

2023-07-17 来源:步旅网
The Earth Charter 地球憲章



We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.



Earth, Our Home

Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life. The forces of nature make existence a demanding and uncertain adventure, but Earth has provided the conditions essential to life's evolution. The resilience of the community of life and the well-being of humanity depend upon preserving a healthy biosphere with all its ecological systems, a rich variety of plants and animals, fertile soils, pure waters, and clean air. The global environment with its finite resources is a common concern of all peoples. The protection of Earth's vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust.



是造成巨大痛苦的根源。前所未有的人口增長使生態和社會系統不堪重負。全球安全的基礎受到威脅。這些趨勢是危險的——但並非不可避免。 面臨的挑戰

The Global Situation

The dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species. Communities are being

undermined. The benefits of development are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Injustice, poverty, ignorance, and violent conflict are widespread and the cause of great suffering. An unprecedented

rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous—but not inevitable.


The Challenges Ahead

The choice is ours: form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the

destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living. We must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development is primarily about being more, not having more. We have the knowledge and technology to provide for all and to reduce our impacts on the environment. The emergence of a global civil society is creating new opportunities to build a democratic and humane world. Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual challenges are interconnected, and together we can forge inclusive solutions.



Universal Responsibility

To realize these aspirations, we must decide to live with a sense of universal responsibility,

identifying ourselves with the whole Earth community as well as our local communities. We are at once citizens of different nations and of one world in which the local and global are linked. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of the human family and the larger living world. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature.


We urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community. Therefore, together in hope we affirm the following interdependent principles for a sustainable way of life as a common standard by which the conduct of all individuals, organizations, businesses, governments, and transnational institutions is to be guided and assessed.


一、 尊重和關心生命共同體



1. 尊重地球及其所有生命1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity.

(1)認識到所有生命都是相互依存的,每一種生命形式,無論它對人類的價值如何,都有其自身價值。a. Recognize that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value regardless of its

worth to human beings.


潛力。 b. Affirm faith in the inherent dignity of all human beings and in the intellectual, artistic,ethical, and

spiritual potential of humanity.

2. 以理解、同情和愛心來關注生命共同體 2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love.

(1) 接受這一觀點:人類有權擁有、管理和使用自然資源,亦有責任防止環境破壞和保護人們的權利。a. Accept that with the right to own, manage, and use natural resources comes the duty

to prevent environmental harm and to protect the rights of people.

(2) 堅信隨著自由、知識和力量的增長,促進共同利益的責任也會增加。 b. Affirm that with

increased freedom, knowledge, and power comes increased responsibility to promote the common good.

3. 建立公正的、共同參與的、可持續的及和平的民主社會3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

(1) 確保各級社區保證人權和基本自由,使每個人都有機會實現其全部潛能。 a. Ensure that

communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.(2)


而有意義的生活。 b. Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful

livelihood that is ecologically responsible.

4. 為當代和子孫後代確保地球的恩施和美麗 4. Secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations.

(1) 認識到每代人的行動自由均應受到子孫後代需求的限制。a. Recognize that the freedom of

action of each generation is qualified by the needs of future generations. (2)


期繁榮的價值觀、傳統以及機構和制度傳給子孫後代。b. Transmit to future generations values, traditions,

and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities.

為了履行這四大義務,有必要: In order to fulfill these four broad commitments, it is necessary to:


5. 保護和恢復地球生態系統的完整性,特別關注維繫生命的生物多樣性和自然過程 5. Protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life.

(1) 在各個層次上均採用可持續發展的計畫和規則,使環境保護和恢復成為所有發展計畫的有機組成部分。a. Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations that make environmental

conservation and rehabilitation integral to all development initiatives. (2) 建立和保護可行的自然保護區

和生物圈保護區(包括荒地和海區),以保護地球生命的支撐體系,保持生物多樣性並保護我們的自然遺產。 b. Establish and safeguard viable nature and biosphere reserves, including wild lands and marine

areas, to protect Earth's life support systems, maintain biodiversity, and preserve our natural heritage. (3)


危物種和生態系統的恢復。c. Promote the recovery of endangered species and ecosystems. (4) 控制和根除對天然物種和環境有害的非天然生物或遺傳改變的生物,並防止引入這類有害生物。 d.

