如果还没有完整看过这 “据说”是【检验美国高中生水平的100个单词】的朋友,先检验一下自己认识多少个,可先点击链接:
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e8d2f290102e5m2.html 。
【检验美国高中生水平的 100个单词】来自这本书:100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know,的确为美国传统词典编辑们选出的。
希望在看过解析版后,最少能认识第一个词。 把kowtow作为第一个词,也是给大家增加信心的。
尽管只有100个词,但仍然可以找到最少15组同源词,也有含相同构词成分(如后缀-ous, -ate 等)的不少词。
1. kowtow/ˏkauˏtau; kaʊˋtaʊ/(来自汉语的koutou)
v . ~ (to sb/sth) to show sb in authority too much respect and be too willing to obey them 叩头;磕头;卑躬屈膝;唯命是从
We will not kowtow to the government.
Europe/ˏjuərəp US ˏjur-/(在来源上不确定,传统上一直同Europa“欧罗巴”联系在一起:腓尼基王Agenor阿革诺耳的女儿,被宙斯化作白牛劫到克里特,生下
三个儿子。eur=eury宽,op脸,眼,Europa表示宽阔的脸庞、宽额或大眼睛的,作为欧洲大陆,本身的意思为“西”方或“日落”的地方→) n. 欧洲
European/juərəˏpɪən; ˏjʊrəˋpiən/(Europe欧洲,-an…的,属于) a. 欧洲的,欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人
2. euro/juərəu/(来自Eurocurrency的缩写和变化,curr跑→移动→流动,-ency 名
词后缀;不断流动的东西→currency 货币;通行,流行)
n. a unit of money that can be used in most countries of the European Union 欧元
Prices are given in pounds and euros.
nanometer 其实是“(矮)小”“米”, meter 是“米”,音译“纳米”,nano代表“纳”,指的是10-9数量级(one billionth),当然是很“小”了,nano中的o是连接字母,故nan代表“小”,而在普通词汇中,nan 代表 little old woman,nun与nan比较,仅是元音字母发生变化。
nun/nʌn; nʌn/(来自后期拉丁语 nonna „an old woman‟) n. 修女,尼姑
3. nanotechnology/ˏnænəutekˏnɔlədʒi US -noutekˏnɑː-/(nano代表nanometer,technology技术,即:any technology on the scale of nanometers →) n. 纳米技术
Despite the growing pains, many experts say nanotechnology is catching on much
faster than they had expected.
technology, text 还有toilet都是简单词,它们都与一个词根tect同源。 text, techn, tect 编织,编造,造
印欧词根形式为*teks-,techn, tecton均为带后缀的形式。
architect里的tect其实是来自希腊语的tekton “木匠,建造者,制造者”,tect造→带后缀的形式tecton.
4. tectonic/tek'tɑnɪk/(tect造→带后缀的形式tecton木匠,建造者,制造者,-ic形容词后缀;属于和建造者、建筑有关的→)
a. 1. of or pertaining to building or construction; constructive; architectural 建筑(学)的;构造的;
2. (geology) connected with the structure of the earth's surface 【地质学】地壳构造的
...the tectonic plates of the Pacific region which are separating from the East Pacific
tauto看起来是不是有些怪异?其实它来自希腊语 to auto ,其中的to 是中性定冠词,意思是the,也与the同源。auto是“自己,自身”,tauto就是the same dialogue 是两个人之间的“对话”,词根为log,还有apology里的log。lecture等含同源词根。
印欧词根*leg-“收集,说”对应lex“说”。 希腊语λογος (logos )表示: 1. 话,话语; 2. 谈话,对话;
3. 字,词; 4. 话题,主题;
5. 原理,原则,准则,规律。 -logy 表示:
1. …学,…论;2. 说话,语词
所以不要仅限于知道 -ology 是“…学”,要知道 -o- + -logy = -ology,而-logy 与词根lect等紧密联系着。
也要明白为什么把nanotechnology, tautology, lexicon 要放在一起?
5. tautology/tɔːˏtɔlədʒɪ; tɔˋtɑlədʒɪ/(tauto相同的,-logy说话,语词)
n. a statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words, when this is unnecessary, for example 'They spoke in turn, one after the other.' 同义反复;赘述
'The money should be adequate enough' is an example of tautology.
6. lexicon/ ˏleksɪkən; US -kɔn; ˋlɛksɪkɑn/(lex(is) 说话,措辞,词语,-ic 形
n. 1. technical all the words and phrases used in a language or that a particular person knows (某语言或学科、某人或群体使用的)全部词汇
2. a list of words on a particular subject or in a language in alphabetical order(某学科或语言的)词汇表
3. a dictionary, especially one of an ancient language, such as Greek or Hebrew(尤指希腊语或希伯来语等古代语言的)词典, 字典
Chocolate equals sin in most people's lexicon.
a cute little baby 里的cute来自acute,包括acid 在内,都含有词根: ac 尖
7. acumen/ˏækjumen/(ac尖→带后缀的形式acu削尖,变锋利,敏锐,-men 名
n. [U] the ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly 敏锐; 精明; 聪明
The firm's success is largely due to Brannon's commercial acumen.
化学符号O大家都知道吧?很多酸中都含有“氧”,Antonie Laurent Lavoisier当初认为氧存在于所有酸中,oxygen的字面意思是“产生(gen)酸(oxy)的物质”,酸acid的词根ac与氧oxygen里的oxy为同源词根
oxide/ˏɔksaɪd; ˋɑksaɪd/(来自法语oxygene=oxygen + acide=acid,氧和另一种元素或基团的化合物→)n. 氧化物
8. oxidize/ˏɔksɪdaɪz/(oxide=oxide,-ize treat or combine with使与…结合)
vt. (technical) to combine or to make sth combine with OXYGEN, especially when this causes metal to become covered with RUST(使)氧化;(使)生锈(因氧化而形成)
Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.
The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black. university里有vers。
Converse(匡威)这个品牌取自于创办人Marquis M. Converse先生的姓氏, Converse即康弗斯,含义是“皈依者(convert)”,就是完全(con-)虔诚地“转”(vers)向某一宗教组织,词根vers 和vert 都是“转”。
9. incontrovertible/ˏɪŋkɔntrəˏvɜːtəbl/(in- 不,contro-=contra- 反对,vert
a. definitely true and impossible to be proved false无可争辩的,不容置疑的,无可辩驳的
There is now incontrovertible evidence that the government is violating the agreement.
10. vortex/ˏvɔːteks; ˋvɔrtɛks/(是vertex的变体,即vort=vert转,-ex名词
后缀;风、水等旋转得很快形成的→) n. (pl 复数作 ~es 或 -tices / -tɪsiːz; -tɪˏsiz/)
1. (technical) a mass of air, water, etc. that spins around very fast and pulls things into its centre(风或水形成的)旋风,旋涡
2. (literary) a very powerful feeling, force or situation that you cannot avoid or escape from: (感情或局势的)旋涡 I was sucked into a vortex of despair.
want 除了“要”,还有“缺乏,缺少”的意思,词根wan就表示“缺”,“缺”失了就有“空”。
wan(t), van, vain, vac 空,缺
印欧词根形式为*(e)wa-n-“离开,离弃,用完,耗尽”,所以派生词的意思为“被离弃的,缺乏的,空的”。词根为vac, wan 等是 wa, va 等带后缀或扩展的形式。 记得有人区分不了vacation和vocation,其实二者最大的区别在词根,词根vac 是“空,缺”,空出的一段时间就是vacation。
11. vacuous/ˏvækjuəs/(vac空,u=-uus 形容词后缀,vacu就是拉丁语vacuus
a. (formal) showing no sign of intelligence or sensitive feelings 无知的;空洞的; 无意义的
a vacuous remark/question/expression/smile
Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be. vanish 中的也是van空,当然还有vain:
12. evanescent/ˏiːvəˏnesnt; US ˏev-; ˏɛvəˋnɛsnt/(e- out, van 空,-esce开始,
a. (literary) disappearing quickly from sight or memory: (fml 文) 瞬间即逝的;迅速遗忘的
Talk is evanescent, writing leaves footprints.
“完全(con-)”“信任(fid)”别人或自己的才是confident“自信的”和“确信的”,因为“信任”才有了fiancé(未婚夫)和fiancée(未婚妻),当然还有faith。 Fidius 是罗马信用之神。 fid, fed, faith 信任
13. diffident/ˏdɪfɪdənt; ˋdɪfədənt/(dif-=dis- „away‟ 分离,缺乏,fid信任,
a. ~ (about sth) not having much confidence in yourself; not wanting to talk about yourself 缺乏自信的;胆怯的;羞怯的
You shouldn't be so diffident about your achievements - you've done really well!
14. fiduciary/fɪˏdjuː.ʃi.ə.ri/(fid信任→拉丁语fiduci(a)信任、信赖,-ary与…
a. relating to the responsibility to look after someone else's money in a correct way:信托的;信用的;(尤指)受信托的,受信托的
n. Fiduciary is used to talk about things which relate to a trust, or to the people who are in charge of a trust.(尤指财产)受信托人(或公司) They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.
