steven Mandel . Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming in T-SQL and .NET[J] .Net Developer's Journal Vol.5. No.5 p.22 2007
[17] J.R.McDnonell, D.Wagen.Evolving Recurrent Percepptions Time Modeling. IEEETrans.on Neural Netwoks.1994
[18] Peter Varhol . The Future of ASP.NET Hinges on Web 2.0[J] . Visual Studio Magazine Vol.17. No.1 p.40 2007
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C# Primer A practical Approach
Chapter 4. Interface Inheritance
An interface specifies a set of abstract methods and properties. Like an abstract base class, an interface is made concrete by each of its derived classes. Unlike an abstract base class, an interface cannot provide a default implementation or define state, such as an instance data member or constant.
An abstract base class provides a common interface for a family of related types. In computer graphics, for example, Light may serve as an abstract base class for a family of lights. Users are likely to manipulate the lights in a scene independently of the actual type—turning them on or off, repositioning them, changing their color and intensity, and so on. The delivery of a Light hierarchy includes the abstract base class and several common derived instances, such as classes representing a spotlight, a directional light, and a point light (think of the sun). We can either make use of these prebuilt instances or derive a new instance(s). For example, in the Disney film Dinosaur we introduced a class to represent a barn-door light.
An interface, on the other hand, provides a common service or characteristic for otherwise unrelated types. For example, any type wishing to be the target of the foreach statement must implement the IEnumerable interface. For example, the ArrayList, BindingManager, DataView, and BitArray classes are all derived from the IEnumerable interface, but otherwise they have little in common. By convention, interfaces under .NET begin with a capital I followed by a mnemonic identifier with a capitalized first letter. This is a carryover from COM-based programming, which has interfaces such as IUnknown or IDirectDraw.
Unlike classes, which support single inheritance only, interfaces support multiple inheritance. The System.String class, for example, is derived from four interfaces provided within the System namespace: public sealed class String:
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IComparable, ICloneable, IConvertible, IEnumerable { ... }
As C# programmers, we have three different experiences of interfaces: (1) as users of concrete instances of either the System or user-introduced interfaces, (2) as providers of a new class implementation of either the System or user-introduced interfaces, (3) as providers of a new interface class. We look at each of these three aspects in this chapter.
4.1 Implementing a System Interface: IComparable
Let's start by implementing our own class instance of a predefined interface within the System namespace. The motivational context is the following: We need to sort an ArrayList of strings in ascending order by the length of the string. OK. That sounds simple enough. So how are we going to do that? If we look at the public methods of ArrayList, we see that it provides an overloaded pair of Sort() member functions: System.Collections.ArrayList Sort: Overloaded.
Sorts the elements in the ArrayList, or a portion of it.
Let's look at the documentation for the two different methods and see which one, if either, fits the bill. Here's the one with an empty parameter list: public virtual void Sort()
Sorts the elements in the entire ArrayList using the IComparable implementation of each element.
Just by its name we know that IComparable is an interface. The element held by our ArrayList is a string. The String class implements the IComparable interface. The no-parameter Sort() method of the ArrayList uses the IComparable implementation of the String class to determine the ordering of two string objects. This imposes a dictionary order on the words—not an ordering by length. This instance, then, is not of use to us.
Okay. Maybe the next overloaded instance is useful: public virtual void Sort( IComparer ic )
Sorts the elements in the entire ArrayList using the special comparer ic.
This instance provides us with a way to override the default ordering algorithm associated with the String class. We'll create a special implementation of the
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IComparer interface that sorts the strings by length. (If we were defining a class, we would include an implementation of the IComparable interface if we wanted to support sorting within the ArrayList container.)
How do we do that? What are the IComparer methods, and what do they do? Not only do we have to provide a definition of every interface member, but we must implement the documented behavior of each member if we want our implementation to transparently meld with the other implementations of that interface.
In addition, we need to throw the same exceptions under the same abnormal conditions. The compiler cannot enforce this. Recognizing and throwing the exceptions are responsibilities of the interface implementation.
It turns out there is only one method to implement. Phew! Not only that, but the implementation seems doable:
int Compare( object x, object y );
Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than (negative number), equal to (zero), or greater than (positive number) the other.
