1 GHz Low Noise Silicon MMICAmplifierTechnical Data
SOT-143 Surface Mount• Internally Biased, Single 3 VPackage
Supply (6 mA)• 3.5 dB NF• 13 dB Gain
• Unconditionally Stable
• LNA or IF Amplifier forPin Connections andCellular, Cordless, SpecialPackage Marking
Mobile Radio, PCS, ISM, andWireless LAN Applications
INPUTVN30GNDCCOUTPUTEquivalent Circuit (Simplified)
Hewlett-Packard’s INA-30311 is aSilicon monolithic amplifier forapplications to 1.0 GHz. Packagedin a miniature SOT-143 package,it requires very little board space.The INA-30311 uses an internallybiased topology which eliminatesthe need for external componentsand provides decreased sensitiv-ity to ground inductance.The INA-30311 is designed withan output impedance that variesfrom near 200 Ω at low
frequencies to near 50 Ω at higherfrequencies. This provides amatching advantage for IFcircuits, as well as improvedpower efficiency, making itsuitable for battery powereddesigns.
The INA-30311 is fabricated usingHP’s 30 GHz fMAX ISOSATTMSilicon bipolar process whichuses nitride self-alignment sub-micrometer lithography, trenchisolation, ion implantation, goldmetallization, and polyimideintermetal dielectric and scratchprotection to achieve superiorperformance, uniformity, andreliability.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Device Voltage, to groundCW RF Input PowerJunction TemperatureStorage Temperature
12+13150-65 to 150
Thermal Resistance[2]:
θj-c = 550°C/W
1. Operation of this device above any oneof these limits may cause permanentdamage.
2. TC = 25°C (TC is defined to be the
temperature at the package pins wherecontact is made to the circuit board).
INA-30311 Electrical Specifications[3], TC = 25°C, ZO = 50 Ω, VCC = 3 V
Parameters and Test Conditions
Power Gain (|S21|2)Noise Figure
Output Power at 1 dB Gain CompressionThird Order Intercept PointInput VSWRDevice CurrentGroup Delay
f = 900 MHzf = 900 MHzf = 900 MHzf = 900 MHzf = 900 MHzf = 900 MHz
INA-30311 Typical Scattering Parameters[3], TC = 25°C, ZO = 50 Ω, VCC = 3 V
3. Reference plane per Figure 9 in Applications Information section.
INA-30311 Typical Performance, TC = 25°C, ZO = 50 Ω, VCC = 3 V V3.0 V3.3 V0-215)B3.0d( )E2.5BdR(10U NG2.0IIA3.3 VF G3.0 VES1.5I52.7 VON1.00.5000. (GHz)FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 1. Power Gain vs. FrequencyFigure 2. Noise Figure vs. Frequencyand Voltage.and Voltage.
205+85154+25)Bd-40() BEdR3( N10UGIIAG-40F +25E25+85SION100. (GHz)FREQUENCY (GHz)Figure 4. Gain vs. Frequency andFigure 5. Noise Figure vs. FrequencyTemperature.and Temperature.
4.0163.512)3.01):nA( R2.5OUTPUTm( 8WC+85SCI+50V2.0+25401.5-40INPUT100. (GHz)VCC (V)Figure 7. Input and Output VSWR vs.Figure 8. Supply Current vs. VoltageFrequency.and Temperature.
-4)mBd-6( Bd -81 P-103.3 V3.0 V-12-142.7 V0. (GHz)Figure 3. Output Power for 1 dB GainCompression vs. Frequency andVoltage.
-8-9)mBd( B-10d 1 P+85-11+25-40- (GHz)Figure 6. Output Power for 1 dB GainCompression vs. Frequency andTemperature.
INA-30311 ApplicationsInformation
The INA-30311 is a silicon RF
integrated circuit that provides aneasy-to-use solution for low noiseor multi-purpose gain block
applications up to 1000 MHz. Thistwo-stage amplifier design usesresistive feedback to provide flatgain over a wide frequency range.This device is assembled in a
miniature, surface mount packageand is intended for use in lowcost wireless communicationproducts.
A unique feature of the INA-30311is that it is designed with a 50Ωinput impedance and an outputimpedance that approaches 200Ωat lower frequencies. This imped-ance converting feature is veryuseful for applications such asreceiver IF circuits in which theINA-30311 is followed by highinput impedance devices likesignal processing circuits, filters,or mixed signal ICs.
In addition to simplifying thematch to higher impedancedevices, a key benefit of the
higher output impedance featureis an improvement in powerefficiency.
Phase Reference PlanesThe positions of the referenceplanes used to measureS-Parameters are shown in
Figure9. As seen in the illustra-tion, the reference planes arelocated at the point where thepackage leads contact the testcircuit.
The INA-30311 is a voltage biaseddevice and operates from a single+3 volt power supply. With acurrent drain of 6 mA, thisamplifier is suitable for use inbattery powered applications. Allbias circuitry is fully integratedinto the IC eliminating the needfor external DC components. RFperformance is very stable for3-volt battery supplies that mayrange from 2.7 to 3.3 volts,
depending on battery “freshness”or state of charge in the case ofrechargeable batteries.
While the INA-30311 was
designed for use in +3 volt batterypowered applications, the
internal bias regulation circuitryallows it to be used with anypower supply voltage from +2.7to +5 volts.
Typical Configurations
The way in which the INA-30311is used depends on the particularapplication and operatingfrequency.