中古英语里,head的拼写是heved,古英语的拼写是heafod, 古高地德语是houpit, 现代德语是Haupt。
15. precipitous/prɪˏsɪpɪtəs; prɪˋsɪpətəs/(pre-前,cipit头,-ous有…特性的;
头向前即头向下扔、抛下的、头朝下摔下去的地方的→) a. 1. very steep, high and often dangerous: 险峻的; 陡峭的 2. sudden and great 突然的,骤然的,急剧的
3. done very quickly, without enough thought or care 草率的,仓促的,贸然的 The stock market's precipitous drop frightened foreign investors.
a precipitous marriage.
capitulate/ kəˏpɪtʃuleɪt; kəˋpɪtʃəˏlet/(capit头,-ul=-ule 小,capitul 小头→章,节,题头或标题;-ate使形成;使形成即起草投降协议的章节→) v. ~ (to sb/sth) 1. 屈服,屈从;2. 投降
16. recapitulate/ˏriːkəˏpɪtʃuleɪt; ˏrikəˋpɪtʃəˏlet/(re- 再,capit 头,-ul=-ule
小,capitul 小头→章,节,-ate使形成;再以章或节叙述→再次重复要点→) v. (formal) ~ (on sth) ~ sth to repeat or give a summary of what has already been said, decided, etc: 扼要重述;概括 Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
Let me just recapitulate (on) what we've agreed so far.
17. feckless/ˏfeklɪs; ˋfɛklɪs/(这个词是 effectless 的缩写,即 feck = effect,
a. having a weak character; not behaving in a responsible way 品格差的,不负责任的,没出息的
Her husband was a charming, but lazy and feckless man. He regarded the young man as feckless and irresponsible.
relax 里的 lax 来自拉丁语“laxare 放宽,放松”,laxare 也是法语laisser(让,任,不管,不过问,丢下,离开)的来源,laisser 的祈使语气动词的第二人称复数是laissez。
affair 是“事务;事情;事”,其中的 fair 就是 faire „ do‟ factory 是很好理解的简单词。
法语 faire 里,-re是动词不定式后缀,faire来自拉丁语 facere,即 faire 里的 fa
相当于词根fac “做”。
18. laissez faire/ˏleɪ.seɪˏfeəʳ/ US /-ˏfer/(laissez让,允许,不过问,faire做;
n. [U] (from French) the policy of allowing private businesses to develop without government control(政府对私有商业的)自由放任主义
a. of, pertaining to, or conforming to the principles or practices of laissez faire. 自由放任的
知道什么是“第二”second吗?它当然是“跟随”在第一之后,sec是词根。 soccer是怎么来的?它来自association football,是association 中的assoc变形后加上-er构成的。
nonsectarian这个词里的关键问题是弄明白sec或sect的意思。 sec, soc, secu, sequ 跟随
印欧词根形式为 *sekw- „to follow‟ 。
sect/sekt; sɛkt/(sec 跟随→追随,-t 由过去分词而来的后缀;可追随的东西→追随相似观念、思想、信仰等的一些人→)
n. 派别;宗派;(尤指宗教的)
sectarian/sekˏteərɪən; sɛkˋtɛrɪən/(见上,-arian …派的(人))
a. [usually before noun] (often disapproving) connected with the differences that exist between groups of people who have different religious views: a.(宗教)教派的,派性的 sectarian violence sectarian views
Sectarian politics are ruining the country's economy.
19. nonsectarian/ˏnɔn sekˏteərɪən/ (non- 无,非,不,sect派别,宗派,教
派,-arian …派的(人),来自 -ary + -ian;非、无宗派的→)
a. Not limited to or associated with a particular religious denomination.无派系的,不属于任何宗教派别的
牛津高阶和朗当均未收录,但收了sectarian(宗教教派的,派性的)。 Nonsectarian education is vital for long-term peace.
20. obsequious/əbˏsiːkwɪəs; əbˋsikwɪəs/(ob- „to‟, sequi =sequ „follow‟跟随,
-ous characterized by具有…特性的;跟随某人的意愿的→)
a. (formal, disapproving) trying too hard to please sb, especially sb who is important:谄媚的;巴结奉迎的;奴颜婢膝的
She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority.
circle, circus应该不陌生吧?不过词源上和bicycle的cycle没有关系。
拉丁语里的circus意思为“圆,圆周”,circle 其实来自circus的指小形式,字面意思是‟ „small ring‟ →圆,圆圈; 圈子。 circum- 则来自拉丁语circus的宾格。 circum- 表示:环绕,(在…)周围。 词根circ :环,圈。
21. circumlocution/ˏsɜːkəmləˏkjuːʃn; ˏsəkəmloˋkjuʃən/(circum 环绕,
n. [U, C] (formal) using more words than are necessary, instead of speaking or writing in a clear, direct way迂回曲折的说法,累赘的说法
It was always when you most wanted a direct answer that Greenfield came up with a circumlocution.
Politicians are experts in circumlocution.
22. loquacious/ləˏkweɪʃəs; loˋkweʃəs/(loqu说,-aci(s)来自拉丁所有格的后
缀;loquaci多嘴的,饶舌的,-ous具有…的,有…特征的) a. (formal) talking a lot = talkative 话多的;健谈的;喋喋不休的 The normally loquacious Mr O'Reilly has said little. sole 是“单独的,独有的”;
solitary 是“单独的,独自的;单个的;孤独的”。
拉丁语solus 表示“单独的,独一的”,它的组合语素是soli- „alone‟.
23. soliloquy/səˏlɪləkwɪ; səˋlɪləkwɪ/(soli- 单独的,loqu说,-y名词后缀;
n . 1. [C, U] (plural soliloquies) a speech in a play in which a character, usually alone on the stage, talks to himself or herself so that the audience knows their thoughts (尤指戏剧中的)独白(的台词),独白;2. The act of speaking to oneself 自言自语 Hamlet's famous soliloquy, 'To be or not to be ...'
所谓navy “海军”,那是离不开“船”的,词根nav = 船,navy的字面意思是“船队”。
act 对应的词根除ag,还有ig:
24. circumnavigate/ˏsɜːkəmˏnævɪgeɪt/(circum-环绕,nav船,ig= ag =drive,
与act同源,-ate使成为,使形成,navigate 驾驶船→航行)
vt. 1. (formal) to sail all the way around sth, especially all the way around the world 环绕…航行;(尤指)环绕地球航行;2. to move around something in order to avoid hitting it 绕行;避开
For this year at least, our race to circumnavigate the globe in less than 80 days is over.
Manufacturers and shops circumnavigate (= avoid) gun laws by providing realistic models which are unable to discharge missiles.
25. expurgate/ˏekspəgeɪt/(ex- out, pur=pure纯的; 纯净的 + g=ag „to drive,
make‟ → purg 使纯净→清除,除去,删除,-ate以…处理;使清除出去、删除出去→)
vt. [usually passive] (formal) to remove or leave out parts of a piece of writing or a conversation when printing or reporting it, because you think those parts could offend people 删除…中的不当之处;略去…中的不雅之处 The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.
recognize 可以拆分为 re-, co-, gn, -ize,其中的词根 gn 意思就是 know,二者也是同源词根,涉及 g-k 音变。 kno(w), gn(o), no(t) 知道 印欧词根形式为*gno-。
26. incognito/ˏɪŋkɔgˏniːtəu/(来自意大利语,in-不,co-与,gn知道,-it(o)
-o 是意大利语形容词后缀,另一种拆分是:gni 知道,相当于gno,-t = -tus 拉丁过去分词后缀;字面意思 unknown 未知的;未被认识的;使别人对自己未知的→)
ad. in a way that prevents other people from finding out who you are 隐姓埋名地;微服私行地,伪装
a. 隐姓埋名的;微服私行的;伪装的 Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.
no, not 如果仅是一个单词中的2个、3个字母,它们可能与“不”毫无关系了: note/nəut; not/(no=gno, t 可能是古拉丁语 gnoscere „to know‟过去分词变化产生的,not 知道,-e 后缀;为使知道而作一些记号、记录等→)
n. 1. 短笺,便条;2. 记录,笔记;3. 注解,按语;4. 音调,音符;5. 票据,钞票
vt. 1. 注意,留意;2. 记录,记下
notary/ˏnəutərɪ/(not=note记录,-ary 从事…的人,与…有关的人)
n.someone, especially a lawyer, who has the legal power to make a signed statement or document official 公证人,公证员(尤指律师)
She is the town clerk and a certified public accountant and notary public.
27. notarize (BrE also -ise) /ˏnəʊtəraɪz; NAmE ˏnoʊ- / (notar=notary公证人,
-ize 以…方式对待、行动;以公证人那样的方式对待→)
vt. (law 律) if a document is notarized , it is given legal status by a notary 公证;
a notarized affidavit
The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.
贝娄娜即 Bellona 是罗马神话里的战争女神;rebel 指再次发动战争的人即“反叛分子,反对者”,词根: bell 战争
28. antebellum/ˏæn.tɪˏbel.əm/(ante- 在…前,bell→拉丁语 bellum战争,-um
a. relating to the time before a war, especially the American Civil War 战前岁月的;(尤指)美国内战前的
Many homes and churches of the antebellum South can still be visited today.
29. bellicose/ˏbelɪkəus/(bell战争,-ic形容词后缀,bellic属于战争的,-ose
a. (formal) having or showing a desire to argue or fight 好争辩的;好斗的;好战的 The government is continuing its bellicose statements threatening tough action against illegal strikes.