What about any exceptions the method can throw? Again we have to look at the documentation. As it turns out, there is just one, and it also seems doable: ArgumentException
Neither x nor y implements the IComparable interface. -or- x and y are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other.
This means that our implementation of the IComparer interface requires only one method: Compare(). It should throw an ArgumentException if one or both of the two arguments are invalid; in our case, that simply means that the two arguments are not both strings. Let's call the class StringLengthComparer: public sealed class StringLengthComparer : IComparer {
// first obligation: the Compare() method public int Compare( object x, object y ){...} }
Our Compare() instance must define two parameters of type object, even though our implementation is interested in only two parameters of the string type. This is
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necessary because Compare() is implicitly a virtual function (as are all interface member functions), and therefore the signature of the overriding instance must exactly match the signature of the inherited method.
This is something of an inconvenience. It means we have to check within Compare()that the arguments are both of type string. If we were able to explicitly declare them as type string, the compiler would enforce that type requirement automatically. We'll see how to get around that—at least partially—in Section 4.4. The only thing left now is the implementation of Compare(). We can break that down into two primary steps. First we must confirm the validity of the two arguments. That done, we must compare the lengths.
We have two parameters of type object, and we must confirm that they are really instances of type string. One strategy is to use the is operator: if (( ! ( x is string )) || ( ! ( y is string )))
throw new ArgumentException( \"some dire message\" );
// OK: arguments are valid;
// let's cast them to string objects string xs = (string) x; string ys = (string) y;
Alternatively, we can allow the as operator to do the downcasting. We throw an exception if either xs or ys is set to null:
string xs = x as string; string ys = y as string;
if ( xs == null || ys == null )
throw new ArgumentException( \"some dire message\" ); That's really the only tricky part. Here is the length comparison: int ret_val = 1;
if ( xs.Length < ys.Length ) ret_val = -1; else
if ( xs.Length == ys.Length ) ret_val = 0; return ret_val;
So we've implemented our first concrete instance of an interface class. Here is how we might invoke Sort():
ArrayList stringList = new ArrayList();
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// fill it up
stringList.Sort( new StringLengthComparer() ); 4.2 Accessing an Existing Interface
In this section we implement a generic binary tree that holds node values of any type. As you know by now, the way we do that in C# is to declare the node to be of type object. As an additional wrinkle, a node value is inserted only once within a tree. If it occurs another time, we increment an occurrence count. This gives us the chance to look at the IComparable interface. The node class is called TreeNode: public sealed class TreeNode {
private int m_occurs; private object m_nval;
private TreeNode m_lchild, m_rchild;
// ... }
For our tree we'll implement several policies that provide opportunities for exercising some of the interfaces defined within the .NET framework. For example, we want to fix the type of the tree after inserting the first element. The tree class is called BinaryTree:
public class BinaryTree {
public delegate void Action( ref TreeNode node); private Type m_elemType; private TreeNode m_root;
private Action m_nodeAction; // ... }
When the user creates a BinaryTree object, we want it to be able to hold a value of any type. We support that capability by using the type object. Once the user inserts a value, however, we want all the remaining values inserted in that tree to be of the same type. The insertion of a first value locks the type of that tree.
For example, here is how our tree must behave. When we create a new tree, it can hold objects of any type. Once we have inserted an element, however, the tree can store only other elements of that type. For example, when we write BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree();
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bt can potentially store elements of any type. However, once we write bt.insert( \"Piglet\" );
bt becomes a binary tree that holds elements of type string. Subsequent insertions of string elements, such as bt.insert( \"Eeyore\" ); bt.insert( \"Roo\" );
are fine. Each element is inserted within the tree according to the ordering supported by the IComparable interface.