Control and eradicate non-native or genetically modified organisms harmful to native species and the environment, and prevent introduction of such harmful organisms. (5)


管理水、土壤、森林產品和海洋生物等可再生資源的利用。e. Manage the use of renewable resources

such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life in ways that do not exceed rates of regeneration and that protect the health of ecosystems. (6)


石燃料等非再生資源的開採和利用。f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources such as

minerals and fossil fuels in ways that minimize depletion and cause no serious environmental damage.

6. 防止破壞是最佳的環境保護方法,當知識有限時,採用預防性措施 6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach.

(1) 即使在科學知識不全面或不確鑿時,也要採取行動以避免嚴重的或不可逆轉的環境破壞的可能性。 a. Take action to avoid the possibility of serious or irreversible environmental harm even when

scientific knowledge is incomplete or inconclusive. d. Prevent pollution of any part of the environment and allow no build-up of radioactive, toxic, or other hazardous substances.(2) 讓那些認為擬開展的活動不會造

成重大危害的人承擔舉證責任,並使責任方對環境破壞負責。b. Place the burden of proof on those

who argue that a proposed activity will not cause significant harm, and make the responsible parties liable for environmental harm.(3) 確保決策過程重視人類活動的累積性、長期性、非直接性、遠距離

性以及全球性的後果。c. Ensure that decision making addresses the cumulative, long-term, indirect, long

distance, and global consequences of human activities.(4) 防止對環境的任何部分的污染,不使放

射性物質、有毒物質或其他危險物質累積。(5) 避免破壞環境的軍事活動。 e. Avoid military

activities damaging to the environment.

7. 採用可保護地球的再生能力、人權和社會福利的生產方式、消費方式和繁衍方式 7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth's regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being.

(1) 減少、重新利用和重複利用生產和消費系統中使用的物質,並確保殘留廢物能被生態系統吸收。 a. Reduce, reuse, and recycle the materials used in production and consumption systems, and

ensure that residual waste can be assimilated by ecological systems.(2) 有節制地和有效地使用能

源,並越來越多地依賴可再生能源,如太陽能和風能。b. Act with restraint and efficiency when using

energy, and rely increasingly on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.(3) 促進環境無害

化技術的開發、應用和公平轉讓。c. Promote the development, adoption, and equitable transfer of

environmentally sound technologies.(4)在銷售價格中包含商品和服務的所有環境代價和社會代

價,並確保消費者能識別符合最高社會標準和環境標準的產品。d. Internalize the full environmental

and social costs of goods and services in the selling price,

and enable consumers to identify products that meet the highest social and environmental

standards. (5) 確保人人享有可促進生育健康和負責任的生育的保健機會。 e. Ensure universal

access to health care that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction. (6)


界中的生活品質和物質充裕的生活方式。 f. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material

sufficiency in a finite world.

8. 推進生態可持續性研究,促進現有知識的公開交流和廣泛應用8. Advance the study of ecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of the knowledge acquired.

(1) 支持有關可持續性的國際科學技術合作,特別注意發展中國家的需求。a. Support

international scientific and technical cooperation on sustainability, with special attention to the needs of developing nations. (2)


慧。b. Recognize and preserve the traditional knowledge and spiritual wisdom in all cultures that contribute to

environmental protection and human well-being. (3) 確保對人類健康和環境保護至關重要的資訊(包

括遺傳信息)能為公眾所利用。c. Ensure that information of vital importance to human health and environmental protection, including genetic information, remains available in the public domain.


9. 把消除貧困作為必須履行的道德責任、社會責任和環境責任

9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

(1) 保證人們有權獲得飲用水、清潔空氣、食品安全、未污染的土壤、居所和安全的衛生條件,分配所需的國內資源和國際資源。a. Guarantee the right to potable water, clean air, food security,

uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation, allocating the national and international resources required.