柏拉图(Plato,约公元前427年-前347年),古希腊哲学家,对欧洲哲学产生过极大的影响。他的老师是苏格拉底。他所设立的一所学园就是现在的Academy的来源。柏拉图原名 Aristocles(意为the best glory),但因自幼身体强壮,胸宽肩阔,就被叫做 Plato,意思是Broad-shouldered 。
place 这个词的本来意思是一个“宽”阔的区域,理解了place,plagiarize 就容易了。
拉丁语的 plaga 意思为: 1. 地带,区,区域;
2. (pl.)网,捕兽网,猎捕网; 3. 罗网,圈套,阴谋,奸计 词根:plac, plag, pla 平,伸展,宽
印欧词根为 *p(e)la-,*pla-,*plak-.
plagiary/ˏpleidʒiəri/(plag 平,伸展→plagi(um) 伸展的网,陷阱,来自拉丁语 plaga,-ary 名词后缀,表示与…有关的人;与…有关的事;利用网、陷阱或圈套掠夺、拐骗、绑架的人或事→) n. 1.=plagiarism 2. 剽窃者
plagiarism/ˏpleɪdʒərɪzəm/(见上,-ism 行为,行动,结果,特征,特性) n. 抄袭;剽窃;剽窃作品
30. plagiarize, plagiarise/ˏpleɪdʒəraɪz; ˋpledʒəˏraɪz/(plagiar(ism) 抄袭;
剽窃 + -ize 以…方式对待,按一定的方式行事)
v. (disapproving) to copy another person's ideas, words or work and pretend that they are your own 剽窃;抄袭
He accused other scientists of plagiarizing his research. The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.
If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has plagiarized (from the first).
所谓 plastic “塑料”其实就是被“塑造”即“可用模子做的东西”,这样的 plas 与 plasma的 plas 属于同源。 希腊语plassein的意思为: 1. 铸造,塑制,塑造 2. 制造
31. plasma/ˏplæzmə; ˋplæzmə/(pla伸展,平→带后缀的形式plas伸展开、铺
n. 1. the yellowish liquid part of blood that contains the blood cells 血浆 2. a gas that contains about the same numbers of positive and negative electric charges and is found in the sun and most stars 等离子体(又叫做电浆,是由部分电子被剥夺后的原子及原子被电离后产生的正负电子组成的离子化气体状物质) plasmo-, plasm-, -plasm 表示: 浆,血浆,原生质 希腊语的 plasma指:
1. 铸造或塑制的东西:蜡像,泥塑; 2. 仿制品,赝品
quantity 是“量,数量”,其中的词根qua就是“多少,什么”。
quasi- / ˏkweɪzaɪ-, ˏkweɪsaɪ; ˋkwezaɪ, ˋkwesaɪ/(quasi=quam + si ,qua 多少,什么→quam怎样,多么,si 假如,如果,倘若,与so同源,quam-si 就是as if 如果怎样→像…,类似→) 作为前缀,表示:类似; 准; 半
人名埃斯特拉即Estella 是Stella 斯特拉的变化形式,Stella意为“星”。 最简单的“星”是star , “变身”astr 也是“星”。
印欧词根形式为*ster-,stell 其实是 ster 带后缀的形式
Klein 认为这些词根可能都来自最初的*astero, AHDOIER (The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots )里的 basic form *?ster star, ster, ast(e)r 星
stellar/ ˏstelə(r); ˋstɛlɚ/(ster带后缀的形式stell 星,-ar …的) a. 1. 星的,恒星的
2. (infml)优秀的,精彩的,杰出的
知道了quasi 和 stellar,quasar 的问题就简单了:
32.quasar/ˏkweɪzɑː(r); ˋkwezɑr/(来自quasi- + stellar ,quas(i-stell)ar (radio
n. (astronomy) a large object like a star, that is far away and that shines very brightly and occasionally sends out strong radio signals 类星体;类星体射电源
quote, quotation, quota 里的quo也是“多少,什么”,而 diary, dial 里的词根 di “日,天”,知道这两个词根,quotidian就好理解了:
quote/kwəut; kwot/(quo→带后缀的形式quot什么,-e后缀;用的什么、从什么地方来的→) v. 引用,援引
n. 1. 引文,引语;2. 报价,牌价;3. [pl.]引号
quota/ˏkwəutə; ˋkwotə/(quo → 带后缀的形式 quot 多少,-a 拉丁阴性词尾,是拉丁语 quota pars 即 how large a part 的缩略式;多大的一份→) n. 定额,限额,配额
33. quotidian/kwəʊˏtɪd.i.ən/ US /kwoʊ-/(quo →带后缀的形式 quoti 多少,所
谓日记 diary 中的 di 就是“日,天”,-an 形容词后缀;多少?每日、每天的→ ) a. (formal) ordinary; typical of what happens every day 寻常的;普通的,司空见惯的;每天发生的
Television has become part of our quotidian existence.
34. totalitarian/ˏtəutalɪˏteərɪən; toˏtæləˋtɛrɪən/(totalit=total + -ity 名词后缀 =
totality 全体,全部,整个,
-arian …主义的;国家或政府体制掌握着全部权利的→)
a. (disapproving) (of a country or system of government) in which there is only one political party that has complete power and control over the people 极权主义的 n. A practitioner or supporter of such a government 极权主义者 也有认为该词来自total + authoritarian 权力主义的
a totalitarian regime/state
They feared that totalitarians might yet conquer the entire world. lie 是个很简单的词,加个前缀成:
35. belie/bɪˏlaɪ; bɪˋlaɪ/(be- to make, cause to seem 使,使显得,lie说谎 )
vt. 1. to give a false impression of sb/sth 掩饰,遮掩;
2. to show that sth cannot be true or correct 显示(某事)不正确,证明(某事)错误 Her energy and youthful good looks belie her 65 years.
Government claims that there is no poverty are belied by the number of homeless people on the streets.
“米”即 meter 是度量单位:
36. parameter/pəˏræmɪtə(r); pəˋræmətɚ/(para-旁,met 量度 → meter 来自希腊语
metron 度量,尺度;旁边的量度、尺度→)
n. 1. [常pl.]something that decides or limits the way in which sth can be done 界限,范围; 2. A constant in an equation that varies in other equations of the same general form 参数 The researchers must keep within the parameters of the experiment.
The central office sets/establishes the parameters which guide policy at the local level.
汉语里有“显摆”、“摆谱”的说法,“说”出来也可“显”,dictionary 里有词根 dict “说”,digital 里的词根 dig 为“显示”,拉丁语 dicere 意思为“说出,提出,证明”,它们都属同源词根。印欧词根*deik-, *deig- 意思就是 to show, pronounce solemnly 。
dic, dict, dig 说,显示,对准
37. paradigm/ˏpærədaɪm/ para-旁,dig显示,m=-ma名词后缀;在旁边并排显示以作为
n. 1. (formal or technical) a typical example or pattern of sth 典范;范例;样式; 2. (grammar) a set of all the different forms of a word(语法)词形变化表 The war was a paradigm of the evil and destructive side of human nature.
知道前缀 re- “后,回”和前缀 pro-“前”,reciprocal 的意思差不多就知道了:
38. reciprocal/rɪˏsɪprəkl; rɪˋsɪprəkl/(re-后,ci=-cus形容词后缀,reci代表reco(s) 向
后转,pro- 前,c-=cus形容词后缀,proc代表procos向前转的,-al…的;向后也向前的→)
a. involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the same way to each other 相互的,互惠的
The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain. 富兰克林即 Franklin 意为“自由民”,法国国名 France 来源于法兰克王国名,在日耳曼语中原意为“自由的”。知道了“法国”,离知道 enfranchise 的意思就不远了:
汉语中, 有些人喜欢“引吭(háng)高歌”;有些人则不喜张扬而“一声不吭(kēng)”。“吭”的两种读法反映了汉语中 k-h 的对应,英语中k-h, k-ch 均可对应。此处涉及k-g-h 音变系列。
french franch, frank 自由
franchise/ˈfræntʃaɪz; ˋfræntʃaɪz/ (franch自由,-ise使成为…状(态);本指摆脱奴
vt. 授予(或出售)特许经销权(或经营权)
n. 1. (公司授予的)特许经销权;(国家授予的)特别经营权,特许; 2. 获特许权的商业(或服务)机构;3.(公民)选举权
39. enfranchise /ɪnˏfræntʃaɪz; ɪnˋfræntʃaɪz/(en- „make‟ 使,franch „free‟,
-ise „become‟ 使成为…状(态);使有选举的自由→)
v. (formal) (fml 文) to give sb the right to vote in an election 给予(某人)选举权 Women in Britain were first enfranchised in 1918. 反义词:disenfranchise
seek 是“寻找”,sake 本表示需要“找出”错误、争辩的“缘故,理由”,由 same-,homo- 以及 know 与 gno(incognito)的例子,不难理解:
seek, sak, heg 找出
印欧词根形式为*sāg- „to seek out‟。
40. hegemony/hɪˏgemənɪ/(和seek相比,s-h对应,k-g对应,heg找出→跟踪找到路→
n. (plural hegemonies) (formal) control by one country, organization, etc. over other countries, etc. within a particular group 支配权;领导权;霸权 The three nations competed for regional hegemony.