What we want to prevent is a subsequent attempt by the user, after having inserted an object of one type, to insert an object of a different type. For example, if the user writes bt.insert( 1024);
we want to recognize and flag that the type being inserted is different from the type to which we've previously bound our tree. To do this, we'll throw an exception. We'll make no further constraints on objects in order for them to be accepted as tree node values. Only types that implement the IComparable interface are accepted. Why? Because each element is passed to us through the object parameter, so we have lost all compile-time type information. The interface provides an ordering service that is type independent—for example,
private IComparable confirm_comparable( object elem ) {
IComparable ic = elem as IComparable; if ( ic == null ){
string msg = \"Element type must support IComparable -- \" + elem.GetType().Name
+ \" does not currently do so!\"; throw new ArgumentException( msg ); }
return ic; }
Here is how we might invoke confirm_comparable(): public void insert( object elem ) {
// if this is the first element if ( m_root == null ){
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confirm_comparable( elem ); m_elemType = elem.GetType(); m_root = new TreeNode( elem ); } else {
confirm_type( elem );
m_root.insert_value( elem ); } }
insert() checks the element's suitability only with the first insertion of an object of that type. Subsequently, it simply confirms that the new object is of the same type as the initial object. If it is, we insert the element within the tree, as shown here: public void insert_value( object val ) {
// assumption is that BinaryTree has confirmed this ... IComparable ic = val as IComparable;
// OK: zero means the two objects are equal if ( ic.CompareTo( m_nval ) == 0 ){ m_occurs++; return;
// OK: less than; insert within left subtree if ( ic.CompareTo( m_nval ) < 0 ){ if ( m_lchild == null )
m_lchild = new TreeNode( val ); else m_lchild.insert_value( val ); }
else { // insert within right subtree if ( m_rchild == null )
m_rchild = new BTreeNode( val ); else m_rchild.insert_value( val ); } }
When we manipulate an object's actual type, we can pretty much ignore whatever interfaces that type implements. When we manipulate an entity of type object, however, the discovery and use of an interface becomes critical because all compiletime type information is lost. (Alternatively, we can query the object at runtime as to its actual type. We look at type reflection in Section 8.2.)
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4.3 Defining an Interface
In Section 4.1 we implemented a new instance of an existing interface. In Section 4.2 we simply discovered and used the interface associated with a given type. In this section we introduce an interface definition. This interface supports the generation and display of sequences of numbers based on a unique algorithm. Here is the general set of operations we wish to support (two methods, a property, and an indexer): * GenerateSequence(), which generates the unique sequence of elements * Display(), which outputs the elements
* Length, which returns a count of the number of elements * Indexer, which allows the user to access a specific element
An interface definition begins with the keyword interface followed by a name. Recall that in .NET, interfaces by convention begin with a capital I. The name follows, beginning with a capital letter, although this convention is not enforced by the compiler. We'll call our interface INumericSequence: public interface INumericSequence{}
Yes, it is legal to define an empty interface, so this represents a complete interface definition.
The members that an interface is permitted to define are a subset of those permitted for a class. An interface can declare only methods, properties, indexers, and events as members—for example,
public interface INumericSequence {
// a method
bool generate_sequence( int position );
// a set of overloaded methods void display();
void display( int first );
void display( int first, int last );
// a property
int Length { get; }
// a one-dimensional indexer
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int this[ int position ]{ get; } }
All members of an interface are implicitly abstract. We cannot provide a default implementation, however trivial. In addition, the members of the interface are implicitly public. We cannot modify a member with either the abstract or the public keyword.
An interface cannot define instance data members. Nor can it define either a constructor or a destructor. (Without state members, neither is required.) In addition, an interface cannot declare static members. Because a const member is implicitly static, const members are not allowed, and neither are operators nor, not surprisingly, a static constructor.
An interface can inherit from another interface: public interface INumericSequence : ICollection { ... } or from multiple interfaces:
public interface INumericSequence
: ICollection, ICloneable { ... }
but an interface cannot explicitly inherit from a class or struct. All interfaces, however, implicitly inherit from the root Object class. 4.3.1 Implementing Our Interface: Proof of Concept
Once we have defined our interface, how can we tell if it is any good? Typically, in addition to defining the interface, we deliver at least one implementation—as a kind of proof of concept or sanity check to confirm the viability of the interface. Let's provide a Fibonacci implementation to test our interface.
The first two elements of the Fibonacci sequence are both 1. Adding the two previous elements generates each subsequent element. For example, the first eight Fibonacci elements are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. So what do we do first?
