


  Shennongjia is located in the western border of Hubei Province, borderingBaokang County of Hubei Province in the East, Wushan County of Chongqing City inthe west, Xingshan and Badong in the south, Fangxian and Zhushan in the northand Wudang in the north. It spans 109 ° 56 ′ - 110 ° 58 ′ E and 31 ° 15 ′ - 31 °75 ′ n, covering a total area of 3253 square kilometers. It governs four towns,four townships, one Forestry Administration Bureau (National Forest Park) andone National Nature Reserve The total population is 80000. It is the onlyadministrative region named "forest region" in China.

  In ancient times, Shennongjia area was still a vast ocean, which wasuplifted into multi-level land by the Yanshan and Himalayan orogeny, and becamethe remnant of Daba East extension. The mountain ranges extend from east to westand gradually decrease from south to north. Most of the peaks are over 1500meters above sea level, of which more than 20 are over 2500 meters above sealevel. Shennongding, the highest peak in Central China, is 3105.4 meters abovesea level. The southwest Shizhu river is 398 meters above sea level, which isthe lowest point of Shennongjia. The relative height difference between thehighest point and the lowest point is 2707.4 meters.

  Shennongjia is the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Han River.There are four water systems in Shennongjia: Xiangxi River, Yandu River, NanheRiver and Duhe river. As the region is located in the mid latitude northsubtropical monsoon region, the temperature is cool and rainy, and the seasonaldifference is 3-4 days for every 100 m elevation rise. "At the foot of themountain in midsummer, at the top of the mountain in spring, at the foot of themountain in autumn, at the top of the mountain in ice, red, orange, yellow andgreen are not enough, spring, summer, autumn and winter are the most difficultto separate" is a true portrayal of the climate in Shennongjia. Due to thealternating influence of the humid and hot southeast monsoon and the dry andcold continental high pressure, as well as the regulation of heat andprecipitation by alpine forests, a pleasant climate without extreme heat insummer and severe cold in winter is formed. Shennongjia is a cool world when itis hot in summer in southern cities.

  The unique geographical environment and three-dimensional microclimate makeShennongjia a transitional area of plant species between the north and the southof China and a cross area of many animals. Shennongjia has more than 3700 kindsof plants (730 kinds of fungi, 190 kinds of lichens, 290 kinds of ferns, 30kinds of gymnosperms, 2430 kinds of angiosperms, and more than 4000 kinds ofbryophytes), 40 of which are under the state key protection; There are more than1050 kinds of animals (more than 70 kinds of mammals, more than 300 kinds ofbirds, more than 20 kinds of amphibians, more than 40 kinds of reptiles, morethan 40 kinds of fish, more than 560 kinds of insects), of which 70 kinds areunder the state key protection. It covers almost all the animal and plantspecies from Mohe in the north, Xishuangbanna in the south, central Japan in theEast and Himalayas in the West.

  Shennongjia is the only well preserved oasis in inland China and the onlygreen treasure land in the middle latitudes of the world. It has the only intactsubtropical forest ecosystem in the middle latitudes of the world. It is themost characteristic monopolistic world-class tourism resources. The flora isrich and colorful. The ancient, unique and rare fir, the simple tulip rockcypress, the elegant Thoreau, the elegant Davidia involucrata, and the exclusivehemlock are luxuriant Golden monkey, white bear, Sumen antelope, giantsalamander, white stork, white crane, Golden Eagle and other animals and birdsinfest the grass and the forest. Everything is so harmonious, peaceful, free andserene.

  There are also beautiful and ancient legends and simple and mysterious folkcustoms here. Human and nature together constitute the primitive ecological andcultural circle of mountains in the mainland of China. The legend of Shennong'stasting grass and collecting herbs, the mystery of "savage", the myth epic ofthe Han nationality, the ancient salt road of Sichuan and Hubei, the marriagecustoms of Tujia, and the charm of mountain and countryside all have fascinatingalluring power. Here are magnificent mountains, clear springs and wonderfulscenery. Shennongding is located in the "No.1 peak in Central China", and thescenic valley ranks among the "No.1 scenic spot in Shennong"; Hongping Canyon,guanmenhe Canyon, jiadaohe Canyon and yemahe canyon are magnificent; YinyuRiver, Yandu River, Xiangxi River and Dajiuhu lake are magnificent; The SwallowCave, the hot and cold cave, the ice cave in midsummer, the Chaoshui cave withthree tides in a day, and the Qianyu cave with thundering fish are amazing; theflowing springs and waterfalls, the sea of clouds and the Buddha's light are allgrand views.