字母C可以发K的音。来自美语的movie由moving pictures即“移动的画面”缩写而成,而英国人用的cinema来自cinematography“电影摄影(或放映)机;电影院;电影放映”,但 cinema最终来自希腊语的kinama „motion‟ 即“运动; 移动”,即 cinema 的 cine 对应 kinetic 中的 kine:
41. kinetic/ kɪˏnetɪk/(kine 运动,来自希腊语kinein „to move‟,→kinet(os) „moved‟,是
kinein的动词形容词,或-tic=-ic 形容词后缀,出现在希腊语来源的词,移动的、运动的→) a. (technical) of or produced by movement 运动的; 运动引起的
其实,exciting, cite, excite, excitement, incite, recite, solicit, solicitor 都含有同源成分。
kinetic energy
词源上eight 与oct(o) - 相对应,night 对应的是noct-, 而noct- 最终来自拉丁语nox “夜,黑夜”,即noct(i)- 来自nox的所有格。
作为组合词素的equi- ,意思就是equal。
42. equinox/ˏiːkwɪnɔks/(equi 相等,nox夜;黑夜和白天时间长度相等的时间→)
n. one of the two times in the year (around 20 March and 22 September) when the sun is above the EQUATOR and day and night are of equal length 昼夜平分时,二分时刻;春分; 秋分 In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month and the Autumn Equinox in the eighth month.
依维柯即 IVECO 是 Industrial vehicle Corporation 的缩写,最简单的词 way 的古英语拼写是 weg,也与 vehicle 相关。
way, vey, veh 运送,路
43. vehement/ˏviːəmənt/(veh →拉丁语 vehe(re) to carry, convey, 运送,飞越,急速
前进 Chambers认为ment是受拉丁语mens „mind‟ 所有格mentis的影响,本指rushing 冲的,快速移动的→)
a. (written) showing very strong feelings, especially anger (感情)强烈的,激烈的;(尤
Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor. They launched a vehement attack on the government's handling of environmental issues.
在100 词中,涉及后缀 -ous 的有15个,加上 -ose,应该算16个了,即: abstemious, auspicious, deciduous, deleterious, facetious, fatuous, homogeneous, loquacious, lugubrious, obsequious, precipitous, supercilious, tempestuous, unctuous, vacuous.
还有 bellicose。
这篇博文主要是针对含后缀-ous 的词的解析。
-ous 最终来自拉丁语的-ōsus ,很多情况下,等同于希腊语的 -os或 拉丁语的 -us 。 -ous 表示:
(1)Having, having much, full of, abounding in (2) characterized by (3)having the nature of (4)of or having to do with (5)like
(6)committing or practicing (7) inclined to
(8)in chemical terms -ous indicates the presence of an element in a compound or ion that is of a lower valence than indicated by the suffix -ic 即 -ous 主要表示: “具有…的;多…的; “有…特性的”; “与…有关的”; “像…的”,
“实行…的”; “倾向于…的”; 化学上表示“亚…的”。 如:
ferrous/ˏferəs; ˋfɛrəs/
a. Of, relating to, or containing iron, especially with a valence of 2 or a valence lower than in a corresponding ferric compound. 铁的,含铁的:铁的、有关铁的或含铁的,尤指带有二价铁或低于二价铁的相应含铁化合物 nitrous/ˏnaɪtrəs; ˋnaɪtrəs/
a. Of, derived from, or containing nitrogen, especially in a valence state lower than that in a comparable nitric compound. 含(三价)氮的:(亚)氮的;(亚)硝的;由氮衍生的或含氮的,尤指在其化合价低于其相应的硝酸化合物的情况下 nitric/ˏnaɪtrɪk; ˋnaɪtrɪk/
a. of or containing nitrogen (五价)氮的; 含氮的 下面来看主要与 -ous 相关的词:
hypotension 是“低血压”,是在某一水平“下”的,hypo- 的意思是“下,在…下”,与sub-同源。
tennis 里的 ten 的本来意思是 to stretch “伸,拉”,tennis 本是发球的人喊着让对手准备接球。印欧词根为 *ten- .
55. hypotenuse/haɪˏpɔtənjuːz; US -tənuːs; haɪˋpɑtnˏus/(hypo-下,ten 拉,
n. (geometry) the longest side of a RIGHT TRIANGLE(直角三角形的)斜边, 弦 Either side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse. 增加了p 的 词根 ten 的扩展词根是: temp 拉,伸
temperature 的“伸”,指伸出的一定范围即适当的调和、调节适宜的→热冷程度的范围→温度。
tempest/ˏtempɪst/( temp 伸→tempes伸出的一定范围即“时间”,tempes是拉丁语tempus „time‟的变体, -t=-ty名词后缀;时间,时节,时期→ 气候,天气→坏天气→)
n. 大风暴;暴风雨;暴风雪
56. tempestuous/temˏpestʃuəs/(见上,tempest大风暴,暴风雨,-uous=-ious
a. 1. (formal) full of extreme emotions: 激烈的;狂暴的;骚动的
2. (formal or literary) caused by or affected by a violent storm 狂风暴雨的;大风暴的
They got divorced in 1992 after a tempestuous marriage.
For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines. tempestuous seas
认识six,那 hex(a)- 呢?拉丁语的s对应希腊语里的h。
same 很简单,那homo- 呢?词源上same 对应 homo-,homosexual 是“同性恋”。
基因是 gene 的音译,它会自然让人们想到遗传和“产生”什么“种”的问题。词根 gen,gene 是“生,产生,种类” 。
57. homogeneous/ˏhɔməˏdʒiːnɪəs/(homo-同,gen产生 →此处gene来自希
腊语genos 氏族,种族,(生物分类上的)属,也相当于英语的genus属,类,-ous有…性质的;同种、同属的→)
a. (formal) consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type: 由相同(或同类型)事物(或人)组成的;同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的
The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous. The unemployed are not a homogeneous group. Russia is ethnically relatively homogeneous.
color 这个词够简单,但你知道它词根意思吗?col “遮盖”,因一种色可“遮盖”另一种色;
hall 则是“有屋顶或遮盖起来的地方”,而 hole 本来的意思是假设有一个较深的地方可以“隐藏”;还有conceal里的ceal“隐藏”,有了这些知识“垫底”,supercilious这个词就好办多了。
印欧词根形式为*kel- „to cover, conceal, save‟。 col, ceal, hall, hell 遮盖,隐藏
cilia(为cilium 的复数形式,cil 遮盖,隐藏,-ium 名词后缀;眉毛下可遮盖住眼睛的→)
n. 1. 纤毛,缘毛;2. 睫毛
58. supercilious/ˏsuːpəˏsɪlɪəs/(super-上,cili=cilia 睫毛,-ous 有…特性的;
a. (disapproving) behaving towards other people as if you think you are better than they are 傲慢的;高傲的
He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice. His manner is supercilious and arrogant. 所谓 accident,就是“落”“到”某件事情上了。 词根:cid 落,降临
59. deciduous/dɪˏsɪdjuəs/(de- away, off, 离开,脱离,cid „fall‟ 落, u=-uus 动
词派生的形容词后缀,-ous 有…特性的;叶子会落的→)
a. (of a tree, bush etc.) that loses its leaves every year(指树、灌木等)落叶的 A deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring. “看”外观就能判断“种,类”,这就是species本来的意思,expect,inspect等里的spec(t) 是“看”,spic 也是“看”: aviation 里的 avi 本身从鸟→飞行。
60. auspicious/ɔːˏspɪʃəs; ɔˋspɪʃəs/(au来自拉丁语avis鸟,au与av的对
应很容易理解,spic看,-i 相当于后缀-ium,auspici=auspice 观鸟占卜→占卜,预兆,-ous 具有…的;有预兆的→)
a. (formal) showing signs that sth is likely to be successful in the future吉利的; 吉祥的
It was an auspicious date for a wedding.
They won their first match of the season 5-1 which was an auspicious start/beginning.
“切”或“割”在皮肉上,会“痛”,这就是 dole 的含义“悲痛”,而表达“一起悲痛、悲伤”的是condolence,词根dol,还有 tale, talk 也许与deleterious中的del词源上相关。
61. deleterious/ˏdelɪˏtɪərɪəs; ˏdɛləˋtɪrɪəs/(del切割→dele 因切割引起伤
害,受伤,-ter 施事后缀,-ious形容词后缀,由词干元音 i + -ous组成) a. (formal) harmful and damaging 有害的;造成伤害的;损害的 These drugs have a proven deleterious effect on the nervous system. The fear of crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.
不要一看到fat,就以为是“胖”,fatuous里的 fatu来自拉丁语 fatuus,是 fade(褪色,衰弱)的一个组成成分:
62. fatuous/ˏfætʃuəs/(fatu愚蠢的,迟钝的,-ous 有…特性的,与…有关的)
a. very silly or stupid; foolish 愚蠢的;愚昧的;傻的;笨的 The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark. a fatuous idea.
拉丁语unguere和ungere 是相同的,意思为“涂抹,搽油膏”,其过去分词为unctus.
印欧词根为*ongw -„to salve, anoint‟.