An interface is implemented by either class or struct inheritance. A struct isn't appropriate in this case: We don't expect to be creating and manipulating lots of Fibonacci objects in time-critical portions of the application. We'll declare Fibonacci as a class then. Because we do not expect it to be subsequently derived from, we'll declare it to be sealed as well:
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public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {}
This empty definition, however, is illegal. A class inheriting from an interface must provide an implementation of every interface member. Leaving out even one member results in a compile-time error. (The exception is any case in which the class implementing the interface is abstract. It can then declare one or more of the interface member functions abstract. This is illustrated in Section 4.5.)
Before we can implement the interface members, we must determine the state information necessary to support the sequence abstraction. In this case we'll need an array to hold the sequence elements, and two additional members to hold the size and capacity of the array. Because the elements of the sequence are invariant, we need only a single array. We'll declare the array and its two supporting members as static. The implementation of an interface has two main elements: (1) providing the underlying infrastructure, if any, to support the abstraction, and (2) providing a definition for each member of the interface, including the members of all inherited base interfaces. Here is the skeleton of a Fibonacci class design: public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {
// infrastructure to support sequence abstraction private static int [] m_elements; private static short m_count;
private static short m_capacity = 128;
// Fibonacci-specific methods:
// all for infrastructure supports static Fibonacci(){ ... }
private void check_pos( int pos ) { ... } private void grow_capacity() { ... }
// INumericSequence inherited members
public bool generate_sequence( int pos ) { ... }
public void display(){ ... }
public void display( int first ) { ... }
public void display( int first, int last ) { ... }
public int Length { get{ return m_count; }} public int this[ int position ] { ... }
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The indexer has to verify the validity of the position, of course. I've factored that verification into a private member function, check_pos(). If the position is invalid, an exception is thrown. Otherwise the indexer returns the element, decrementing the position by one:
public int this[ int position ] {
get {
check_pos( position );
return m_elements[ position-1 ]; } }
Because array indexing in C# is zero based—that is, the first element is retrieved with an index of 0—we must adjust the position specified by the user. Why not require the user to make that adjustment explicitly? Whether that's a good decision or not depends on the perceived sophistication of our users. If they are other software developers, requiring the index to be zero based might well make sense. Nonprogrammers, however, often find the notion of a first element being at position zero very unnatural. By encapsulating the adjustment within the class, we shoulder the burden and make using our code safer and more pleasant for our users.
Here is how we might exercise our implementation. First we program an instance directly as a Fibonacci class object. Next we program it indirectly as a generic INumericSequence object:
public static void Main() {
// just some magic numbers – used as positions const int pos1 = 8, pos2 = 47;
// let's directly use interface through class object Fibonacci fib = new Fibonacci();
// invokes indexer;
// indexer invokes generate_sequence( pos1 ); int elem = fib[ pos1 ];
int length = fib.Length;
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string msg = \"The length of the INumericSequence is \"; Console.WriteLine( msg + length.ToString() ); Console.WriteLine(
\"Element {0} of the Fibonacci Sequence is {1}\ pos1, elem ); fib.display();
// OK: let's now use interface generically INumericSequence ins = fib;
elem = ins[ pos2 ]; length = ins.Length;
Console.WriteLine( msg + length.ToString() ); Console.WriteLine(
\"Element {1} of the Fibonacci Sequence is {0}\ elem, pos2 );
ins.display( 44, 47 ); }
As it turns out, our implementation is somewhat flawed. (That's the point of testing it.) The problem is self-evident in the program's output:
The length of the INumericSequence is 8 Element 8 of the Fibonacci Sequence is 21 Elements 1 to 8 of the Fibonacci Sequence: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
The length of the INumericSequence is 47
Element 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence is -1323752223 Elements 44 to 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence:
701408733 1134903170 1836311903 -1323752223
What's going on here? The program claims that the forty-seventh element of the Fibonacci sequence is -1323752223. That's really not right. If we look at the display of elements 44 through 47, what has happened is pretty clear:
Elements 44 to 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence:
701408733 1134903170 1836311903 -1323752223
We have declared m_elements to hold elements of type int. Unfortunately the forty-seventh Fibonacci element is too large to be contained within an int. The value overflowed into the sign bit, so the value is incorrectly displayed as negative. To better handle large Fibonacci values, we need to redefine m_elements as a type able to hold larger values.