• For receiver IF amplifier appli-cations up to several hundredMHz, the relatively higher out-put impedance level of theINA-30311 may be used toadvantage when interfacingdirectly with devices havinghigher than 50Ω input imped-ances, such as certain signalprocessing or mixed signal ICs.This application is shown inFigure 10.
HIGH INPUTINA-30IMPEDANCESTAGEFigure 10. INA-30311 Driving a HighInput Impedance Stage.
• A second implementation,shown in Figure 11, uses asimple reactive network at theamplifier’s output to match theoutput impedance to 50 Ω.This matched output arrangementwill provide an additional 0.9 dBof gain and output power at
900MHz when driving into a 50Ωstage.
• The third way to use the INA-30311 is to simply cascadeseveral INA-30311’s with 50Ωstages and neglect the effects ofthe output mismatch.The 50 Ω cascade without
impedance matching, shown inFigure 12, trades off the
improvement in stage gain andoutput power for a more
simplified interstage circuit andreduced circuit board space.
Figure 11. Impedance MatchedOutput.
INA-30INA-3050 ΩHIGH ZINPUTOUTPUTFigure 12. Simple Cascade withoutImpedance Matching.
Operating Details
The basic application of the INA-30311 is shown in Figure 13. DCblocking capacitors should beplaced in series with the RF Inputand RF Output to isolate adjoin-ing circuits from the internal biasvoltages that are present at theseterminals. The values of theblocking capacitors are deter-mined by the lowest frequency ofoperation for a particular applica-tion. The capacitor’s reactancesare chosen to be 5% or less of theamplifier’s input or output imped-ance at the lowest operating
frequency. For example, an ampli-fier to be used in an applicationcovering the 902 to 928 MHz bandwould require an input blockingcapacitor of at least 70pF, whichis 2.5 Ω of reactance, or 5% of50␣Ω at 902MHz.
The VCC connection to the amplifiermust be RF bypassed by placing acapacitor to ground directly atthe bias pin of the package. Likethe DC blocking capacitors, thevalue of the VCC bypass capacitoris determined by the lowest
operating frequency for the ampli-fier. This value is typically thesame as that of the DC blockingcapacitors. If long bias lines are
RFOUTPUTRFINPUTVCCFigure 13. Basic AmplifierApplication.
used to the amplifier to the VCCsupply, additional bypasscapacitors may be needed toprevent resonances that wouldotherwise result in undesirablegain responses. A well-bypassedVCC line is also desirable to
prevent possible oscillations thatmay occur due to feedback
through the bias line from otherstages in a cascade.
Adequate grounding is needed toobtain maximum performance.The ground pin of the INA-30311should be connected to directlyto RF ground by using platedthrough holes (vias) near thepackage terminals.
FR-4 or G-10 PCB material is agood choice for most low costwireless applications. Typicalboard thickness is 0.025 or
0.031␣inches. The width of 50 Ωmicrostriplines in these PCB
thicknesses is also convenient formounting chip components suchas the series DC blockingcapacitors.
50 Ω Example
The demonstration circuit in Figure14 shows the INA-30311 usedwithout output impedance
matching and is an example of thecascade depicted in Figure 12. Thislayout illustrates the simplest
implementation of the INA-30311by using 50 Ω microstriplineswith DC blocking capacitors forboth the input and output. TheVCC supply connection is RF
bypassed very close to the lead ofthe RFIC. Provision is also madefor an additional bypass capacitoron the VCC line near the edge ofthe PCB.
900 MHz Matched ExampleThis section describes ademonstration circuit for900␣MHz that is based on thematched output configurationshown in Figure11.
The output VSWR of the INA-30311 is approximately 2.6:1 at900 MHz and results in a 0.9 dBmismatch loss when used in a50Ω system. The use of a simpleimpedance matching circuit at theoutput will increase both gain andoutput power by 0.9 dB. Thenoise figure of the amplifierremains the same and does notdepend on whether or not theoutput is matched.
There are many circuit topologiesthat may be used to match theoutput impedance of the
INA-30311 to a 50 Ω load. Theexample presented in Figure 15 isdesigned to match the amplifier’soutput for frequencies near900␣MHz.
This circuit is representative forapplications in the 800 MHzcellular or 900 MHz unregulatedfrequency bands. This exampleuses a series capacitor to resonatewith a shunt, high impedancetransmission line. The transmis-sion line is tapped at a 50 Ω levelfor the output. This circuit
provides the desired impedancetransformation with a minimumof components, using only onechip capacitor that also doublesas the output DC block.
Figure 14. 50 Ω Input/OutputExample.
Figure 15. Matched Output Example.
INA-30311 Part Number Ordering Information
Part NumberINA-30311-TR1INA-30311-BLK
Devices per Container
Container7\" reelAntistatic bag
Package Dimensions
0.92 (0.036)0.78 (0.031)PACKAGEMARKINGCODEXXX1.40 (0.055)1.20 (0.047)2.65 (0.104)2.10 (0.083)0.60 (0.024)0.45 (0.018)2.04 (0.080)1.78 (0.070)TOP VIEW3.06 (0.120)2.80 (0.110)0.54 (0.021)0.37 (0.015)1.02 (0.041)0.85 (0.033)0.15 (0.006)0.09 (0.003) 0.10 (0.004) 0.013 (0.0005)SIDE VIEW0.69 (0.027)0.45 (0.018)END VIEWDIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES)6-145