涂油行为是宗教仪式、典礼或治疗仪式的一部分。拉丁语unctus的意思有“涂油的,涂上香液的;多油的”,注意和它相关的另一个词unction/ˏʌŋkʃn; ˋʌŋkʃən/ 的意思:
1. (宗教上的)傅油礼,敷擦圣油礼;圣油; 2. 油;油膏,软膏; 3. 使人宽慰的事物;慰藉;
4. 虚情假意的行为(或讲话);奉承;甜言蜜语
63. unctuous/ˏʌŋktjuəs; ˋʌŋktʃʊəs/(unct(u) 涂抹,搽油膏,-ous 多…的,有…特性的;
涂油的,涂上香液的;多油的 → 使人宽慰的,油滑的、油腔滑调的→)
a. (formal, disapproving) friendly or giving praise in a way that is not sincere and which is therefore unpleasant 谄媚的;油滑的;拍马奉迎的
也有拆分为:unctu + -tus + -ous 的。
...the kind of unctuous tone that I've heard often at diplomatic parties. his unctuous manner/voice/smile 看到 unctuous,可以联系起 flatter.
flatter 中 的flatt = flat 平,本指用很平的手掌抚摸→相当于把毛搞顺搞平→向…谄媚,奉承。
传统的lock “锁”有锁眼即有“洞”的,同源的德语 Loch 是“洞,窟窿,孔洞”,当然“打破”会出现“洞”,而lock对应的: 印欧词根 *leug- to break,to cause pain
64. lugubrious/ ləˏguːbrɪəs; luˋɡubrɪəs/(lug →带后缀的形式lugu 打破,打
碎,心痛→心碎的→拉丁语lugere 痛哭,哀悼,其中的 bri含义不详,-ous 形容词后缀;心碎的,痛哭的,哀悼的→) a. (written) sad and serious 阴郁的,悲伤的
He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious. Why are you looking so lugubrious? a lugubrious expression / face
印欧词根*temes- 表示dark, clouded “暗的,有暗影的”。 注意过葡萄酒、蜂蜜酒和白酒颜色上的区别吗?
65. abstemious / əbˏstiːmɪəs; əbˋstimɪəs/(abs- away from, tem暗的, 有暗
a. (formal) not allowing yourself to have much food or alcohol, or to do things that are enjoyable: 饮食有度的;有节制的 拉丁语 tēmētum 葡萄酒
He was a hard-working man with abstemious habits. an abstemious person, meal
66. facetious/ fəˏsiːʃəs; fəˋsiʃəs/(可能:拉丁语fax的所有格fac(is) 火把,
火炬,亮光,光辉 →有光斑的、闪耀光辉的→ facet(us) 优美的,雅致的;有
趣的,幽默的;滑稽的→faceti(a) 优雅,动人;pl. 笑话,幽默,讽刺,-ous有…特性的,具有…的)
a. trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other people do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious: 乱引人发笑的,不问场合耍聪明的
此词词源上和 face, facet(方面,部分)是没有关系的,但发生的时候也许会 face-to-face, 也可以此联想。 Don't be so facetious!
Stop being facetious; this is serious.
一部分人可能知道“湖南 hu nan”读作fu nan的事情吧? 亚美尼亚语的h对应共同日耳曼语(Common Germanic)的f。
根据 Klein 的观点,nihilism里的 hil 来自 hilum,而hilum本身可能来自拉丁语filum“线,纱,丝”的变体,所谓file本来是挂在线上、可以很容易查阅的“文件”,线、线头很小、不起眼,所以拉丁语里hilum意思是“小事情,琐事”(英语里是“种脐”)。
no, ne, ni 都是“不”,如 neither。
67. nihilism/ˏnaɪɪlɪzəm/(ni-=ne 不,hil 琐事,连琐事都不是的就是 nihil
„nothing‟,-ism 主义;认为什么都没有的→)
n. [U] (philosophy) the belief that nothing has any value, especially that religious and moral principles have no value(否认一切宗教信仰和道德观念的、否认一切存在的)虚无主义
Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?
The philosophy of those long- hairs leans towards nihilism parent, prepare, repair 都够简单吧?看看它们的词根: par, pair 产生,获得,准备 印欧词根形式为*per?-。
prepare/prɪˏpeə(r)/(pre-先,par准备,-e后缀) v. 准备,预备
repair/rɪˏpeə(r); rɪˋpɛr/(re-再,pair准备;再准备好→) n. 1. 修理,修补;2. 维修状态,保养情况 vt. 1. 修理,修补;2. 弥补,补救
68. reparation/ˏrepəˏreɪʃn; ˏrɛpəˋreʃən/(repar=repair, -ation名词后缀)
n. 1. (reparations) [pl.] money that is paid by a country that has lost a war, for the damage, injuries, etc. that it has caused(战败国的)赔款,赔偿
2. [U] the act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for them in order to show that you are sorry for suffering that you have caused补偿; 赔偿 The government agreed to pay reparations to victims.
Offenders must make reparation for their crimes through community service. spir 是最为明显的一个拟声词根,请按 s-pir 分开体会。 词根:spir 呼吸,精神
69. respiration/ˏrespəˏreɪʃn/(re- 回,spir呼吸,-ation名词后缀;吸回→呼入
n. [U] (formal) the act of breathing 呼吸
含同源成分的有spirit, spiritual, aspire, aspiration, conspire, conspiracy, expire, expiration, inspire, inspiration,perspire, respiratory等。 Her respiration was slow and difficult.
His respiration grew fainter throughout the day.
chicanery 除后缀 -ery 外,找不到简单的同源词,但可以对chican(e)进行拼音联想记忆:白痴(chi)很惨(can)因被“欺骗”或可耻(chi)因参(can)与“欺骗”。
70.chicanery/ ʃɪˏkeɪnərɪ; ʃɪˋkenərɪ/(chicane对…施诡计;欺骗,-ery表示
n. [U] (rare, formal) the use of complicated plans and clever talk in order to deceive people
The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels. Milan 即米兰,意大利北部大城市,拉丁文作Mediolanum,由medio(中间)加lan(平原)构成,意为“平原的中间”,因位于波河流域伦巴第平原之中部而得名。
所谓medium “媒介”就是处于“中间”起作用的角色。 middle school 中,middle的词根 mid 与 med 对应。
71.moiety/ˏmɔɪətɪ; ˋmɔɪətɪ/(最终来自拉丁语medietas “中间,中部;对半”
的宾格medietatem,即moi相当于medi(us) =mid中间,-ety=-ity名词后缀;处于中间→)
n. (law or literary ) a half share(文或律)一半,半份 He has washed the upper moiety.
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第七版(商务印书馆、牛津大学出版社)居然没有收录这个词,《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典》(外研社、剑桥大学出版社)、《柯林斯高阶英汉双解词典》(商务印书馆)也没有收录,看来是真有点难(为大家)啊。 一些人热衷“整形”,知道是哪个词吗?orthodox 是“正统的”,也就是“正确的”“观念”。
paragraph 字面意思是在“旁”边“写”的东西→每个段落开始时要从旁边另起一行写→段落。
orth (o) 直,正(确),矫形,整形
orthopaedics(AmE orthopedics)/ˏɔːθəˏpiːdɪks;ˏɔrθəˋpidɪks/(ortho矫形,整形,paed=ped孩子,-ics…学;畸形特别是孩子中畸形的矫正→) n. 矫形外科;整形外科学
72. orthography/ ɔːˏθɔgrəfɪ; ɔrˋθɑɡrəfɪ/(ortho- 正确,graph写,-y(=-ia)
n. [U] (formal) the system of spelling in a language正字;正字法;拼字法 In dictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography. number 里的 num 意思是“分配”,分配→一部分→数目。
nom分配→分配或指定的东西→ nom(o)- 法 + -y (=-ia)= -nomy 法,法则,学科 num, nom 分配,数,抓取 印欧词根形式为*nem-。
taxonomy 里的 tax(o) 词源上和taxi, tax都没有关系,来自希腊语的taxis,意思是“安排,次序,顺序,趋向性”。
73. taxonomy/ tækˏsɔnəmɪ; tæksˋɑnəmɪ/(taxo 安排,次序,顺序,-nomy 法,
n. 1. [U] the scientific process of CLASSIFYING things (= arranging them into groups) 分类学,分类法
2. [C] a particular system of CLASSIFYING things分类系统
The majority of other books on plant taxonomy are either less concise or more specialized.
Scholars have been laboring to develop a taxonomy of young killers olig-,oligo- 表示 few, little 即“少,寡,缺乏”
Archimedes 即“阿基米德”(约公元前287-前212),古希腊数学家、发明家,发现了阿基米德原理。
Archimedes 的意思是“思考的大师”(master of thought),而 arch 就是“为首的,首要的,主要的”,med 就是“想,考虑”。
architect中的archi- 表示“首要的”,arch- 表示:1、首要的;第一位的;主要的;2、极度的,极端的;3、早期的,最初的,原始的;作为后缀的 -arch 意思为“统治者,领导人”。
arch 开始,统治(者),首要
74. oligarchy/ˏɔlɪgɑːkɪ; ˋɑlɪˏɡɑrkɪ/(olig 寡,少,arch 统治者,-y 名词
n.1. (a) [U] form of government in which a small group of people hold all the power 寡头政治; 寡头统治. (b) [C] these people as a group 寡头统治集团 2. [C] country governed by an oligarchy 寡头统治的国家
Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people's welfare.
有偶像在,可能会有大批人,“偶”像“离”开了,人数就“寡”,拼音 o, li, g 可分别代表“偶”“离”“寡”,放在一起是olig-。
cream 是“奶油,奶油色的”还表示涂抹在“皮肤”上的“乳霜,乳膏”,而希腊语的 khroma 意思是“肤色,面色,颜色,颜料,皮肤,皮肤的颜色”,cream 与 chromo- 是同源的:
chromo- “颜色”“染色质”。
-some 表示“体,染色体”,与thumb词源上相关(Klein 的观点)。
75.chromosome/ˏkrəuməsəum; ˋkroməˏsom/(chromo- 染色质,-some体)
n. (biology 生) a part of every living cell that is shaped like a thread and contains the genes that control the size, shape etc that a plant or animal has 染色体 The X-chromosome has many genes for which there are no paired genes on the Y-chromosome. sex chromosomes
hemo- ,haemo-,haemato- 都是“血”。
76. hemoglobin/ `himə,gloʊbɪn /(来自haematogloulin,haemato 血,glob=globe
球体,球状物,-ule小,-in 蛋白质,globin 球蛋白)
n. a red substance in the blood that contains iron and carries oxygen 血红蛋白 The form of hemoglobin found in muscle fibers, having a higher affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin of the blood. injure, injury 不难吧?