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What type is the most appropriate? In addition to the integral types, there are two floating-point types (the single-precision float and the double-precision double) and the 28-digits-of-precision decimal type. Let's redeclare m_elements to be, in turn, a uint, a ulong, a decimal, and a double. At position 50, only the ulong, decimal, and double are left standing:
Fibonacci Element #50 : (int) : -298632863 Fibonacci Element #50 : (uint) : 3996334433 Fibonacci Element #50 : (ulong) : 12586269025 Fibonacci Element #50 : (decimal) : 12586269025 Fibonacci Element #50 : (double) : 12586269025
At position 100, only the decimal and double are capable of representing the value. However, the double begins to lose precision by rounding, which is unacceptable. Only the decimal values do not round off. Our best choice for representing the elements of the Fibonacci sequence is thus the decimal type: Fibonacci Element #100 : (ulong) : 37367171
Fibonacci Element #100 : (decimal) : 354224848179261915075 Fibonacci Element #100 : (double) : 3.54224848179262E20
Still, however, this is not a complete solution. The decimal type reaches its 28-digit limit at position 139:
Fibonacci Element #139 :(decimal): 5583911
Fibonacci Element #139 :(double) : 5.58406E28
When we attempt to calculate position 140, the decimal object overflows and the following exception occurs:
Value is either too large or too small for a Decimal.
at System.Decimal.Add(System.Decimal, System.Decimal)
at System.Decimal.op_Addition(System.Decimal, System.Decimal) at Project1.Fibonacci.version_decimal(Int32) at Project1.MainObj.Main()
We can store and display only the first 139 Fibonacci elements using the predefined C# arithmetic types. Unless we plan to implement our own numeric class supporting very large integral values, we'll need to define a limit to the element position a user can request. Because this holds true for any numeric sequence, we should add that limit definition to the INumericSequence interface, as follows:
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public interface INumericSequence {
// the two new properties int Length { get; } int MaxPosition { get; } // ... rest the same ... }
public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {
// infrastructure to support sequence abstraction
private static int [] m_elements = new int[ m_maxpos ]; private static short m_count;
private const short m_maxpos = 128;
public int MaxPosition { get{ return m_maxpos; }}
// ... rest the same, except no longer need to grow array }
This means that there is an infinite set of Fibonacci element positions that are legitimate but that we can't easily support and, in fact, have chosen not to support. In addition, the user might specify an invalid position—any value less than or equal to zero. How should we handle these two invalid conditions? The convention in both C# and .NET programming is to report all program anomalies through the raising of an exception.
But which exception should it throw? Should it throw separate exceptions for an invalid position and an unsupported position? There is no single right answer. Who should decide? If each interface implementation is allowed to decide whether and what exceptions to throw, if any, it becomes nearly impossible to safely program the interface generically. For example, to write the following code sequence: INumericSequence ins = o as INumericSequence; if ( ins != null )
elem = ins[ pos2 ];
we must know that every implementation of the indexer reports an invalid position in exactly the same way.
This means that the interface definition must decide under what conditions an exception must be thrown and what the exception should be. Unfortunately, we can do
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that only through documentation. There is no way within C# to directly associate a member with one or a set of exceptions it may throw.