(2) 賦予每個人接受教育和資源的權利,以確保可持續的生計,並為那些不能養

活自己的人提供社會保險和安全保護。b. Empower every human being with the education and resources to

secure a sustainable livelihood, and provide social security and safety nets for those who are unable to support themselves. (3)


能力和追求其目標。 c. Recognize the ignored, protect the vulnerable, serve those who suffer, and enable them to

develop their capacities and to pursue their aspirations.

10.確保各級經濟活動和機構以公平和可持續的方式促進人類發展 10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.

(1) 促進國內財富和國家間財富的公平分配。a. Promote the equitable distribution of wealth within

nations and among nations. (2) 增加發展中國家的知識資源、金融資源、技術資源和社會資源,


並免除它們的沉重國際債務。b. Enhance the intellectual, financial, technical, and social resources of

developing nations, and relieve them of onerous international debt. (3)

源利用、環境保護和漸進的勞動標準。 c. Ensure that all trade supports sustainable resource use,

environmental protection, and progressive labor standards. (4)要求跨國公司和國際金融機構在公共利益

方面的行動具有透明度,並對其活動的後果負責。 d. Require multinational corporations and international

financial organizations to act transparently in the public good, and hold them accountable for the consequences of their activities.


受教育機會、保健機會和經濟機會 11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.

(1) 確保婦女和女童的人權,結束所有針對她們的暴力。a. Secure the human rights of women and

girls and end all violence against them. (2)


各方面的活動,使她們成為完全和平等的夥伴、決策者、領導者和受益者。b. Promote the active

participation of women in all aspects of economic, political, civil, social, and cultural life as full and equal partners, decision makers, leaders, and beneficiaries. (3)鞏固家庭,確保所有家庭成員的安全和關愛。c. Strengthen families and ensure the safety and loving nurture of all family members.

12.摒棄歧視,堅持所有人擁有一個有利於人類尊嚴、身體健康和精神健康的自然和社會環境的權利,特別重視土著人和少數民族的權利 12. Uphold the right of all, without

discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily

health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

(1) 消除所有形式的歧視,如基於種族、膚色、性別、性取向、宗教、語言以及國家、種族或社會出身的歧視。a. Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual

orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin. (2)


土地和資源以及他們維持可持續生計的相關方式所擁有的權利。b. Affirm the right of indigenous

peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods.

(3) 尊重和支持我們社會中的年輕人,使他們能在創建可持續社會方面發揮必要的作用。

c. Honor and support the young people of our communities, enabling them to fulfill their essential role in creating sustainable societies. (4)

保護和恢復文化勝地和精神勝地。d. Protect and restore outstanding places of

cultural and spiritual significance.


13.加強各級民主機制,提供透明和負責任的管理,廣泛參與決策,並享受公正對待 13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation in decision making, and access to justice.

(1) 堅持每個人都有權得到所有可能影響他們的或他們感興趣的環境問題以及發展計畫和活動的明確和及時的資訊。a. Uphold the right of everyone to receive clear and timely information on

environmental matters and all development plans and activities which are likely to affect them or in which they have an interest.

(2) 支援當地、地區和全球文明社會,並促進所有感興趣的個人和組織有意義地參與

決策。b. Support local, regional and global civil society, and promote the meaningful participation of all interested individuals and organizations in decision making. (3) 保護自由發表意見、觀點、和平集會、集社和持不同政見的權利。c. Protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, peaceful assembly,

association, and dissent. (4)



其威脅的補救措施。d. Institute effective and efficient access to administrative and independent judicial

procedures, including remedies and redress for environmental harm and the threat of such harm. (5)

和私人機構中的腐敗行為。e. Eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions. (6) 強化地方社區,使它們關注環境,並將環境職責賦予最能有效履行的各級政府。f. Strengthen local communities, enabling them to care for their environments, and assign

environmental responsibilities to the levels of government where they can be carried out most effectively.

14.將可持續生活方式所需的知識、價值觀和技能納入正規教育和終身教育 14. Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.