词根 jur 是“法”,injury 的字面意思是:不法即违法行为、不公道,不公正,不正义→损害,伤害。 印欧词根形式为*yewes-“法”。
jury 是“陪审团”,是需要“宣誓,起誓”的,词根表示“法”,“宣誓”了会在法律上被认可,这就是“法”和“宣誓”的联系。
77. abjure/əbˏdʒʊə(r); NAmE əbˏdʒʊr/ (ab- 离开,jur 宣誓,起誓,-e 后缀,
vt. (formal) to promise publicly that you will give up or reject a belief or a way of behaving 公开保证放弃,声明放弃(信念、行为、活动)
He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594. The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.
father 和拉丁语 pater(父亲)常被用来作为 f-p 对应的例子,类似的例子还有 foot 与词根 ped。
拉丁语的 p 对应共同日耳曼语、古英语的 f。
78. impeach/ɪmˏpi:tʃ/(来自后期拉丁语impedicare,im-=on,peach 相当于带
后缀的形式ped-ica 脚镣;上脚镣→阻碍,阻止→)
vt. 1. ~ sb (for sth) (of a court or other official body, especially in the US 法庭或其他官方团体,尤指美国的 ) to charge an important public figure with a serious crime 控告(显要公职人员)犯重大罪行;弹劾 2. (formal) to raise doubts about sth 怀疑
The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money. to impeach sb's motives
possible里,poss 是“能,能够”,与poss相对应的是pot,如potential里的pot。印欧词根形式为poti-=powerful“强有力的,强大的,有能力的”。 pos(s), pot 能,力量,能力,强有力,强大
potent/ˏpəʊtnt; NAmE ˏpoʊ- /(pot 能,能够,起作用,-ent形容词后缀;能起作用的)
a. 1. (药等)效力大的,威力大的; 2. 强有力的,有说服力的;
3.(指男性)有性交能力的; 无阳痿的
79. omnipotent/ɒmˏnɪpətənt; NAmE ɑ:m- / (omni- „all‟ 全,pot能,能力,力
量,-ent形容词后缀;all powerful → )
a. (formal) having total power; able to do anything 万能的;全能的;无所不能的 How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering? Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father.
problem 字面意思是“投在前面”→在前面路上→会成阻碍→问题,其中的bl相当于词根bol。
而 symbol 字面意思是“投(bol)在一起(sym-)” →放在一起可以对照、比较→用来对照、比较的一套东西→ n. 1. 符号,标志;2. 象征
ballet 是“芭蕾”的音译,字面意思“小步舞”,这里的ball字面意思是举手“投”足→跳舞→“舞会”。 ball, bol 扔,投
80. parabola/pəˏræbələ / (para- 旁,bol扔,投,bola来自希腊语bole „a
n. (geometry 几何) a curve like the path of an object thrown into the air and falling back to earth 抛物线
The plane should follow the parabola.
当今,如果某人有很多“牛”,那真的“牛”!因为“牛”代表着“钱,财产”,即使fee “费”,本来指的是“牛,钱”。 pecu 钱,财产,牛,牲畜
印欧词根形式为 *peku-“钱财,动产,牲畜”。
peculiar/ pɪˏkjuːlɪə(r); pɪˋkjuljɚ/(pecu牛,钱→带后缀的形式 peculi(um) 财产,-ar属于…的;属于个人财产的→自己的→) a. 1. 特有的,独具的,独特的;2. 奇怪的,古怪的
81. pecuniary/pɪˏkju:niəri; NAmE -ieri/ (pecu牛→带后缀的形式pecun+ -ia →
pecunia 钱,-ary属于…的,与…有关的)
a. (formal) relating to or connected with money 金钱的;与钱相关的 She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception. pecuniary interest/loss/benefit
full 是“满的”,fill 是“装满,充满”,满当然是“多”,plus 就是要变多→加,加上。
构词成分 poly- 与full, fill, plus 均为同源:满→多。 poly- 多,众,聚,聚合
merit 里的 mer 是“分配”,从分得→应得、获得的东西→长处,优点,价值;功绩,功劳,成绩。
作为构词成分的-mer从“分配”→部分,分→ 【化学】-mer 体,基体
82. polymer/ˏpɒlɪmə(r); NAmE ˏpɑ:l- / (poly-多,聚,聚合,-mer体)
n. (chemistry 化) a natural or artificial substance consisting of large molecules (= groups of atoms) that are made from combinations of small simple molecules 聚合物;多聚体
Many polymers, such as nylon, are artificial. Proteins and DNA are natural polymers.
人名Carl, Charles 的意思是“男人,丈夫(man, husband)”,与 Carl, Charles 同源的churl 在古英语里指“男人,丈夫,下层自由民,农民”,有意思的是,corn “谷物”也属于同源,Carl, Charles,corn 的共同特点是“成熟”。
churl/ tʃɜːl; tʃəl/(churl农民,下层自由民→) n. 粗鲁无礼的人;粗野的人
83. churlish/ˏtʃɜ:lɪʃ; NAmE ˏtʃɜ:rlɪʃ /(churl粗鲁无礼的人,粗野的人,-ish
a. (formal) rude or bad-tempered 粗鲁无礼的;粗野的;脾气坏的 It would be churlish to refuse such a generous offer.
They invited me to dinner and I thought it would be churlish to refuse.
有不少人喜欢带 8(ba)的号码或数字,因为谐音 fa(发),汉语的 b-f 可对应;
拉丁语的 f 对应共同日耳曼语、古英语的 b; 注意汉语的咖啡和咖喱”中“咖”的两种读音。
英语同源词根的 g-k 也是可对应音变的。如 English 与 ankle。 break, frac(t), frag 打破 印欧词根形式为*bhreg-。
汉语里有“吹鼓手”;一起围着桌子吃饭喝酒的时候可以用杯子底部敲击桌面发出一阵“嘈杂声”,suffrage 其实就有着类似的“意境”:
suffrage/ˏsʌfrɪdʒ / suf- 下,frag打破→嘈杂声,-e后缀;在下边发出嘈杂声→喊出赞同即选举→)
n. [U] the right to vote in political elections 选举权;投票权 universal suffrage (= the right of all adults to vote) 普选权
84. suffragist/'sʌfrədʒɪst/(suf- 下,frag打破→嘈杂声,suffrag就是suffrage在
下边发出嘈杂声→喊出赞同即选举→选举权,投票权,-ist 表示人) n. A suffragist is a person who is in favour of women having the right to vote, especially in societies where women are not allowed to vote. (mainly AM) 主张妇女参政权或选举权的人;主张扩大参政权(或选举权)者(尤指主张妇女参政权或选举权)
Suffragist is a more general term for members of suffrage movements, whether radical or conservative, male or female.
American abolitionist and suffragist who refused to pay taxes on her family's farm because she, not having the right to vote, was not represented politically.
rapid 里的词根是 rap“抓,抢”,抢时间的自然是“快的,迅速的”。rape 字面意思是“用力抓住”。
Toronto Raptors 是多伦多猛龙队,raptor 字面意思是抢夺者——猛禽,肉食鸟。 拉丁语 rapare 意思为 “抓住;抢劫;勾引;侵占,据为己有”。
85. usurp/ju:ˏzɜ:p; NAmE -ˏzɜ:rp /(usu 来自拉丁语 usus=use,rp=rap抓,抢;
vt. (formal) to take sb's position and/or power without having the right to do this 篡夺;侵权
The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government.
The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency.
86. winnow/ˏwɪnəʊ; NAmE -noʊ / (词源上winn相当于wind,即winn风
vt. to blow air through grain in order to remove its outer covering (called the chaff ) 簸,扬,风选(以去掉谷壳)
A list of 12 candidates has been winnowed down to a shortlist of three.
87. yeoman/ˏjəʊmən; NAmE ˏjoʊ- /(pl. -men /-mən /)(有可能来自中古英语
yongman 即 young man →仆人,侍者→)
n. 1. (in Britain in the past) a farmer who owned and worked on his land (英国旧时的)自耕农,自由民
2. an officer in the US Navy who does mainly office work (美国海军的)文书军士 另外的观点认为可能来自古英语geaman,gea 表示district, village (区,村),与德语Gau(区)同源。
The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement. Her uncle spend two years on a warship as a yeoman.
thermos 是“保温瓶,热水瓶”,直接借自希腊语thermos热的,是1904年由德国慕尼黑的一位居民想出来的,他赢得了为Reinhold Burger研制出的一种新型家用真空瓶命名的比赛,1907年Thermos有限责任公司成立,1907年3月20日登记为商标名,1963年在美国变成普通名。 thermo- 表示:1. 热;2. 热电的 其实warm 与 thermo- 是同源的。
dynasty 是“王朝,朝代”,而dynast 是“君主,统治者”——拥有绝对“权力”,与自希腊语dynamis(力量,体力,能力,权力)有关。
希腊语dynamis “力量,体力,能力,权力”。 dyna-, dynamo- 表示“力,动力”。
88. thermodynamics /ˏθɜ:məʊdaɪˏnæmɪks; NAmE ˏθɜ:rmoʊ- /(thermo- 热,
n. [U] the science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy 热力学
What light does this discussion throw on the second law of thermodynamics? In thermodynamics we usually deal with functions of two or more variables. infrared 是“红外线的”,infra- 其实与under同源。
89. infrastructure/ˏɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r) /(infra-下,structure结构;处于下部的结
n. [C, U] the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly, for example buildings, transport and water and power supplies (国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设 The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure. The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit. dine,dinner,dinning room都不难吧?