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接口详细说明了一组抽象的methods和properties。和abstract base class一样,接口依靠derived class将它塑造为具体实物而非抽象接口。和abstract base class不同的是,接口不能提供缺省实现或是定义任何“状态”,例如定义实体数据成员或常量。
Abstract base class为一整族相关型别提供了公共的接口。例如在计算机图形学中,light可能作为一族发光体的abstract base class,用户可能在一组场景中以“与实际型别无关”的方式来操纵这些发光体,包括开启或熄灭、调换位置、改变颜色和亮度、如此等等。整个Light体系包含abstract base class、数个derived class也许代表聚光灯、定向灯、点光源(如太阳等等)。我们可以利用这些预先建立好的classes。或从中再派生出的新的classes。例如在迪斯尼电影《恐龙》一片中,我们引入了一个新的class,代表“有挡光板的照明灯”。
在C#之中,class只支持单一继承,但接口却支持多重继承。例如class System string是从System命名空间提供的4个接口派生而来: public sealed class String:
IComparable, ICloneable, IConvertible, IEnumerable { ... }
4.1 实现System 接口:IComparable
让我们以“为system命名空间中预定义之接口实现出自己的class”作为旅途的开始。背景动机如下:我们需要依照字符串长度,由小到大,对内含string的ArrarList排序。很好,听起来够简单的,但怎么做呢?观察ArrayList的public成员函数,我们便能发现,它提供一组重载的Sort()成员函数: System.Collections.ArrayList Sort: Overloaded. (已重载)
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Sorts the elements in the ArrayList, or a portion of it. (将ArrayList中的所有元素或部分元素排序)
public virtual void Sort()
Sorts the elements in the entire ArrayList using the IComparable implementation of each element. (以元素所实现出来的IComparable为排序准则,对整个ArrayList内的元素排序)
从名字就能知道IComparable是一个interface,我们的ArrayList持有的元素是string,而string已实现出IComparable,ArrayList提供的无参数sort()将以“string所具备之IComparable实现”来决定两个string objects的顺序。不过,那是单词的字典顺序,不是以长度为评断的顺序。因此,这份sort()函数实体对我们没有用。
public virtual void Sort( IComparer ic )
Sorts the elements in the entire ArrayList using the special comparer ic.
这份实体为我们提供了一个改变string class缺省排序算法的途径。我们将为IComparer创建一份特殊实现——按长度对字符串排序。如果我们定义某个class并打算将此class装入容器ArrayList内进行排序,我们就得在实现该class时含入IComparable。
文档显示只一个成员函数需要我们实现,嗯,做起来也没什么困难: int Compare( object x, object y );
Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than (negative number), equal to (zero), or greater than (positive number) the other.
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Neither x nor y implements the IComparable interface. -or- x and y are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other.
这意味着我们的IComparer实现品只须一个成员函数:Compare()。如果引数不合法,它应该抛出ArgumentException异常;对我们而言,引数不合法仅仅意味着两个引数不全是string,我们将class命名为stringLengthComparer: public sealed class StringLengthComparer : IComparer {
// first obligation: the Compare() method public int Compare( object x, object y ){...} }
if (( ! ( x is string )) || ( ! ( y is string )))
throw new ArgumentException( \"some dire message\" );
// OK: arguments are valid;
// let's cast them to string objects string xs = (string) x; string ys = (string) y;
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string xs = x as string; string ys = y as string;
if ( xs == null || ys == null )
throw new ArgumentException( \"some dire message\" );
以上是唯一棘手的部分。以下是长度比较: int ret_val = 1;
if ( xs.Length < ys.Length ) ret_val = -1; else
if ( xs.Length == ys.Length ) ret_val = 0; return ret_val;
这样看来,我们已经实现出接口的第一个具体实体。下面调用Sort(): ArrayList stringList = new ArrayList(); // fill it up
stringList.Sort( new StringLengthComparer() );
4.2 访问业已存在的接口
本节中我们将实现一个泛型二叉树,其内可持有任何型别的节点。正如你现在知道的,在C#中的实现办法就是将节点型别声明为object。此外,一个节点值只安插到树中一次;如果节点值再次出现,我们就将它的出现次数累加1。这个例子使我们有机会仔细体会IComparable。我把节点成为TreeNode: public sealed class TreeNode {
private int m_occurs; private object m_nval;
private TreeNode m_lchild, m_rchild;
// ... }
我将为这颗树实现出诺干政策。为它提供运用.NET Framework所定义的一些接口的机会,例如我们想在插入第一个元素之后将树的型别固定下来。我的这颗树名为BinaryTree:
public class BinaryTree {
public delegate void Action( ref TreeNode node); private Type m_elemType; private TreeNode m_root;
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private Action m_nodeAction; // ... }