(1) 為所有人,尤其是兒童和年輕人,提供使他們能對可持續發展作出積極貢獻的受教育機會。a. Provide all, especially children and youth, with educational opportunities that empower them to contribute

actively to sustainable development. (2)


獻。b. Promote the contribution of the arts and humanities as well as the sciences in sustainability education. (3) 加強大眾媒體在提高人們對生態和社會挑戰認識方面的作用。c. Enhance the role of the mass

media in raising awareness of ecological and social challenges. (4)


有的重要性。d. Recognize the importance of moral and spiritual education for sustainable living. 15.尊重和關心所有生物 15. Treat all living beings with respect and consideration. (1) 防止殘酷對待人類飼養的動物,保護它們免受痛苦。a. Prevent cruelty to animals kept in human

societies and protect them from suffering.(2)



可避免的痛苦的狩獵、誘捕和捕撈方法之害。 b. Protect wild animals from methods of hunting, trapping,

and fishing that cause extreme, prolonged, or avoidable suffering. (3)

獲取或破壞。c. Avoid or eliminate to the full extent possible the taking or destruction of non-targeted species.

16.促進寬容、非暴力及和平的文化 16. Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace. (1) 鼓勵和支持所有人民之間、國家內部和國家之間的相互理解、團結和合作。 a. Encourage

and support mutual understanding, solidarity, and cooperation among all peoples and within and among nations.

(2) 實施綜合戰略,防止暴力衝突,使用合作解決問題的方法來管理和解決環境衝突以及其他爭端。b. Implement comprehensive strategies to prevent violent conflict and use collaborative problem solving

to manage and resolve environmental conflicts and other disputes.(3)


性防禦姿態的水準,將軍事資源轉用于和平目的,包括用於生態恢復。c. Demilitarize national security systems to the level of a non-provocative defense posture, and convert military resources to peaceful purposes, including ecological restoration. (4) 消除核武器、生化武器和有毒武器以及其他大規模破壞性武器。d. Eliminate nuclear, biological, and toxic weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.(5) 確保對軌道空間和外太空的利用有利於環境保護與和平。e. Ensure that the use of orbital and outer space supports

environmental protection and peace.(6)


地球以及所有這些都是其一部分的更大整體形成的正確關係所創造的一個整體。f. Recognize

that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.


共同的命運史無前例地召喚著我們去尋求新的開端。這一開端是地球憲章原則所允諾的。為了實現這一諾言,我們自己必須致力於採用和促進本憲章的價值觀和目標。 As never before in

history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter.

這需要精神和心靈的轉變,需要一種新的全球相互依存感和責任感。我們必須富於想像力地在本地、國內、地區和全球範圍內,提出和運用有關可持續生活方式的遠見卓識。我們的文化多樣性是一種珍貴的遺產,不同的文化將以其獨特的方式來實現這種遠見卓識。我們必須深化和擴大地球憲章制定過程中所進行的全球性對話,因為通過對真理和智慧的不斷發展的合作性探索,我們能學到很多東西。 This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of

global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a

sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that generated the Earth Charter, for we have much to learn from the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom.


選擇。但我們必須找到能使多樣性與統一性、自由行事與共同利益、短期目標與長期目標相和諧的方法。每個人、每個家庭、每個組織和每個社團都能發揮重要作用。藝術、科學、宗教、教育機構、媒體、企業、非政府組織和政府都要發揮創造性的帶頭作用。政府、民間社會和企業的夥伴關係對於有效的管理至關重要。Life often involves tensions between important values.

This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of

government, civil society, and business is essential for effective governance.

為了建立一個可持續的全球大家庭,世界各國必須重新履行它們對聯合國的承諾,根據現有的國際協定,充分履行它們的義務,並以國際環境與發展的法律約束性檔來實施地球憲章的原則。In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the

United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development.

讓我們這個時代成為被後人銘記的時代,因為這個時代喚醒了對生命的重新尊敬,採取了堅定的行動去實現可持續性,加速了爭取正義與和平的鬥爭,並且能夠歡慶生命。 Let ours be a time

remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.