了解dine的构词对理解jejune至关重要! 看看dine的“演变史”吧:
俗拉丁语disjejunare → desjejuner→缩写为desjuner→古法语disner → 中古英语dinen (法语diner)→ dine dine里的ne相当于jejune。
dine/daɪn/(最终来自俗拉丁语disjejunare, di对应 dis- 除去,不,否定,ne对应jejunare „fast‟禁食,斋戒,即to break one's fast,与breakfast是一个意思,即一天中的第一餐——吃早餐→) vt. 进餐
来看看与dine相关的印欧词根: *yag- 崇拜,崇敬,尊敬
带后缀的形式*yag-yu- 对应拉丁语的iaiunus
古英语g/y 对应拉丁语i ,而在中世纪,字母J作为I的变体出现了,也就是说,y可与j,i 对应。
现在再来看 dine 里的第二个成分:
90. jejune/dʒɪˏdʒu:n / (je 相当于*yag崇拜,崇敬 →带后缀的形式*yag-yu-
对应拉丁语的iaiunus 即jejune很虔诚地崇拜家神→罗马的一家之主在吃早饭前先要给罗马家神Penates(珀那忒斯)供奉上一餐的食物,即自己先禁食→禁食的,饥饿的,空肠的→贫乏的→)
a. (formal) 1. too simple 太幼稚的;不成熟的;头脑简单的
2. (of a speech, etc. 演讲等)not interesting 枯燥无味的;单调的;空洞的(肚子里没货的,脑子里“贫乏”→)
We knew we were in for a pretty long, jejune evening.
He made jejune generalizations about how all students were lazy and never did any work.
guest, host 为同源词,“客人”是“陌生人”和“外人”,xeno- 则可能与guest, host 同源,x的发音对应guest中的gs,xeno-是带后缀零级形式(suffixed zero-grade form)的词根 (ghs -en-wo) xeno- 表示:
1. 陌生人,外国人,宾客 2. 异,外来的,陌生的 希腊语φοβος 表示: 1. 恐惧,恐怖,惊恐; 2. 逃跑;
-phobe 就来自希腊语的φοβος,表示:恐惧…的人;憎恶…的人
91. xenophobe /ˏzen.əˏfəʊ.bi.ə/ US /-ˏfoʊ-/(xeno陌生人,外国人,phobe恐
n. A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples. 恐惧外国人(或陌生人、域外事物)的人;憎恶外国人(或陌生人、域外事物)的人
牛津高阶和朗文当代收录了xenophobia,但没有xenophobe 。 -phobic 1. 恐惧…的,憎恶…的;2. 疏…的 -phobia恐惧,憎恶 -phobous 嫌…的,避…的
He was attacked as a racist , xenophobe , and neo nazi .
关于婚姻,可能常听到的一句是是:“婚姻”不是儿“戏”,当然,婚姻里有其游戏规则的,巧的是,表示“婚姻”的表面上看起来还真与“游戏”game很像,gamo-, -gamy 就是与“婚姻”相关的。 -gamy表示: 1. 结婚;
2. 为繁殖(或生殖)而结合; 3.具有…生殖器官; 4. 具有…受精方式
bigamy 不是“二婚”,是同时和“两”个人“结婚”。
一般说来,结婚是两性的结合,所谓“婚”“配”,也是两性间的,而gamete 也是用来“配”的:
bigamy/ˏbɪgəmɪ; ˋbɪɡəmɪ/
n. [U] (crime of) marrying a person when still legally married to someone else 重婚; 重婚罪.
92. gamete/ˏgæmi:t /(game 结婚,性结合,-te=-tes …者;性结合者,交配者
n. (biology 生) a male or female cell that joins with a cell of the opposite sex to form a zygote (= a single cell that develops into a person, animal or plant) 配子(形成受精卵的精子或卵子)
The other male gamete fuses with the secondary nucleus, forming the primary endosperm nucleus.
booty/ˏbuːtɪ; ˋbutɪ/(法语为butin,来自中古低地德语būte,中古高地德语为biute
现代德语为Beute,荷兰语为buit,booty 受boot的拼写影响,-y因类比其它以-y, -ty结尾的词而形成)
n .[U] things taken by thieves or captured from an enemy in war; loot; plunder 赃物; 战利品; 掠夺物.
法语butin 意思为“战利品,赃物,掠夺物”
freebooter /ˏfriːbuːtə US -ər/(来自荷兰语vrijbuiter,因v-f 对应,vrij= free ,buit= booty ,freeboot 得到免费的战利品→做海盗,抢劫,-er …者) n. 战争掠夺者;劫掠者;海盗
93. filibuster /ˏfɪlɪbʌstə(r) /(荷兰语 vrijbuite,法语是法语flibustier“(17、18
n. (especially NAmE) a long speech made in a parliament in order to delay a vote (议会中为拖延表决的)冗长演说
v. to try to delay action in Congress or another law-making group by making very long speeches
Conceivably, supporters of the law could filibuster to prevent it from being revised. A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska. Senator Seymour has threatened a filibuster to block the bill.
94. bowdlerize, bowdlerize /ˏbaʊdləraɪz / (来自英国编辑Thomas Bowdler,他于1818年出版了The Family Shakespeare,即莎士比亚全集删节本,删除了一些他认为不适合在家庭里大声读的词语,后来由他的姓氏产生了新词→) vt. (usually disapproving) to remove the parts of a book, play, etc. that you think are likely to shock or offend people 删改(认为书或戏剧等中有伤风化或有冒犯性的部分);鲍德勒化
The version of the play that I saw had been dreadfully bowdlerized.
I'm bowdlerizing it — just slightly changing one or two words so listeners won't be upset.
Gerry 是Gerald的昵称,意思为spear ruler 长矛统治者,这里的ger 与Oscar(古英语为Osgar= os „a god‟ + gar „spear‟)里的car, garlic的gar 同源。 salamander/ˏsæləmændə(r); ˋsæləˏmændɚ/(源自希腊语,进一步的来源不确定)
n. 蝾螈(一种形似蜥蜴的小型两栖动物)
95. gerrymander (also jerrymander ) /ˏdʒerimændə(r) / (来自马萨诸塞州
(Massachusetts)州长Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander。1812年Elbridge Gerry为其所属政党的私利重新划分该州选区后,其中Essex County形如蝾螈→) vt. (disapproving) to change the size and borders of an area for voting in order to give an unfair advantage to one party in an election 不公正地改划(选区),不公正地划分(选区)(为使某政党获得优势)
The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering. Another law will gerrymander parliament in its favor.
“莞”尔一笑与广东的东“莞”里,“莞”的读音分别为 wan 与 guan,可以看出,w 与 gu对应,w 也与 g 对应。
日耳曼语(英、德、荷、挪威、丹麦等)以W开头的,在罗曼语(法、意、西班牙、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚等)里会变成 G 或GU。 有必要看一下walk的解释:
wal的扩展词根 walk 滚→滚动,漂洗→很早的时候漂洗毛毡、布时不仅要滚动,还要用脚踩→走
walk与 VOLVO是有关系的。
96. gauche/gəʊʃ; NAmE goʊʃ / (这个词来自两个词的缩合:古法语guenchir +
gauchier ,古法语guenchir “使倾斜,转向,从或使从正轨偏向一边”,guenchir中最后的-ir是动词后缀,词根意思为“弯,曲”,与wink同源,眼睑弯曲下来就是“眨眼”,gu-w对应,e-i 对应,ch-k对应;古法语gauchier “缩(呢绒),漂洗”,与walk同源。gauchier中的gauch对应walk,词根滚→滚动,漂洗→很早的时候漂洗毛毡、布时不仅要滚动,还要用脚踩,踏→走,古法语guenchir + gauchier:走歪,走偏,笨拙地走路 → gauchir 翘曲,弯曲,变形 →gauche左手的,笨拙的,呆笨的→)
a. awkward when dealing with people and often saying or doing the wrong thing 笨拙的;不善社交的;不老练的
She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman. She was a rather gauche, provincial creature. a gauche schoolgirl/manner
97.hubris/ˏhju:brɪs /(来自希腊语,第一个成分hu可能代表up, out“上,外”,
如果是这样,也与out同源,bri可能代表heavy, violent重的,猛烈的,暴力的,强暴的,那样就可能与压强单位bar(巴)、gravity等有关。在希腊语里表示“狂妄行为,暴行,淫荡,放纵”→)
n. [U] (literary) the fact of sb being too proud. In literature, a character with this pride ignores warnings and laws and this usually results in their downfall and death. 傲慢;狂妄
He was punished for his hubris.
