【Abstract】 Having developed for over a century, film has become one of the most popular ways of entertainment for people. People have much more chances to appreciate the elaborate and excellent films. In order to enable the Chinese audience to understand the film’s content, the whole film should be translated, including its title. As an indispensable part of a film, the title has its unique linguistic feature and culture connotation.Film title translation belongs to general English-Chinese translation. Its function is to push the audience to go to the cinema aft
er seeing the title, which is also the skopos of film title translation.In this thesis, the author makes an analysis of the film title translation from the functional perspective. And the application of translation strategies, namely, transliteration, literal translation, liberal translation and adaption, is also analyzed with rich examples under the guidance of the functionalist approach. 还原 随着中国对外开放进程的加快以及中外文化交流的发展,英文电影正越来越多地涌入中国大陆市场。作为英文译制片不可或缺的部分,中文译名架起了一座把电影和观众初步联系在一起的桥梁。电影片名的翻译已成为翻译领域一个越来越重要的组成部分。 关于电影片名的翻译及其研究,普遍都以传统的“对等”翻译理论作为指导思想。这样做,虽然将翻译从形式的枷锁中解放了出来,但是,它却并没有使电影片名的翻译摆脱“对等”的束缚,也不能解释为什么有的影片译名违反对等标准但却经实践检验十分成功,因而难以有效地指导翻译实践。本文尝试从功能翻译理论中的目的论的角度对英文电影片名翻译进行进一步的研究。目的论突破了传统翻译理论,提出了翻译行为并不是单纯的语际转换,而是一种有目的的行为活动,而且还是一种有目的的跨文化的交际活动,从而进一步丰富了翻译理论,并为影视翻译实践开辟了一个新视角。这就使电影名的翻译摆脱了“对等”的束缚,降低了原电影片名在翻译过程中的指导与支配地位,更有利于译者在翻译过程中发挥自身的能动性,发挥目的语的优势,使译文达到更理想的效果。 在
以上理论研究的基础上,在论文的引言部分中作者阐明了本文的研究背景、写作目的及理论框架。 ...
With the increasing pace of China’s opening to the outside world, more and more English films are entering the market of China’s mainland. As an indispensable part of the translated English films, the translated film titles build up a bridge over the initial connection between the film and the audience. Therefore, film title translation has become a more and more important and significant part of translation studies. Generally speaking, studies and researches on film title translation have been us...