用户创建一个BinaryTree object时,我想让它能够持有任何型别的元素。只要将元素型别指定为object便可以做到这一点。然而一旦用户插入第一个值,我们便希望从此所有后继插入的元素,型别皆与第一元素相同。也就说,被插入的第一个元素锁定了树的型别。
BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree();
bt可以存储任何型别的元素。然而,一旦我们写下: bt.insert( \"Piglet\" );
bt就变得只能持有型别为string的元素。接下来插入其他string元素都没有问题: bt.insert( \"Eeyore\" ); bt.insert( \"Roo\" );
现在我们希望阻止用户插入第一个元素后,又插入与第一个元素型别不同的object。例如用户写下: bt.insert( 1024);
除了要求只接受实现出IConparable的型别之外,对于树节点,我们在没有更多约束了,为什么?因为每个元素都是通过object参数传进来的,所有编译期型别信息都已丢失。ICompatable提供与型别无关的大小比较服务,例如: private IComparable confirm_comparable( object elem ) {
IComparable ic = elem as IComparable; if ( ic == null ){
string msg = \"Element type must support IComparable -- \" + elem.GetType().Name
+ \" does not currently do so!\"; throw new ArgumentException( msg ); }
return ic; }
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我们可能这样调用上述的confirm_comparable(): public void insert( object elem ) {
// if this is the first element if ( m_root == null ){
confirm_comparable( elem ); m_elemType = elem.GetType(); m_root = new TreeNode( elem ); } else {
confirm_type( elem );
m_root.insert_value( elem ); } }
public void insert_value( object val ) {
// assumption is that BinaryTree has confirmed this ... IComparable ic = val as IComparable;
// OK: zero means the two objects are equal if ( ic.CompareTo( m_nval ) == 0 ){ m_occurs++; return;
// OK: less than; insert within left subtree if ( ic.CompareTo( m_nval ) < 0 ){ if ( m_lchild == null )
m_lchild = new TreeNode( val ); else m_lchild.insert_value( val ); }
else { // insert within right subtree if ( m_rchild == null )
m_rchild = new BTreeNode( val ); else m_rchild.insert_value( val ); } }
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接口,然而,当我们操纵型别为object的物体时,找出接口和使用接口就变得重要起来,因为所有编译期型别信息都遗失了。当然我们也可以在运行期间查询object的真实型别——8.2节将介绍所谓的型别反射。 4.3 定义一个接口
* Generate_sequence(),生成元素的特定系列。 * Display(),输出所有元素。 * Length, 返回元素数目。
* Indexer,让用户得以反问特定元素。
Interface定义式都以关键字接口大头,后面紧跟一个名称。请记住.NET接口的名称习惯以大写字母’I’开头,后面紧跟首字母大写的名称。编译器并不强迫你遵守这个习惯。我把我的这个接口成为INumericSequence: public interface INumericSequence{}
接口允许定义的成员是class允许定义的成员的子集。接口只能声明methods、properties、indexers、event作为其成员,例如: public interface INumericSequence {
// a method
bool generate_sequence( int position );
// a set of overloaded methods void display();
void display( int first );
void display( int first, int last );
// a property
int Length { get; }
// a one-dimensional indexer int this[ int position ]{ get; }
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接口可以继承自另一个接口,甚至继承多个接口: public interface INumericSequence : ICollection { ... } public interface INumericSequence
: ICollection, ICloneable { ... }
但接口不能显式继承自class或struct,所有接口都隐式继承最根源的object class。
4.3.1 实现我们自己的接口:概念验证
接口的实现得靠class或struct的继承才得以完成。Struct不适合本例,因为我不希望在应用程序中的那些对运行时间十分敏感的地点创建并操控一大堆Fibonacci objects。因此,我将Fibonacci 声明为class。由于我不希望它被继承,所以将它声明为sealed:
public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {}
然而上述控定义是非法的。从接口继承下来的class必须为每一个接口成员提供实现。即便遗漏一个成员没有实现,也将导致编译错误。除非实现接口的那个class本身也是个abstract class——如果真是这样,这个class可以将接口的成员函数声明为abstract。我将在4.5节详细解说这些概念和做法。
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接口的实现有两个要素:(1)为支持抽象性而必备的底层基础设施。;(2)为接口的每个成员提供定义。以下是Fibonacci class的设计骨架: public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {
// infrastructure to support sequence abstraction private static int [] m_elements; private static short m_count;
private static short m_capacity = 128;
// Fibonacci-specific methods:
// all for infrastructure supports static Fibonacci(){ ... }
private void check_pos( int pos ) { ... } private void grow_capacity() { ... }