Among bankers I meet there is a lot more hubris than humility.
word 这个词里,wor 是词根,表示“说”,印欧词根是*wer-,irony 里的 ir 是其同源词根,只不过开始的w没有了:
98. irony/ˏaɪrəni/ (ir=wer说→iron说话者(正在说话的)→掩饰想法者,-y
n. (pl. -ies ) 1. [U, C] the amusing or strange aspect of a situation that is very different from what you expect; a situation like this (出乎意料的)奇异可笑之处;有讽刺意味的情况
2. [U] the use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, often as a joke and with a tone of voice that shows this 反语;反话
The irony is that when he finally got the job, he discovered he didn't like it. There was a note of irony in his voice. She said it without a hint/trace of irony .
sanguine 这个词属于少数难于找到简单同源词且拆分对记忆帮助不大的。
99. sanguine/ˏsæŋgwɪn /(拉丁语sanguis 血液;生命活力,精力,所有格词干
sanguin血的,-e=-eous …属性的;血的,血红色的→中世纪生理学认为四种体液可决定人的性格,血液是占主导地位的体液,血红的即红润脸庞的人具有勇敢、充满希望的性格特征→)
a. ~ (about sth) (formal) cheerful and confident about the future 充满信心的;乐观的 They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects. He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved.
100. ziggurat/ˏzɪgəræt /(来自Akkadian 即阿卡得语“高”)
n. in ancient Mesopotamia, a tower with steps going up the sides, sometimes with a temple at the top 塔庙,庙塔(古代美索不达米亚的阶梯式金字塔形建筑) Only the king and priests could enter a ziggurat.
最正宗的构词分析记忆效率也是最高的,这是任何大仙也否认不了的。 最理想的联想是:无限接近词本来的定义:如:gay “哥(g)们爱(a)爷(y)们”。
至此,【检验美国高中生英文水平的100个单词】词源解析全部完成,对词源解析之三中的第27个词也做了修改,因本来是 notarize(而不是 notary),链接为:
——总 结 篇
袁 新 民
检验美国高中生英文水平的100个单词中,真正找不到简单同源词或不可分解的似乎就 sanguine 和ziggurat 两个词,如果再狠点,也不会超过10个
100个词所涉及的前缀有27个,后缀 38个;词根108个,而学习、熟悉了这100词的构词成分、构词解析,收获将是巨大的
词的难易是相对的,一个很重要的因素就是构词知识掌握得如何。 希望这个总结篇给更多人以信心。 一、前缀类(27个) 1. ab-,abs-, 2. ante- , 3. be-
4. co-,con-
5. contro-, contra-, 6. de-
7. dif-( dis-) 8. ex-,e-, ef-, 9. en- 10. epi- ,
11. homo-, 12. hypo-, 13. im-, 14. in-, 15. infra-, 16. inter- ,
17. met-,meta-, 18. olig-,oligo- 19. omni- , 20. ob- , 21. para-, 22. pre-, 23. pro-, 24. re- , 25. sub-, 26. super-, 27. syn- ,
二、后缀类(38个) 28. -a, 29. -an, 30. -ar, 31. -arian, 32. -ary, 33. -ate, 34. -ation, 35. -ent,
36. -ery, 37. -esce, 38. -ex, 39. -ian, 40. -ible, 41. -ic, 42. -ics 43. -ion, 44. -ise,-ize 45. -ish, 46. -ism, 47. -ist , 48. -ite, 49. -ity 50. -less, 51. -ma, 52. -mer, 53. -mony, 54. -ose, 55. -osis; 56. -ous; 57. -some 58. -t,
59. -te=-tes …, 60. -ter , 61. -tor, 62. -ule,
63. -um, 64. -ure; 65. -y
三、词根类(108) 66. ac, oxy, 67. act,ag,ig
68. arch,archi- ,-arch,69. au,av, 70. auto, 71. ball, bol, 72. bell,
73. break, frac(t), frag, 74. buster(booter), 75. cal, 76. calc, 77. chican,
78. chromo- , 79. churl, 80. cid,
81. cil, col, ceal, hall, hell, 82. cipit,capit 83. circ, circum- 84. cla, 85. del, 86. di,
87. dic, dict, dig, 88. dyna-,dynam, 89. equi, 90. eur(=eury) 91. fac ,fect
92. fac(is),
93. facet(us) , 94. fatu,
95. fid, fed, faith, 96. fili(free),
97. french franch, frank, 98. -gamy,game , 99. gauch, 100. gen(e), 101. ger , 102. glob,
103. graph,-graphy,
104. hemo- ,haemo-,haemato- 105. hil, 106. ir, 107. je , 108. jug, 109. jur , 110. kine,
111. kno(w), gn(o), no(t), 112. lax,
113. lect, lex, -logy, 114. locut,loqu, 115. lug ,
116. medi,mid, 117. met
118. mit(os), 119. morph, 120. nano, 121. nav,
122. ne 123. nerv 124. ni-,
125. nomen, 126. not, 127. nox,
128. num, nom(-nomy), 129. olig, 130. op, 131. orth (o) 132. paed=ped 133. par, pair, 134. pecu, 135. ped,
136. phan,phen,
137. -phobe,-phobic ,-phobia,-phobous, 138. photo- ,
139. plac, plag, pla,
140. plas, plasmo-, plasm-, -plasm 141. pol, 142. poly-, 143. pot, 144. pur
145. qua,quo,quot,quasi- 146. righ(t), reg, rog, rect 147. rog, 148. rp(=rap),
149. sanguin,
150. sec, sec(t),sequ(i) , 151. sec, soc, secu, sequ, 152. seek, sak, heg, 153. soli- , 154. spic 155. spir,
156. star, ster, ast(e)r ,stell, 157. struct, 158. taxo, 159. tem, 160. temp, 161. ten,
162. text, techn, tect, 163. the, 164. thermo-, 165. total
166. unct(u) , 167. usu(=use) 168. vers,vert,
169. wan(t), van, vain, vac, 170. way, vey, veh, 171. winn(wind) 172. work 173. xeno-
- 主编Steven Kleinedler abjure
auspicious belie
chromosome churlish
equinox euro
expurgate fatuous
filibuster gamete gauche
homogeneous hubris
interpolate irony jejune kinetic kowtow
laissez faire lexicon
metamorphosis mitosis moiety
nanotechnology nihilism
orthography oxidize
plagiarize plasma
precipitous quasar
taxonomy tectonic
unctuous usurp
vehement vortex winnow
abjure 发誓放弃
abrogate 废除
abstemious 节省的 有节制的
acumen 聪明/敏锐
antebellum 战争前的
auspicious 吉利的
belie 掩饰/违背/使失望
bellicose 好战的
bowdlerize 删除文句 删改
chicanery 欺诈/狡辩
chromosome 染色体
churlish 无礼的/脾气暴躁的
circumlocution 迂回之辞
circumnavigate 环航
deciduous 落叶的
deleterious 有毒的
diffident 羞怯的 缺乏自信的
enervate a./v. 衰弱 无力
enfranchise 给予选举权
epiphany 主显节(纪念来拜访婴儿时基督的那三个长老,一月六号,圣诞节后十二天)
equinox 春分秋分
显现 euro 欧元
evanescent 易逝的
expurgate 删除
fatuous 昏庸的
feckless 无力气的 软弱的
fiduciary 受托人
filibuster 阻碍议案通过的人/发言等
gamete 生殖细胞
gauche 笨拙的
gerrymander 不公平地重新划分选区
hegemony 霸权
hemoglobin 血红蛋白
homogeneous 同一的 均匀的
hubris 傲慢
hypotenuse 直角三角形的斜边
impeach 弹劾
incognito 匿名隐身
incontrovertible 无可争议的
inculcate 教育 灌输
infrastructure 基础设施
interpolate 篡改
irony 讽刺
jejune 枯燥无味的 缺乏营养的
kinetic 运动的
kowtow 叩头 磕头
laissez faire 自由放任
lexicon 词典 辞典
loquacious 饶舌的 多话的
lugubrious 悲惨的 悲哀的 阴郁的
metamorphosis 变形
mitosis 有丝分裂
moiety 一部分
nanotechnology 纳米技术
nihilism 虚无主义
nomenclature 术语 命名法
nonsectarian 无宗派的
notarize 确认 证明
obsequious 谄媚的
oligarchy 寡头政治
omnipotent 无所不能的 全能的
orthography 正字法
oxidize 氧化
parabola 抛物线
paradigm 范例 典范
parameter 参数
pecuniary 金钱的
photosynthesis 光合作用
plagiarize 剽窃
plasma 等离子 血浆
polymer 聚合物
precipitous 鲁莽的 险峻的
quasar 类星体
quotidian 每天的 司空见惯的
recapitulate 概括 重述要点
reciprocal 互惠的 相互的 倒数
reparation 赔偿 修理
respiration 呼吸
sanguine 乐观的 血红色的 面色红润的
soliloquy 独白
subjugate 征服
suffragist 主张妇女参政权者
supercilious 目空一切的
tautology 同义重复
taxonomy 分类学
tectonic 构造的 建筑的
tempestuous 暴风雨的 暴乱的
thermodynamics 热力学
totalitarian 集权主义的/者
unctuous 虚情假意的 油性的
usurp 篡夺
vacuous 空虚的 空的
vehement 激烈的
vortex 涡流
winnow 扬谷 筛选
wrought 加工的 锻造的 工作
xenophobe 仇外
yeoman 自耕农
ziggurat 塔庙 金字形神塔