// INumericSequence inherited members
public bool generate_sequence( int pos ) { ... }
public void display(){ ... }
public void display( int first ) { ... }
public void display( int first, int last ) { ... }
public int Length { get{ return m_count; }} public int this[ int position ] { ... } }
其中的indexer必须先行验证所取位置的有效性。我把这样的验证工作专门放入一个private成员函数check_pos()内。如果位置不合法,indexer就抛出一个异常,否则就返回位置减1处的元素: public int this[ int position ] {
get {
check_pos( position );
return m_elements[ position-1 ]; } }
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接下来,练习使用我们的实现品。首先直接产生一个Fibonacci class object;然后间接地将它视为一个一般性的INumericSequence object: public static void Main() {
// just some magic numbers – used as positions const int pos1 = 8, pos2 = 47;
// let's directly use interface through class object Fibonacci fib = new Fibonacci();
// invokes indexer;
// indexer invokes generate_sequence( pos1 ); int elem = fib[ pos1 ];
int length = fib.Length;
string msg = \"The length of the INumericSequence is \"; Console.WriteLine( msg + length.ToString() ); Console.WriteLine(
\"Element {0} of the Fibonacci Sequence is {1}\ pos1, elem ); fib.display();
// OK: let's now use interface generically INumericSequence ins = fib;
elem = ins[ pos2 ]; length = ins.Length;
Console.WriteLine( msg + length.ToString() ); Console.WriteLine(
\"Element {1} of the Fibonacci Sequence is {0}\ elem, pos2 );
ins.display( 44, 47 ); }
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The length of the INumericSequence is 8 Element 8 of the Fibonacci Sequence is 21 Elements 1 to 8 of the Fibonacci Sequence: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
The length of the INumericSequence is 47
Element 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence is -1323752223 Elements 44 to 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence:
701408733 1134903170 1836311903 -1323752223
Elements 44 to 47 of the Fibonacci Sequence:
701408733 1134903170 1836311903 -1323752223
那一种型别才最适合呢?除了诺干整数型别,C#还提供有两种浮点型别以及28-digit精度的decimal型别。我将m_elements依次重声明uint、ulong、decimal、double;然后在第50个位置处发现,只有ulong、decimal、double屹立不动: Fibonacci Element #50 : (int) : -298632863 Fibonacci Element #50 : (uint) : 3996334433 Fibonacci Element #50 : (ulong) : 12586269025 Fibonacci Element #50 : (decimal) : 12586269025 Fibonacci Element #50 : (double) : 12586269025
Fibonacci Element #100 : (ulong) : 37367171
Fibonacci Element #100 : (decimal) : 354224848179261915075 Fibonacci Element #100 : (double) : 3.54224848179262E20
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Fibonacci Element #139 :(decimal): 5583911
Fibonacci Element #139 :(double) : 5.58406E28 如果尝试计算第140个位置,decimal会溢出并抛出以下异常: System.OverflowException:
Value is either too large or too small for a Decimal.
at System.Decimal.Add(System.Decimal, System.Decimal)
at System.Decimal.op_Addition(System.Decimal, System.Decimal) at Project1.Fibonacci.version_decimal(Int32) at Project1.MainObj.Main()
public interface INumericSequence {
// the two new properties int Length { get; } int MaxPosition { get; } // ... rest the same ... }
public sealed class Fibonacci : INumericSequence {
// infrastructure to support sequence abstraction
private static int [] m_elements = new int[ m_maxpos ]; private static short m_count;
private const short m_maxpos = 128;
public int MaxPosition { get{ return m_maxpos; }}
// ... rest the same, except no longer need to grow array }
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INumericSequence ins = o as INumericSequence; if ( ins != null )
elem = ins[ pos2 ];
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